
Have removed a tooth of wisdom, how much will the jaw hurt?

Wisdom teeth bring little joy, although the people called them pretty beautiful. Dentists are often advised to get rid of them, in order to avoid further problems. So do not be upset if you have removed the wisdom tooth. How much will hurt after this wound, depends on many factors. To understand them, you need to have an idea of the nature of these teeth and the features of their removal.

Why the teeth were called wise

Now it is not a secret for anyone that the formation of bone tissue in humans ends in about 25 years. By this time, they have time to occupy the position they place in their mouths and successfully work for the benefit of their master all the molars. All except the last in a row, the eighth in a row (if conventionally divided by a vertical line of the jaw into two equal halves). The "Eights" appear so late that they were called wisdom teeth, because a person by the age of 25 already had time to gain life experience. Physicians call them the third molars, that is, the third root chewing. By the way, there are cases when the wisdom teeth grow only to 40 years old or do not grow at all. For a few lucky people, they live in their mouths till old age, they chew food properly, help with prosthetics. To all the rest, which, unfortunately, the majority, the third molars bring a lot of trouble. Some wonder why our intelligent organism allows the existence of such dysfunctional teeth, which generally should not be. Unfortunately, the G8 was inherited from our very distant ancestors who ate rough food. Their jaws were wider, and their "extra" teeth did not interfere with them. Now our diet has changed significantly, resulting in less jaws. So there is nothing wrong with removing the wisdom tooth. How much will the gum hurt and if only the gum? Why there are complications and who is to blame for this?

Features of third molars

Most often the tooth is to blame. The fact is that the last molars appear, when they no longer have places in the jaw. But it's necessary to erupt somewhere. That's how wisdom teeth grow obliquely and at random, destroying the standing "seven" next to them, traumatizing the cheek, changing the bite, causing caries and a lot of other problems. Curl they can in any direction - to the adjacent tooth, towards the cheek, tongue, under the slope and even completely horizontally. The latter option is particularly problematic. After the wisdom tooth has been removed, how much the wound will hurt, the gum, the adjacent areas, largely depends on the position of the tooth in the mouth. More often unpleasant sensations last 5-7 days. But if before removal there was a purulent inflammation of tissues nearby to a tooth, the soreness lasts much longer.

On whether the tooth is removed in the upper or lower jaw, the duration of pain also depends. This is due to the fact that in the upper jaw for the third molars a little more space than in the lower one. Therefore they grow there more often evenly or at a small angle, which facilitates the task for both the dentist and the patient. Also in the upper jaw more convenient access for the doctor's work. In the lower jaw bone is thick enough, wisdom teeth often grow quite wrong, and removal is almost always difficult. Therefore, in this case, the question: "If you removed the wisdom tooth, how much will it hurt?" - The answer is not quite comforting. Sometimes this process is delayed up to two weeks.

Simple removal

Depending on the nature and place of tooth growth, on the number of roots it can have (from the third molars it can be from 2 to 5), from the previous operation of the tooth state and surrounding tissues, removal can be simple (ordinary) and difficult. And before, and before the other, X-rays are necessarily performed.

Deletion is considered to be simple when:

- a tooth or at least part of it appeared from the gum;

- the molar grows evenly or with a slight inclination;

- there are no twisted, curved roots in the object being removed;

- the patient does not have purulent inflammation of the gum or hood of wisdom tooth (pericoronitis).

Of course, if in that case the wisdom tooth is removed, the gum is hurt, and sometimes the cheek, because the tissues are injured. Unpleasant sensations start after the action of anesthesia passes. Usually the doctor advises the patient to drink an analgesic and lie down quietly. Rinses during this period are strictly prohibited, so as not to remove from the wound a blood clot. Otherwise, the alveolitis (dry hole disease) may begin. It is characterized by fever, acute pain and inflammation. A hot water bottle is not strictly forbidden! As a rule, the main problems after simple removal end already on 2-3 days. But if after the wisdom tooth has been removed, the gum hurts more than 3 days, and the intensity of pain increases, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible. Sometimes the pain in the gum is associated with the cyst present in it, and not with the transferred operation, but only a specialist can determine it.

Complex removal

Unfortunately, getting rid of the third molar is not always easy. More often the tooth makes the doctor and the patient suffer. A complex deletion is considered if:

- the wisdom tooth (especially in the lower jaw) is located under a large slope or horizontally;

It can not erupt, that is, it remains in the gum;

- the tissues around the tooth are inflamed, especially if there is an abscess.

In the first and second cases, anesthesia before surgery is more severe. The doctor makes the patient gum incision, and sometimes even hollows out the jaw bone to get close to the tooth. It is removed by parts, and sometimes it is necessary to drill it, divide into separate parts, hollow out. At the end of all these manipulations, it is necessary to check the hole for the presence of the remaining pieces in it. Finally, a tampon with a medicine is applied to the wound, which the patient should spit out after 10-15 minutes. If this is how the wisdom tooth was removed, how much the jaw will ache, depends on the individual characteristics of the patient's body to recover. It is clear that with such removal, significant damage affects both soft and bone tissues. After the operation, severe pain in the wound, sometimes in the adjacent teeth, even in the throat and ear, is common. Some patients experience a rise in temperature and numbness in parts of the lips, chin, and tongue. To speed up the healing process, the doctor almost always prescribes antibiotics. If after a tooth of wisdom has been removed in this way, the cheek is swollen, this is considered the norm. Approximately on 3-5 day and a tumescence, and a numbness should pass or take place. But if the swelling builds up, at the same time, difficulties begin with breathing, swallowing, a rash appears on the body, you should immediately contact the doctors.


If the upper wisdom tooth has been removed, and the operation has passed easily and quickly, complications are rare. But in such cases, in some patients, the temperature may slightly increase (to about 37.5-37.7 degrees Celsius). This is considered an acceptable protective reaction of the body to tissue trauma. The intake of antipyretics in this situation is rarely prescribed. As a rule, the temperature reaches the norm by the end of the second day without medication. If the bottom wisdom tooth was removed and the temperature rose, plus the cheek swelled and the wound bleeds, too, do not panic. And after such an operation, everything must pass for a day or two (provided that the healing is normal). But there are situations when complications occur during the recovery of the injured area, requiring the intervention of the attending physician. If after a wisdom tooth is removed, the temperature lasts for several days, if it increases dynamically, if it suddenly appears a couple of days after the surgery, it can mean:

- infection of the wound;

- inflammation develops;

- In the wound there is an extraneous object (a piece of tooth, root, fragment of a tampon);

- alveolitis (inflammation of the socket);

- allergic reaction;

- traumatizing the adjacent tooth with the removed tooth (especially in its root part);

- infringement of a nerve.

How the third molar and the ENT organs are connected

In the practice of dentists, patient complaints are frequent that after they have been removed wisdom tooth, sore throat, it became difficult to swallow. This is because the roots of the "eights" are often located in the immediate vicinity of the trigeminal nerve. If the operation was affected or later inflamed, soreness is noted in the throat. In some situations, unpleasant sensations in the ENT organs after tooth extraction are a symptom of the beginning of the alveolitis, especially if there is a fever. It is often the patient who is to blame for this, removing the blood clot from the hole with rinses or other actions.

There are times when it disturbs not only the throat, but also the ear, jaw, healthy teeth, neck, even the breast after the wisdom tooth has been removed. How much the jaw and ENT organs will hurt, depends on the capabilities of the body and on the correctness of the patient's behavior. The patient should strictly follow the doctor's instructions and do not treat at his discretion, because it is not uncommon for the pains in the ENT organs to be caused by a non-transferred operation, and the beginning cold.


Third molars, as they are chewing teeth, are almost always large in size. Therefore, even if the wisdom tooth is removed in the simplest way, the hole or hole remains significant. In some cases, even stitches are applied. Threads are used as absorbable and non-absorbable. If before the operation there was a cyst in the region of the roots of the "eight" or purulent inflammation, the hole is left open. Over time, it tightens, the gum area is restored and ceases to bother. In difficult manipulations with the dissection of the gum or with gouging of the jaw bone, the seams are necessarily superimposed.

Many worry if they have stitches after the wisdom tooth has been removed, how much this place heals. Of course, the process of tissue repair in this case will be more prolonged, and if the seam threads are not absorbable, you will have to visit the dentist once again to remove them. But you still do not need to get upset. The main thing is to make sure that there is no inflammation and suppuration in the seam area.


Sometimes the third molar can have its own hood. It is nothing more than a gum site, a fold overhanging the tooth that began to erupt. There is nothing good in this, since with this "design" something is formed of a type of pocket in which food particles remain, very difficult to remove. Those that can not be cleaned out, begin to rot gradually, providing an excellent environment for the development of bacteria. They, in turn, contribute to the development of inflammatory processes and the appearance of caries. Symptoms of this phenomenon are as follows:

- unpleasant odor from the mouth, despite careful treatment;

- soreness in the place of teething;

Swollen gums and cheeks;

- Discomfort from sensation of presence in a mouth of an extraneous subject.

The correct solution to the problem is the clipping of the hood, and often the disposal of the tooth. If only the hood is removed from the wisdom tooth, then the doctor found it right to save the third molar. This is done in situations where the G-8 is perfectly healthy, does not interfere with neighboring teeth, it grows evenly and does not change the bite. The procedure for excising (removing) the hood is simple and easy to transfer. Seams after it do not impose. Problems can arise if the doctor has retained a wisdom tooth that has not finished growing. In such cases, the hood can form again.

If the patient is diagnosed with pericoronitis (hood inflammation), antibiotics and special trays are prescribed after excision.

Have removed a wisdom tooth . What to do?

To begin with, it should be noted that the dentist decides the removal of the issue only after an X-ray. It must be done, even if the tooth is perfectly visible to the naked eye, since the doctor should be aware of the presence and location of the roots of the molar intended for removal. Pregnant women should also not abandon this procedure.

Any removal is carried out with anesthesia, so the process itself is almost always painless. The only exceptions are cases with a strong inflammatory process and cysts on the roots of the tooth. In this situation, the patient will have to wait a little.

But the lucky ones, who did not feel anything during the operation, can not avoid pain, because any anesthesia ceases to be effective within half an hour or two. So, the worst thing behind is removed the wisdom tooth. What to do next?

General recommendations do not differ from those that are given after the removal of any other tooth. They are as follows:

1. Do not eat, drink, or smoke for 2 hours.

2. Do not attempt to independently examine (for example, fingers, tongue) the damaged area.

3. Do not put on the wound any ointments, tampons with iodine and the like.

4. Do not rinse!

5. Do not use compresses and a hot water bottle!

6. In the first hours after the operation, try to ensure yourself peace.

7. In case of resumption of severe pain, drink an analgesic.

But when manipulating the third molar, there are some additional tips. So, if after the wisdom tooth is swollen, the cheek swells and the swelling does not go away for several days, the temperature rises, the throat hurts, the bleeding stops, numbness appears, one should not wait until everything goes by itself, and immediately consult a doctor. Do not take medicines at your own discretion, even antipyretic. There are cases when self-medication lubricated the symptoms, which later almost cost patients life.

Have you removed the wisdom tooth than rinse it?

The answer is simple - nothing! As noted above, it is very important to keep a blood clot in the hole. Otherwise, it is possible to significantly extend the healing time of the wound. If so happened, and the hole appeared in the hole, and the gum around the swollen and is very sore, you need to go to the hospital. The doctor must completely clean the hole (scrape off the plaque) and treat it with antiseptics. At home, you can make baths (without intensive rinses) with decoctions of chamomile, calendula, celandine, and also solutions of baking soda at the rate of a little less than a teaspoon per glass of water, 3% hydrogen peroxide, or drug "Chlorhexidine" bought in a pharmacy. It helps perfectly.

Rinsing of the oral cavity and the site of the operated site can be carried out only if enough time has passed after the wisdom tooth has been removed. Than to rinse or gargle, when necessity for preservation of a blood clot has already disappeared? Traditional medicine offers a number of decoctions and tinctures. The most popular herbs used for this purpose are chamomile, sage, oak bark, calendula, celandine. They brew and insist together and separately from the calculation of 1 spoon of dry raw material on a glass of boiling water.

You can also use lemon balm. Infusion of it is very pleasant to taste and smell. Prepare it on a general principle. It is also useful to drink tea from this plant.

Another great herb is chicory. Decoction of its roots is used not only as a substitute for coffee, but also as a good anti-inflammatory. When preparing the drug, the roots should be ground and boiled for at least 5 minutes.

In addition, popular medicine popular solutions:

- ordinary table salt (a teaspoon without a slide on an incomplete glass of water);

- drug "Furacilin" (tablet on a glass of water);

- potassium permanganate (the color should be pale pink).

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