HealthDiseases and Conditions

Crunch in the knees - anxious "music"

If you walk through the forest, and under your feet crunches twigs and twigs - this is normal, unless, of course, you are not a scout and not a hunter. It even tones up a complacent mood. But if you go around the city, and something crunches right at your feet - this is already an excuse to be on the alert. Such a sound unambiguously hints at the problems with the joints, and from the usual discomfort from such "music", you may already be close to serious diseases such as arthrosis or arthritis. The crunch in the knees may have different causes, but in any case, when it occurs, it is worth asking for advice in the clinic.

The human body is a unique structure, everything is thought out and nothing is accidental. "There can not be a crunch in a healthy joint," the doctors assure. This sound indicates some changes in the dystrophic or inflammatory nature, at best - the lack of important substances in the body or violations of their metabolism. And these symptoms can occur at any age, even in fairly young people.

It is only the doctor who can determine precisely what causes a crunch in the knee joints. But in some cases it is possible to assume the cause of this phenomenon independently. For example, if you do not move very much and are mostly sedentary. Hypodinamy causes stagnation in almost the entire body, and even more so in the organs of motion. Muscles weaken, blood circulation is disturbed, the cartilage structure deteriorates and, as a consequence, there is an unpleasant crunch in the knees. Excess weight, too, may well make the squeak of the musculoskeletal system because of excess pressure on it. The same "discontent" joints can react to the constant wearing of shoes at too high a heel or on a developed flat foot, because it redistributes the nature's load.

Problems with the endocrine system, various hormonal disorders you are unlikely to identify yourself, it can make a doctor. As well as put one of the characteristic diagnoses: arthritis or arthrosis. Both these diseases are associated with inflammatory processes in the joints, and their manifestations are no longer just a crunch in the knees, but also a pain that worsen both after considerable physical exertion and, on the contrary, after a prolonged state of rest. The further the disease develops, the longer the pain becomes, so you can not delay with treatment. And, incidentally, although folk medicine has developed many recipes against this disease, and among them there are even quite effective, it seems necessary to appear to a specialist.

The treatment of a crunch in the knees depends on what its cause is. If this is a shortage of any substances, it may be enough to simply "drink" vitamin and mineral complexes for a while, and the nasty sound will go away by itself. With overweight, treatment is obvious - maybe it's the bored crunch in your knees that makes you finally go on a diet and do physical exercises. The latter will also help in hypodynamia, and it is recommended not to overload the joints with running, but to perform strengthening exercises, to walk on the spot, to swim; Salutarily affect the condition and massage. With hormonal disorders, a special therapy will be prescribed by an endocrinologist. In the case of arthrosis or arthritis, the treatment will be prescribed by the doctor - usually it is a course of anti-inflammatory and antihistamines, a use to relieve the pain of warming ointments. Either way, you will need perseverance and consistency in treatment, only with this approach it will be possible to cope with inflammation and slow down the degenerative processes occurring in the articular cartilage.

In order for your joints not to "sing", do not forget to do it warm-up. Avoid a long time in a pose with strongly bent knees, periodically straighten and stretch your legs. It is also useful to walk in the woods and listen to the crunches under the soles of the knots and twigs, rather than crunching their knees.

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