Spiritual developmentNumerology

Fortune-telling on matches for love and good luck

Probably, each of us, at least once in my life, but tried to tell fortunes or at least watched divination. Even if a person does not believe in mysticism at all, watching the process of divination is always interesting and a little exciting.

Most often guess young girls, and they are interested in, basically, the question of the subject. After all, from a young age, girls begin to dream of love and an amazing meeting with the beautiful prince. What do they usually want to know? When the fateful meeting happens, which of the girlfriends will first get married and, of course, what is he - narrowed? The answers to all these pressing questions can be obtained with simple but effective predictions.

For example, you can try guessing on matches. For its carrying out it is required nothing, except for usual a matchbox. From it you need to take two matches and guess which one will symbolize a certain guy, and which one is a guessing girl. Matches are set so that they stand upright. The easiest way is to install them in boxes and lock the position by sliding the lid. Now we need to set fire to matches, mentally asking if a girl who is guessing like a guy who is guessing. Matches, burnt, bend in one direction or another. The interpretation of fortune telling is that if the match symbolizing the guy bent towards the "match-girl", then the guy feels for her sympathy. If both matches are turned heads to each other, then the future of this pair is favorable. But if the matches are "turned away" from each other, there is no pair together.

This guessing on the matches can be done quickly enough, but here's upset, if the result turned out negative, do not. After all, it means only that love is now turned away from you, and tomorrow everything can change. But to repeat several times the guessing on matches, guessing on the same guy and hoping that the result next time you will please, is not recommended. After all, there is a sign that such a "recheck" of fate can bring misfortune.

If you want to know if some cherished desire will come true, then you can do fortune-telling on matches and paper. To do this, write on the leaflet desire, put it on a white plate with text down and set fire to one of the corners. Now we need to observe. If the paper burns completely, then, unfortunately, the desire will not be fulfilled. In the event that the clean part of the paper is untouched by fire, then the dream will be realized, but not in the near future. But if the fire goes out, keeping the text, then you can wait for the fulfillment of the desired desire from day to day.

It is customary to spend fortune-telling on guesswork "a well of matches". For this rite, you need to put a "well" out of matches. It is not difficult to do this, first we add a square from the matches, and then, carefully laying out matches in rows, we "raise" the walls of the well. Then you need to pour water into a thimble or some kind of cap and put it in the constructed well. For this fortune telling you will need a padlock with keys. "Lock" our well, and put the key under your pillow, saying: "Souchen-mummified, come to drink water, I have to ask for the key." The person who dreams in a dream is the future bridegroom of a girl.

There is another interesting fortune-telling with matches and paper. To conduct it, you need to take a blank sheet of white paper (by no means a newspaper). Speaking to yourself the question or problem, a sheet of paper should be crumpled and put on a large plate or dish. The paper is ignited, and when it burns, you need to make a candle so that a shadow appears on the wall from this burnt lump. By the silhouette of the shadow, it will be possible to judge the future. Of course, such guessing requires a developed imagination and imagination, but it is very interesting to conduct it, especially in the company.

In the company of girlfriends you can tell about which of the girls will marry before all. To do this, each fortune-teller gets threads of the same length. Thread you need to set fire to. That girl, whose thread is burned faster, will first try on a wedding dress.

And finally a simple guessing on luck and luck. For him it is necessary to take 16 matches and half of them to mark (a marker, a varnish for hair, a ballpoint pen - anything). Then put all the matches in an opaque box and mix. Then, without looking in the box, you need to remove 8 matches. If more of them turn out to be clean, you will be lucky. More than half of the matches were labeled? Unfortunately, today is not your day.

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