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Growth on the finger: what can it be? Why do the growths appear on the fingers?

Day after day we greet a tight handshake, actively gesticulate, women are adorned with bright manicure. Well-groomed hands have long ceased to be a luxury. Now this is a necessity. But what can you do if there are growths on your fingers ? This is a rather unpleasant problem that delivers not only aesthetic discomfort, but also demonstrates health problems.

Dangerous shishechka

Cones on fingers grow at any age. The growth on the phalanx of the finger is usually called a synovial cyst, or hygroma. It is a small knob, filled with a liquid viscous mass. The hygroma is most often located on the finger joint or near the nail. It may have a solid or pinkish color. This disease is most often found in people whose work is associated with intense manual labor (for example, pianists, masseurs, etc.).

Why there is a problem

The reasons for this deviation may be:

  • Heredity.
  • Disease of the joints of the fingers - arthritis.
  • Injuries of brushes. Multiple bruises of this area may well lead to the appearance of a synovial cyst.

The finger growth is three times more common in women than in men. And, most interesting, the young generation (20-28 years).


The hygroma has a typical appearance of the cone and is located on the joint of the finger. By its structure it is very dense, although it is also elastic. Clinical manifestations depend on its size. If the build-up on the finger is still small, it will be almost invisible. But the more it gets, the more unpleasant it feels. In this case, a person can feel discomfort and pain.

The synovial cyst often appears suddenly. For a couple of days its dimensions can increase by two centimeters. Sometimes it grows very slowly, and the patient does not feel pain. But, as a rule, unpleasant sensations always appear at pressing.


If you have found out growths on your fingers (see photo in the article), it is necessary to show them to the doctor, in order to exclude the possibility of the formation of a malignant tumor and the presence of other diseases. Moreover, lipoma and atheroma are almost identical with hygroma.

A specialist will examine the growth on the finger and give him an estimate. If necessary, the doctor may additionally assign any tests.

Disease of the joints of the fingers is the initial stage of the appearance of the cone. Therefore, it is better to contact the polyclinic already with the first symptoms of arthritis.

For the diagnosis of synovial cyst used:

  • Puncture (puncture for content analysis);
  • X-ray;
  • Ultrasound examination of cones;
  • MRI.

Conservative treatment

The growth on the phalanx of the finger in the diagnosis of "synovial cyst in the initial stage" is eliminated by conservative methods:

  • Medical paraffin;
  • Mud applications;
  • Ultraviolet irradiation;
  • Electrophoresis.

Sometimes the cyst is opened in order to pump out the contents. Then anti-inflammatory and other therapeutic preparations are injected into it and a dressing is applied.

Surgical method of treatment

Usually conservative therapy does not help, and the hygroma eventually grows. Operative excision is the most reliable way to remove the synovial cyst.

Bursectomy is the procedure for excising the hygroma on the finger. Indications for it are:

  • Pain in the cone;
  • Aesthetic discomfort;
  • Rapid growth of the hygroma;
  • Limited movement of the finger.

If surgical intervention is necessary, the help of a highly qualified doctor is very important, since the cone bottom can be located deep. The operation must be done carefully, so as not to disrupt the motor functions of the finger. One wrong move can aggravate an already difficult situation.

Laser therapy is also effective. It has a number of advantages:

  • Significant anti-inflammatory effect from laser exposure;
  • Absence of large scars and injury to surrounding tissues;
  • Elimination of complications;
  • Fast wound healing.

The laser operation is performed under the action of a local anesthetic.

Often, a carbon dioxide laser is used to remove the hygroma. The doctor directs the high-energy ray onto the cone, cuts the skin and removes the capsule. After the operation, a sterile bandage is applied.

Traditional methods of treatment

The disease has a long history. People have learned how to fight this ailment with folk remedies. But before applying this or that method it is necessary to consult a doctor.

  • Copper plate. If there are growths on the fingers, some people put a coin to them. It is calcined on fire and kept in a saline solution. After this, the plate is placed on the finger, wrapped with a bandage and left for three days. The coin is then washed and the procedure repeated.
  • Jellyfish. Her pieces are superimposed on the bump for 3 hours. The procedure is harmless. It can be carried out daily.
  • Cabbage juice. The vegetables are passed through a meat grinder and squeezed out the juice. He is drunk daily for a glass a month.
  • Aloe with honey. To prepare the mixture, take honey and aloe in equal amounts and add rye flour. The dough is kneaded, then applied overnight and wrapped in polyethylene.
  • Tea mushroom. Pieces of mushroom are applied for three hours.

The effect of treatment

Patients who underwent operative intervention usually remain satisfied. The growth on the finger under the skin again worries only 5% of people who have already done the operation. As a rule, this happens only if the procedure was carried out by an unqualified specialist.

Skin on the finger

The common name of diseases characterized by the formation of skin growths and the keratinization of the tissue, sounds like keratosis. Patients may experience partial or complete keratosis. This ailment is characterized by growth and damage to surrounding tissues.

Causes of appearance

Sources of development of this disease have not been fully studied. The main ones are believed to be the following:

  • Heredity.
  • Skin burns, long exposure to the sun.
  • Genetic mutations.
  • Problems with the endocrine system.
  • Negative impact of the environment.
  • Age changes (eg, loss of teeth, which causes the body to lack nutrients, or menopause in women).
  • Skin contact with chemicals.

It is impossible not to say that people who have undergone chemotherapy and AIDS sufferers often suffer from keratoses.


If you find outgrowths on the skin, you need to contact a dermatologist. He will prescribe a histological examination and a biopsy to exclude oncological diseases.

Pay attention to the skin of the hands. With the appearance of coarsened areas or the emergence of growths, the first thing to do is to adjust your diet. It is recommended to eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, greens, fish and cereals. It is also necessary to enrich the food with vitamin complexes and oils (sea-buckthorn, amaranth, cedar).

At any stage of the disease, hormonal ointments and antibiotics are used to treat keratosis. They help to relieve the symptoms of ailment. Then wound healing agents are applied to enhance tissue regeneration. Sometimes to eliminate the problem apply a cream designed to soften the keratinized areas, and also produce mechanical curettage.

Methods for removing keratosis:

  • Radio-knife;
  • Laser therapy;
  • Electrocoagulation;
  • cryotherapy;
  • Deep chemical peeling.

Contraindications to mechanical curettage:

  • If the build-up on the finger appeared for an unknown reason, while oncology is not ruled out;
  • With diabetes mellitus;
  • With ARI and ARVI;
  • With herpes;
  • During pregnancy;
  • With cardiovascular diseases.

For prevention and exclusion of repeated keratosis, it is recommended to use therapeutic creams.

The growth on the phalanx of the finger in the form of coarsened tissue is often found in people whose professional activity is associated with constant pressure on this area. After treatment, such exposure should be avoided, otherwise the risk of recurrence of the disease increases. At the first signs of the formation of calluses, sagging of the skin, etc., the food should be adjusted.

It is not established for sure what causes keratosis. But one thing we know for sure: the disease quickly spreads to surrounding tissues. Therefore, treatment at an early stage will help to avoid many complications.

After the therapy, you must continue to follow the diet and, if possible, eliminate the root cause of the disease.

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