
Heat stroke - symptoms, consequences, first aid

Heat stroke, the symptoms of which can range from mild to extremely severe, develops as a result of a disturbance in the body of the function of thermoregulation. The sunstroke is a kind of heat, it arises from a prolonged stay under the scorching rays of the sun. Their symptoms are identical: a disorder of the brain and cardiovascular system, manifested by a deterioration in overall well-being, headache, palpitations and nausea. With a stronger overheating, reddening of the skin is also observed (with a sunstroke - mostly faces), dizziness, vomiting, darkening in the eyes, dyspnea. Children may experience nasal bleeding. Thermal and solar strikes at this stage require urgent medical attention: the pulse and breathing of a person increase, the body temperature rises to 39-40 degrees. In severe cases, loss of consciousness may occur , convulsions or hallucinations may occur. The skin of the victim turns pale. At this stage, a lethal outcome is possible (up to 30% of cases).

If there is a suspected sun or heat stroke, the symptoms of which may initially be negligible, the victim should be provided with cooling and fresh air. If the misfortune happened on the beach - it is transferred to the shade, if in an enclosed space - it must be taken out or carried out to the air or planted (placed) near an open window, fan or air conditioner, by pouring cool water. It is necessary to unbutton the collar on his clothes, loosen the strap - this will increase the access of oxygen.

With nausea, weakness and dizziness, the injured, even conscious, it is better to assume a horizontal position. Under the head, you can put, for example, a bag or folded clothes. It is necessary to watch, that he, in case of vomiting, does not choke. You need to call a doctor as soon as possible.

Cooling the body is provided with the help of cool compresses - they are put on the forehead and the back of the head. If possible, it is necessary to pour the body of the victim cold (but not cold!) With water: the temperature should be at least 18 degrees. To bring him into consciousness will help ammonia. Prior to the arrival of the ambulance, the victim needs to ensure complete peace. Heat stroke, the symptoms of which are quite dangerous, can cause respiratory arrest. In this case, resuscitation should begin : artificial lung ventilation by the mouth-to-mouth method.

To avoid sunstroke, be sure to put on a hat in the heat. In the summer, do not be under the sun in the daytime: it's better to leave the beach until 11 am, and return - only after five in the evening. Do not sunbathe long in the first days after coming to rest - let the body cope with acclimatization. If you need to leave the house in the heat, wear light-colored clothes, made of natural fabrics. Avoid wearing tight things.

To prevent heat stroke, the symptoms of which are extremely unpleasant and serious enough, it is necessary, whenever possible, to avoid excessive physical exertion in hot weather. In closed rooms it is necessary to ensure a constant air circulation. In the heat, one should not eat fat and spicy food, and portions must be reduced: the body already has a serious load. He tries to regulate this process on his own - many noticed that in hot weather you absolutely do not want to eat. The food should be easy, and the food should be well absorbed. It is necessary to limit the consumption of alcohol, especially strong.

In the heat it is necessary to drink a lot: mineral water, cold tea with lemon, juices and fruit drinks, compotes from dried fruits will suit. Sweet, fizzy drinks are better restricted: because of the high sugar content, they are not able to quench their thirst properly, but to add a couple of extra pounds, with excessive use, is quite. With these simple recommendations, the symptoms of a heat stroke, as well as a solar one, will bypass you.

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