HomelinessPest Control

Head and lingerie lice, as well as methods to combat them

Native or wardrobe, clothing or linen lice are insects of light gray color, which are the largest human lice. In size, they are not very large. The female can reach 2.2-4.7 millimeters in length. Males of these insects have a shorter length - up to 3.7 millimeters. From head lice, their liner brethren differ in that they have long and thin tendrils, and the edges of the abdominal segments are smoothed and do not have deep cuttings.

Their habitat is the human underwear, especially its folds. Here they live, feed and reproduce. The females lay eggs and attach them to the clothing strings using a special adhesive substance. They are quite prolific. For its not very long life, one lingerie louse can put up to three hundred eggs, which in a week will turn into new "inhabitants of the colony." And this is fraught with not only unpleasant sensations for their master, but also an opportunity to get infected with such diseases as trench Volyn fever, recurrent or typhus.

It is usually believed that lice carriers are people who are not absolutely hygienic, such as homeless people. But among the quite prosperous population, these parasites take root too. Head and linen lice do not know how to fly, jump or run. They can only get on a new medium with direct contact. This can happen if you use charged things. These include towels, hats, bed linens or even combs. It is possible in such public places as swimming pools, baths, saunas and other similar. It is enough to sleep in bed, in which the lice-infected person was previously, and pediculosis is provided to you. Most of all it concerns children. They interact more closely with their peers in schools, kindergartens or day nurseries. And children have the most chances of getting lingerie or head lice.

The fact that a person has become infected with lice can be identified by such symptoms as severe itching. If head lice, it will scratch the occipital part of the head and behind the ears. And if a person is overpowered with linen lice, then there will be pruritic places where clothing is very tight to the body. From constant carding may appear furuncles, pustules and other unpleasant consequences. In a patient with pediculosis, appetite and sleep disappear.

After such symptoms it becomes clear that the person has headaches or lingerie lice. How to get rid of them - this question arises immediately. Normal washing or washing your head here will not help. For deducing head lice, there is a radical way - to shave his head naked. This will, of course, bring some discomfort, especially for the female population. But it will help to solve the problem. There are also many other remedies that allow you to get rid of lice that have settled in your head. This is folk and scientific means. Each pharmacy sells various ointments, aerosols or shampoos that are suitable for this. For example, you can take crooked water. This is a cheap and effective tool.

And to solve a question with clothes louses by means of washing usual washing powder hardly it will turn out. In this case, all clothing and linen require careful boiling and steam treatment. Then these clothes need at least a week to dry in the sun in a room that is ventilated or just on the street. Before washing, things can be treated with some kind of insecticide for fidelity and allowed to soak for several hours. Then after the clothes have dried, it can be ironed properly for preventive purposes. In particular, attention should be paid to folds and seams.

But pediculosis, like any other disease, is easier to prevent than treat. To linen lice are not wound up, you need to observe personal hygiene. For this you need to wash regularly and change clothes as often as possible. It is desirable to wash the laundry at high temperature and iron well, especially the seams. These parasites can live without food for more than a week. Therefore, the things that have been infected should not be used for at least two weeks. This time is enough to completely get rid of lice.

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