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Garbage in the forest: harm, methods of solving the problem and consequences

Today, when the ecology of the planet is in a state of permanent crisis, the problems of pollution with domestic garbage of the natural ecological environment are very acute. Plastic bottles, glass and other non-decomposable garbage in the forest cause irreparable harm to the ecosystem. Education of ecological culture from childhood, careful attitude to natural resources can become a pledge of health of both the nation and all mankind.

Tourist, are you a friend or an enemy?

Going on a hike, on a picnic or just for a walk into the forest, most people are not going to harm nature. However, more often than not, we cause irreparable damage, without understanding or understanding it. There is, of course, a certain group of people for whom the principle "after me, even the deluge" is a personal conviction. Most likely, they do not read this article.

An average tourist, coming to the forest, is building a bonfire. Careless handling of fire - and now vegetation, animals, insects and so on are dying. We trample on grass, we tear flowers that we do not even bring to the house, we cut holes in trees, we drive our cars as deep as possible into the forest, leaving behind ruts that will drag on after a few years. And most importantly, we do not clean up the debris in the forest. Glade after the picnic all strewn with cigarette butts, bags and bottles. A familiar picture?

Global Damage

If the tourist believes that the global harm does not harm the environment, he is mistaken. To everyone's delight, tourists do not carry industrial chemicals with them. But global harm to the planet can be caused by the fact that it is not a poison. Kerosene or gasoline for primus, brake fluid and degreasing agents, oil is very different - pour to the ground or pour into the river, and now you have caused the death of hundreds of animals and plants.

Accumulators and batteries - this garbage in the forest infects the surrounding nature for long, very long years.

Do not harm locally

Local damage caused by a tourist forest has many varieties. Let's start with food waste left as garbage in the forest. The scraps from your table will, of course, be eaten. We hope that by themselves they will not poison representatives of the animal world. But left in a plastic bag, in a broken glass container, in a tin can, they can mortally wound the animal, that you decide to taste your gifts. And if not eaten - the remains of food will rot, exuding an unpleasant smell and spreading pathogenic bacteria.

Boiling water, poured under a tree, can lead to its death, especially if it is young. But you will not see it - you have already left. We left by the way on the car. Leaving the track in the soil and irretrievably applying grassy vegetation.

Did they not pay attention to the fact that there were still traces of armored vehicles from the Second World War in the forests? How many years ago did this technique pass? The place of the fire, where the treat was cooked so successfully, will remain the same as you left it for at least 5-7 years. And those pigs that you made for the fire, became branches for at least the same 5-7 years.

Bringing Death

Tourists and in the literal sense bring death to the forest. About barbaric, for the sake of fun, the destruction of anthills (see how they ran!) You do not even want to speak. And why kill a snake? And even without knowing what kind of a snake is. Give it a crawl, because it will not chase you. A barbaric collection of bouquets? And it would be nice if flowers decorate your home. But they will be thrown out along the way.

Nature does not tolerate emptiness

While the tourist did not come to this primeval place of the forest, whole populations of animals lived here. But they left. In their place, someone will come. But this is another ecosystem, not at all like it was.

Garbage in the forest will stop the growth of herbaceous plants, and this will lead to erosion of the soil, and already in the place of a dense forest you can see thinned woods. And then the shadow can not be found.

What to do, how to be?

Man is a child of nature, and he, this child, very much wants to go to the forest: to listen to the singing of birds, to inhale the pine aroma and to moisten the legs in the coolness of the stream. The principle that all tourists should follow is very simple: all the changes that have been introduced into the ecosystem by your appearance should tend to zero. And you can start with garbage. Do not leave garbage in the forest, take it away and throw it into the trash. You will be surprised how really it is simple.

Why carry food and bottles of drinks into the forest easier than pick up empty bottles and leftover food? This is an unsolved paradox. And the solution is ripe - all burn! Let's say that you did not pollute the atmosphere when burning garbage (although it is clear to everyone that this is not the case). What do we have in the balance? Food products and paper burned. Plastic melted, because it does not burn, and now in place of the fire, nothing will ever grow. Iron and glass did not cause any harm. Excellent recycling of garbage in the forest!

Another solution is to bury it! It's troublesome, but we'll try. Well, if it's a place of mass recreation. After all, if tourists come here after you, and rotting remains are stuck around, then most likely they will not like it. Let's explore the remainder. Paper and food will still rot. Plastic decomposes for about 200 years and all these years evaporates poisonous substances. Iron and glass will make the company plastic. Is that how we clean up the trash in the forest?

We thought, thought and decided. And what if we put everything together and put it together? After all, there are services that follow the forest - they will collect. It's better than burning and burying. This is how huge garbage dumps are formed in the forest. One, two, three, and so on will be added to one package. If the tourist is a conscious, environmentally-educated person, he will choose the first option - take everything with him, than prevent the pollution of forests with debris.

One of us can not stop deforestation on the planet, can not reduce the number of cars that poison the atmosphere and prevent the disappearance and destruction of animals and plants. But everyone can throw garbage into the urn, do not rip off the snowdrop and make a bird feeder. If each person cares about the world around him, about a piece of the planet in his apartment and in the meadow where he had just rested, the Earth will answer with all of us with love and beauty. The big always begins with small. If each person tells himself "The planet is in my hands" and includes individual ecological consciousness - will not the whole world be joyful, colorful and cleaner?

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