Arts & EntertainmentFilms

Frank Miller (Frank Miller) - the author of comics, filmmaker, screenwriter

American master of art illustration, director, comic writer Frank Miller was born in Olney, Maryland, on January 27, 1957. Later, the family moved to Vermont, in the town of Montplier. The father of the family was a carpenter, his mother worked in the hospital as a nurse. The childhood of the future director and artist passed in an atmosphere of parental love and full mutual understanding.

Carier start

When Frank Miller graduated from high school, he went to New York and settled in the neighborhood under the unusual name "Hell's Kitchen". There he created one of his famous comics "Batman: The Dark Knight". From New York, Miller moved to Los Angeles, where he began working on the next project called "City of Sins." Later this comic was photographed by Roberto Rodriguez with the participation of Maestro Quentin Tarantino. Miller also played in the film a small role as a priest.

In the summer of 1978, Frank Miller met with the editor-in-chief of the comic magazine Marvel, Jim Shuter, who did not publish the work of a talented but still little-known artist, and advised him to contact the publishing house DK Comics. There Miller criticized, but the experienced art director of the magazine Vince Colette saw in his drawings that special style, thanks to which the artist and later became famous.

"Attempt at writing"

Colette personally, under his responsibility, instructed Frank to create a one-page comic book. The work was highly appreciated, but it was not published for a number of reasons. Nevertheless, the artist was not upset, any experience was useful.

The first printed Miller's comic was "Delivered from the D format," which was created in collaboration with the writer Wyatt Gwion. Other early works published in DC Comics were a six-page "Never-Telled Great Story" and a five-page comic book "The Extreme Point of History," written for by Roger Mackenzie.

Permanent Position

According to the results of the published works, Frank Miller, whose comics made a good impression, got a job in the publishing house "Marvel". Originally he worked as an artist in the design of covers. When Frank drew the front page for the edition of "Peter Parker", in which "Daredevil" was already beginning to appear, he drew attention to the potential possibilities of the image. At that time, the comic book sales were low and Miller decided to talk with the editor Jim Shuter about his participation in the Daredevil project. He not only agreed, but also appointed Frank as the main artist for sketches.

Return to Manhattan

In the fall of 2001, Frank Miller, whose films had already gained fame, again moved to New York and continued work on the Batman project.
The terrorist act of September 11, 2001, with the collapse of the twin towers, located in the southern region of Manhattan, found the artist in the studio, which was near the site of the tragedy. Nervous shock could not but affect the work of Miller, and he for a long time fell into depression.


The artist is famous for his works in the style of noir, he is the creator of exclusive comics, such as "300", "Daredevil", "Sin City", "Elektra".

The location of Miller's first works was imprinted "Western Publication - The Golden Key of Comics." In 1978 he created the comics "Endless Clouds" and "Royal Feast", both of which were included in the television series "Twilight Zone".

Sin City

One of Frank Miller's most notable comics is a work created in 2005 for the rage of the day. In the center of the plot is the corrupt society of the small city of Basin City, the flowering of prostitution, criminal organizations.

The film, consisting of five graphic novels, tells of a kind of transshipment point in the way of small gold miners who stayed in Baysin to have fun in company with girls of easy virtue.

One of the urban areas is wholly owned by the community of prostitutes, who seized power and are ready to defend their rights with weapons at the ready. Not all to the taste of this arbitrariness, confused start to perish under mysterious circumstances. "City of Sins," this is a bright and memorable work of Frank Miller.

"Royal feast" and others

For several years, the artist created his "Dream Book", a kind of collection of graphic works presented in the form of dreams. One of the dreams was the novel The Royal Feast.

The reader is, as it were, at a royal feast, surrounded by all kinds of temptations. His task is to resist temptations and try to ignore them. On the table or an abundance of hot dishes and snacks or there is nothing but dry crusts of bread. Scenery line up depending on the character who came to the feast. He may even be denied participation, and the entrance to the hall will be closed. Comics leave a heavy residue of dissatisfaction.

"Batman, the first year"

The comic book's comic compilation, created by Miller in 1987. The work "Batman: Year One" is based on the confrontation of honest policemen and thoroughly corrupted order officers serving in one department. Newly arrived at the police station, James Gordon comes into conflict with his corrupt colleagues.

At the same time, the city appears millionaire Bruce Wayne, also obsessed with the fight against corruption. He disguises himself and, under the guise of a tramp, goes to a public hangout at night, where he gets into a fight with one of the pimps. In addition, he gets from several prostitutes, leaning on him during the skirmish.

Hardly breaking away, Wayne leaves for his estate and, sitting in a comfortable chair, begins to reflect on the lack of effectiveness of their methods in confrontation with criminals.

"The Avenger 2008"

Comic book hero Denny Colt intends to defeat the underworld, methodically destroying one after another all the bandits that come across him on the way. His main goal is to hunt for a particularly inveterate lawbreaker called the Octopus. Having put on a mask, the Avenger pursues and destroys the enemy.

In his noble cause become an essential obstacle of empty-headed beauties, curling around. The thief Sand Saref, dragging jewelry from gullible townspeople; Soulless Silken Floss; Smart, but spoiled Ellen Dolan; The dancer, manipulating knives, nicknamed the Parisian.

The comic "The Avenger" - 2008 of release - this is a thrilling action-packed detective story about the victory of good over evil. However, the film collected a lot of negative reviews, as it differed significantly from the book version and in many respects echoed the comics of the artist Will Eisner.

"Batman, holy terror"

The next work of Frank Miller was as successful as all his works. However, the comic was severely criticized for the unnecessarily caricatured image of Muslim characters.

All without exception, the Arab countries and countries of the Middle East categorically refused to broadcast "Batman". Miller did not make any changes, and thus the publishing house lost a significant part of its audience. However, commercial success in this case as a whole was not affected.

Comic called "300"

This graphic novel by Frank Miller was created by the author in collaboration with the colorist Lynn Varley. The comic book is dedicated to the legendary historical event, the battle of Thermopylae.

The film narrates about the military campaign of the Spartan king Leonid with the goal of conquering Persia and enslaving the ruler of Xerxes. Leonid's plans included blocking the enemy's army in the Thermopil canyon and completely destroying it.

However, the calculations were not justified, the Persians were warned by a certain Ephialte, an ambitious freak who wanted to serve King Leonid, but was rejected. Offended, he moved to Xerxes camp and showed him a secret detour to the Thermopyla gorge. The Persian army marched along the indicated road and withdrew to the rear of Leonid's troops. A battle ensued, in which the warriors of Xerxes defeated the Spartans. On the offer to surrender, King Leonid refused and was killed. Together with him, all the Spartans died.

Before the last battle, Leonid sent his faithful assistant, Dilius, to Sparta with the news of the defeat. At the end of the comic, the Spartans, already led by Dilius, are preparing for a new campaign, this time for a war with the Persians under Plataea.

Comics "300" was created based on the motion picture "Three hundred Spartans". The work was divided into five monthly releases under the name: "Victory", "Battle", "Glory", "Debt" and "Honor". Then a collection was published in which all five parts were united under one cover.

The writer Alan Moore criticized Miller's work for historical inconsistencies and unreliability. This was supported by the writers Samuel Marshall and George Covacs, who pointed out that the Spartans never fought, undressed to the waist, and in Frank Miller, they are half-naked. The author of the comic parried, arguing that even in antique vases warriors are depicted without clothes.


One of the artist's most favorite characters was Electra, a mercenary-ninja, an invincible muscular girl who, even handcuffed, performs miracles using martial arts, karate and taekwondo, jujitsu and judo.
Electra will be killed in the 181 series by the decision of the director and against the will of the author. Later, she will rise in the most fantastic way. The film survived the 191 series, before the line was traced under the endless adventures of Electra.

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