Spiritual developmentNumerology

Fortune-telling on candles

Many of us, especially at a young age, tore off growing chamomile, began to cut off her petals and at the same time to pronounce "loves, does not like." Maybe for fun, and maybe seriously, especially when the long-awaited "likes" fell out.
Quite a lot of people are looking for an answer to exciting questions with the help of all kinds of divination, and sometimes even fall into the spot. In other words, the world around us is ready to share with us knowledge about the past and the future, it is necessary only to believe and competently approach it.

There are many ways to open the veil of the sacrament - guessing on the coffee grounds, using mirrors, books, but the most fascinating think is candle lit. After all, nothing can be compared with the flame and the dance of living fire. When starting this divination, first find out which candles are needed for this.

Divination by candlelight is a kind of mystery, and the obvious fact is that if only any household candles here look just ridiculous. Choose candles quality and painted completely, from a colored material, and not just with the paint applied on top. The more interesting and sophisticated the subject, the chances for successful divination increase. Although our great-great-grandmother used what was at hand, but you yourself will be pleased to create a mysterious atmosphere with the help of such beauty. The main thing was and remains, the absence of bad intentions, as well as a great desire and faith in the result.

So, let's get started. The most common, and, perhaps, the easiest in performance, fortune-telling with a candle and water. To do this, pour a little water into a small container, for example, into a deep plate, from the candle, scrape a little wax into a spoon and heat it over the flame of the same candle. Then in one fell swoop pour the melted wax into the water. When combining hot and cold, the wax takes a variety of shapes, according to which the future is predicted. The resulting figures can be of various shapes, your intuition and imagination are useful here. For example, if you look at the wreath - soon wait for the matchmakers, the mill - they will annoy you with gossip, the horseshoe - you will have happiness and so on.

Most of all young girls love to divulge their love for candles, in order to learn about the feelings of the groom, to check how strong they are. And here are a few such ways.

For the first method, a thin, neat candle, preferably a church candle, and a white sheet on which you want to write the name of someone who is not indifferent to you. Light the candle and pour the wax on the place where this name is written, saying: "Candle, candle, light the heart, my dear, servant of God (name)". Wait until the candle burns, let the wax finally solidify on paper, which is then wrapped around it and wear all the time with you. The one whose name you have written, flames to you with the hottest feelings.

The next guessing on love on candles also requires only a candle and a paper with the written name of the groom. Above the flame of a candle, burn this sheet, mentally ask the question - will you be together. Ashes, which turned out, exactly at midnight, put in the palm of your hand and drag it into the open window to the street. Press your palm - if the ashes fly away, the one whose name was on paper will leave you. Otherwise, you will always be together.

But do not forget, whatever candle-telling you used, remember the important points that affect the final result:
• Try not to guess by being alone. There is a belief that during the performance of such rituals, evil forces can enter the house, and one should not risk alone. One you may not be able to cope if something happens;
• Prepare everything you need beforehand. Sometimes it is required to pre-fast, do not eat fast food, and ideally throughout the day to eat only bread and water;
• Be careful, after conducting a fortune-telling fortune, keep silent until dawn.

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