HealthDiseases and Conditions

Granuloma - what is it? Granuloma: treatment, causes

Today, medicine distinguishes several types of neoplasms of human body tissues. One of them is a granuloma. What it is? What are the causes of pathology? How to treat granuloma? These and other issues will be discussed in the article.

Granuloma is a focal proliferation of cells of connective tissue, which has the appearance of dense nodules. Education has a benign character and is localized both on the surface of the skin and inside various organs and tissues.

Granuloma: Causes

The disease develops as a result of the inflammatory process, which can have an infectious and non-infectious nature, as well as an unidentified etiology. The cause of infectious growths are such diseases as typhus and typhoid, tuberculosis, brucellosis, syphilis, tularemia, rheumatism, encephalitis, rabies. Nodules of non-infectious nature develop in people who contact with compounds of beryllium, asbestos, with silicates, talc. Also, formations can develop around a foreign body that has entered the body.

The mechanism of education

The onset of an inflammatory vesicle and its further transformation involves several stages:

  1. Immature monocytes accumulate at the site of skin damage.

  2. Young monocytes mature into macrophages.

  3. Macrophages mature, and epileptoid cells are formed.

  4. Macrophages and epileptoid cells merge.

  5. Giant cells form.

  6. Sclerosis of tissue.

The diameter of typical granulomas is within 2 millimeters, but there are also nodules of larger sizes. Neoplasms can have a fast and slow metabolism. In some cases, sprouting passes by themselves, in others - treatment is required. Depending on this, granulomas are classified into subspecies.

Eosinophilic granuloma

Such an ailment develops in children, in rare cases - in adolescents. To defeat the skin, internal organs, bones can eosinophilic granuloma. What it is, has not been established until now, because the true causes that cause this pathology are still not known. Let's talk about the external manifestations of the disease.

Eosinophilic granuloma is manifested by single or multiple limited foci in the tubular and flat bones of the cranial vault, in the femoral and pelvic bones, in the ribs, in the vertebrae. There is soreness and swelling of the affected areas.

X-ray at the initial stage of the pathology allows you to see the defects of a round bone. In later terms, the foci of inflammation merge into cells. Education is not malignant, chronic, as a rule, does not progress. With large foci of inflammation, bone fractures and the formation of false joints are possible . With the localization of the pathological process in the bones of the legs, thickening of the bone occurs, soft tissues swell, and muscle atrophy can develop . The patient feels an ailment, limps, refuses to eat, his temperature may rise. Such symptoms are fickle. At the same time, the blood test does not show any deviations from the norm. Unclear clinical symptoms makes it difficult to establish an accurate diagnosis. For treatment, X-ray therapy or surgical intervention is usually necessary.


Pyogenic granuloma, or botryomicom, is a benign tumor that looks like a fungus on the stem. Education can occur after several months at the site of an injection, cut, burn or other skin damage. The tumor resembles a pea of dark red color with a dense consistency. Education slightly bleeds. At the initial stages of the papule has a smooth surface, then there is a partial expression of granuloma and, in addition to blood, pus is secreted. Most often the pyogenic granuloma is localized on the face and extremities, in rare cases - in the tongue, lips, genitals. The diameter of the botryomicom may be 3-4 centimeters, but more often the formations are much smaller. This ailment is similar in appearance to such diseases as keratoacanthoma, angioma, Kaposi's sarcoma, malignant tumors. But cases of degeneration of botryomicom are not fixed in cancer.

If pyogenic granuloma is diagnosed, the treatment is carried out by cryodestruction, laser cautery, electrocautery, burning with silver nitrate solution. If the piogenic granuloma has a wide leg, its removal may be incomplete, in which case it is recommended to use the surgical excision method.

Granuloma ring-shaped

This formation is a fairly common type of benign dermatosis. The ring-shaped granuloma (photo below) is in the form of a ring, the central part of which remains healthy. The diameter of the foci of inflammation is usually 2-3 centimeters, although there are arcs or rings of giant size. This type of granuloma develops in children and young women.

The exact causes of pathology have not yet been established. Ring-shaped granuloma can be a consequence:

  • Diabetes mellitus;

  • Violations of carbohydrate metabolism;

  • Mechanical injuries;

  • Healed scars and tattoos;

  • Warts, papillomas, herpetic eruptions;

  • Insect bites and ticks;

  • Burns.

There are four forms of the annular granuloma depending on the localization.

Localized form

In 90% of cases, a localized form is diagnosed in children. The disease affects feet and brushes, large joints, in rare cases other parts of the body. As a rule, a single focus with a diameter of up to 5 centimeters, having rounded, oval or irregular (rarely) contours develops. The focus of the hearth remains unaffected. With such a pathology as localized granuloma, treatment is not required, since the rashes basically disappear on their own with the passage of time.

Subcutaneous annular form

This pathology is found only in children under 6 years old. Education is localized on the fingers, elbows, knees, legs, scalp.

Disseminated form

It is diagnosed in people after 50 years. This kind of dermatosis captures large areas of the body, most often localized on the limbs, the rashes have the appearance of merging vesicles.

Perforating form

In rare cases, a perforating form may develop - a traumatic variety of annular granulomatosis. Affected hands, fingers, education has the form of a papule, which eventually becomes a plaque. Basically, the granuloma passes by itself, but if it causes a person inconvenience, complex treatment with corticosteroids may be required. Also conduct UFO-therapy, biopsy, surgical excision.

Dental granuloma

Tooth granuloma - what is it? It is a pathology of dental tissue and gums, in which a small formation on the root develops. For a long time, the ailment can not manifest itself. Over time, there are painful sensations, the area of the gums becomes red and swollen. Granuloma can cause tooth decay and loss. Such pathology develops as a result of periodontitis, fracture or trauma of the tooth, infection in treatment.

Help identify the granuloma of the tooth X-ray. Quite often, such a disease is found in the late stages, which is why it is necessary to carefully monitor oral hygiene, regularly visit the dentist, promptly treat caries. The consequences of a dental granuloma are quite unpleasant and dangerous. It can lead to:

  • Partial or complete destruction of the dental tissue;

  • Maxillary abscess;

  • Purulent phlegmon;

  • Osteomyelitis of the jaw;

  • Jaw cyst;

  • Tumors on the dental root;

  • Sinusitis;

  • Pyelonephritis;

  • Damage to the heart tissue;

  • Sepsis.

Basal growths may conceal a threat. To prevent the onset of an inflammatory nodule on the root of the tooth, you should immediately contact the doctor with the slightest pain or swelling of the gum. If the diagnosis is confirmed, treatment is conservative and surgical. At the initial stages of the pathological process, the tooth itself can be preserved.

Preventive measures

After reading this article, you learned more about education such as granuloma. What it is and what methods are used for treatment, we have already told. Still it would be desirable to remind about preventive maintenance. To prevent the development of this pathology, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle and regularly undergo a medical examination. This will allow timely detection of the first signs of ailment and successfully cure it.

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