Spiritual developmentNumerology

Divination for the birth of a child. And for fun, and seriously

Most often, the theme for divination is either love or children - the most important issues in life. Today we will be interested in guessing for the birth of a child, as well as the accompanying predictions. The question of the birth of children, their sex and quantity of people asked from a long time, which is why today there are so many all kinds of fortune-telling. Let's consider some of them.

Divination by the birth of a child with the help of a pendulum

You will need a regular needle or pendulum. It is better to thread a white thread in it. Then you need to turn your palm upward with your left hand and take your thumb away. After this, lower the pendulum (or needle) between the thumb and palm three times. Raise the pendulum over the palm of your hand. Rocking from side to side means that in the future you will have a boy, and the rotation in a circle foreshadows the appearance of the girl. To find out what gender the second child will have, repeat the procedure again. If the pendulum stands still, then there will be no more children. This divination at birth is suitable for those who already have children. Just remember that the pendulum shows the sex of the child, starting with the first, that is, first he will show the sex of the child already available, and then the next.

Divination by birth of a child on stones

It is also very effective and not at all a joke divination for the child's birthday, his sex and the number of children in general. Given the fact that the stones have the ability to store and transmit information, this ability will also be used in divination. On the stones with the help of ink (you can attach a piece of paper with inscriptions to the stones) you need to write names, any that you like (both male and female), numbers Arabic and Roman (from 1 to 10). Put the stones in the water and watch. After a while, the inscriptions from the ink will begin to be washed off (papers with inscriptions will be torn off). You need to wait until there is a stone with a name, one Roman and one Arabic number. The name will indicate the gender of the future child - the female or male name corresponds to the gender. The Arabic figure will indicate the number of children, and the Roman figure for the period in months or years, how much to expect a miracle of the appearance of the baby.

Divination by the birth of a child on water

This divination is suitable only for the winter period. In any capacity, ordinary water is collected. It is obligatory to do this in the evening, before going to sleep. Then a ring should be put in a water filled container. After that, the container is exposed to cold. It should stand on the street until the water is completely frozen. Completely frozen container with water should be brought into the house, but this should be done by any person except you. Next, look at the surface of frozen water - elevations and hillocks will tell about the presence of future sons, how many hillocks - there are so many sons, and dimples, in turn, talk about daughters.

In addition to such serious fortune-telling, there are also comic divinations for the child's birthday, his character and habits in the future. For example, consider one such fortune-telling. The whole family is going along, including all grandparents. Everyone is given a small sheet on which he must write the sex of the future child, his habits, the properties of the character. You can even describe the appearance. Then all the pieces of paper are collected and folded into a small bag, from where the future mother should get one piece of paper. It is believed that what is written on this piece of paper, and will come to life.

Another frivolous guessing at birth is that the girlfriends of the future mother hide in her room all sorts of attributes of the newborn - sliders, toys, pacifiers. Each attribute is either pink or blue in order to determine the gender. It is believed that the faster the girl finds the first attribute, the sooner the long-awaited pregnancy will come, and the color will point to the sex of the unborn child.

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