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HCG with a stale pregnancy - why is it so important?

If during pregnancy there are suspicions of impaired development of the fetus, the doctor urgently appoints the definition of this hormone. Why is it precisely the determination of what the level of hCG in a frozen pregnancy plays such a role in clarifying the diagnosis? Let's see what kind of indicator it is, and why it is given such importance.

The development of this hormone begins with the introduction of a fertilized fetal egg into the uterine wall. The hormone is produced by the envelope of the fetal egg, or chorion. Its role is to increase the production of progesterone, the main hormone responsible for the development of the fetus. It is known that the content of hCG during frozen pregnancy ceases to increase and even decreases in comparison with what it was in its normal development. But before talking about this, let's see how the level of the hormone changes during the course of a normal pregnancy.

All known home tests for determining pregnancy are based on the definition of hCG. The hormone rises to a level that gives a positive result on the test strip, already in the interval from the third to the fifth day from the delay of the monthly. The appearance of the hormone in the urine is preceded by its rise in the blood. The norms of the hormone in the blood can be different in different laboratories, so it is better not to stop on specific figures, they may differ. Interpretation of indicators is better to entrust to the doctor or laboratory assistant, especially if the hCG is determined in the case of a dead pregnancy.

With a normally developing pregnancy, the level of the hormone in the blood and urine constantly increases. It can be determined 8-14 days after conception. Beginning with the third week of pregnancy, hCG grows particularly fast, doubling every two days. From 12 to 22 weeks the rate of his growth slows down. Since the second half of pregnancy, the hormone again grows, but already slower. Physicians are always alarmed by the slow growth of hCG in comparison with the norm. With a frozen pregnancy, this leads to the use of ultrasound and other studies.

Disorders in the development of the fetus are associated with various causes. First of all, these are genetic disorders of the fetus, then - hormonal and autoimmune disorders in the body of a pregnant woman. Viral infections, especially influenza, genital infections, various toxic effects (alcohol, smoking, drugs) can be the cause of frozen pregnancy. The fetus is particularly prone to harmful effects at the 8th week of development. Regardless of what causes the disorder, hCG in the dead pregnancy stops growing. Then his level begins to decrease.

Determine it must be in the blood. This is due to the fact that the level of the hormone in the urine for several days (from 5 to 7) can remain unchanged. The test will be positive, that is, we will see two strips on it.

Blood must be taken on an empty stomach in the morning. The day before the study of blood should be eliminated physical activity. If a woman takes hormonal drugs, she should tell your doctor and laboratory assistant about it.

The amount of hCG when a pregnant woman is stopped is compared with the indicator that was at the previous blood surrender. Knowing it, you can calculate what should be the level of the hormone at the moment. Hence it is clear why this study is so often prescribed even during normal pregnancy. Negative research on hCG becomes only after complete detachment of the fetal egg. Sometimes the hormone is detected in small amounts in the period up to 2 weeks after detachment.

If there was a frozen pregnancy, this does not mean that the woman can not have children at all. At the next pregnancy, a healthy child may well be born. This is proven by obstetric practice. Just for the next pregnancy a woman should better prepare, give rest to her body, pay special attention to her health. Be calm and confident, and you will succeed!

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