
"Fleet Phospho-soda": instructions for use, reviews, analogues

Needless to say, a procedure called "colonoscopy" is not a very pleasant thing. However, if there is a need for it, and it is appointed by the attending physician, then it is necessary to prepare your body in order for the studies to be effective. Already for several years, in order to prepare the colon for colonoscopy, health workers recommend patients to use modern medicine "Fleet Phospho-soda." Instructions for use regulate it as a progressive laxative drug with osmotic effects.

Basic components and scope

The medication is a solution for oral administration. It is produced in polyethylene bottles in volume of 45 ml, in one cardboard bundle - 2 bottles. The main active ingredients of the drug are disodium phosphate dodecahydrate and sodium dihydrogen phosphate dihydrate. In 1 ml of the drug they contain respectively 240 and 542 mg. There are also certain additional components.

The main purpose of the drug "Phospho Fleet Soda" - its use for therapeutic purification procedures, if it is necessary to empty the intestine and colon before the forthcoming surgical intervention or for examinations with diagnostic purposes (radiological, endoscopic).

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Medication is a salt remedy. The principle of its work consists in the volumetric increase of the liquid content in the lumen of the intestine, which, in turn, leads to softening of the stool and facilitating the process of the colon's release. Increasing the volume of fluid in the ileum stimulates intestinal peristalsis.

"Flit Phospho-soda" has only a local effect. It is not absorbed into the total bloodstream and is practically not absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract (the absorption of a small amount of sodium and phosphate ions depends on the dose of the drug). True, a small change in the level of electrolytes in the blood plasma was observed, but it does not have any clinical significance and disappears after 12-24 hours.

Who should not take the medicine?

Any drug has contraindications. No exception, and "Fleet Phospho-soda." Instructions for use of this drug warns about the presence of certain conditions under which its use is unacceptable. First, it is the presence of hypersensitivity to the main and auxiliary components of the drug. Further: the use of medication is not allowed for those patients in whom partial or complete intestinal obstruction is diagnosed . Do not prescribe the drug in the presence (and even if suspected) of problems such as intestinal integrity, any inflammatory diseases of this organ. Nausea, vomiting, and pain in the abdominal area are also sufficient grounds for refusing to take Flit.

In addition, "Fleet Phospho-soda" instructions for use prohibit people with cardiac and expressed renal insufficiency. Especially cautiously it is necessary to take the drug to patients in old age, suffering from angina in unstable form, who underwent an acute myocardial infarction. It is highly undesirable to prescribe this remedy to patients under 15 and women during pregnancy and lactation. Attentive to their condition during treatment with this laxative should be patients who follow a salt-free diet.

Possible side effects

In most cases, the patient's feedback is positive about the preparation of Fleet Phospho-soda. As a rule, the drug is well tolerated. However, in some cases nevertheless some side effects were observed. As for reactions from the cardiovascular system, one can hear about the appearance of chest pains, heart rhythm disturbances, in very rare cases, the development of myocardial infarction is possible.

GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT can react with occurrence of pains in the field of an epigastrium, a vomiting, a nausea, a diarrhea, a bloating. Perhaps distortion of the results of the colonoscopy.

There were undesirable reactions to the drug from the side of metabolism. Here we can talk about dehydration (dehydration, decrease in the amount of fluid in the body below the physiologically necessary norm), tetany (convulsions caused by a violation of calcium metabolism), metabolic acidosis (increased acidity in the body due to accumulation of acid products in tissues, inadequate binding and destruction) . In addition, "Flit Phospho-soda" can trigger an increase in plasma concentrations of sodium and phosphate and a decrease in potassium and calcium.

Possible reactions from the side of the central nervous system and its peripheral parts can be headache, dizziness, loss of consciousness, paresthesia (numbness, tingling sensation, crawling craw), tonic convulsions.

There may be allergic reactions in the form of hives, itching, allergic dermatitis. Cramas are above the described unpleasant phenomena, sometimes patients talk about general weakness, chills, impaired renal function. Possible development of nephrocalcinosis (accumulation of deposits of calcium salts in the kidneys).

If any adverse reactions develop, stop taking the medication immediately and seek medical advice.

Exceeding the permissible dose, treatment

Inadmissibly large doses of medication for patients with intestinal obstruction can provoke serious abnormalities in the balance of electrolytes (dehydration, hypernatremia, hyperphosphataemia, hypokalemia, hypocalcemia). When receiving large amounts of the drug "Fleet Phospho-soda" (instructions, reviews of health workers confirm this information), probably the development of tachycardia, the fall to dangerous values of blood pressure, the appearance of pain in the abdominal region.

Possible anxious feelings for no apparent reason, emotional lability. If the medication intake is not stopped and the dose continues to increase, it can lead to cardiac arrest, development of shock, convulsive muscle contractions, inadequate respiratory activity and paralytic intestinal obstruction.

At the moment, there is no information on the presence of an antidote for "Fleet Phospho-soda", it is not available. The main measures aimed at eliminating the consequences of exceeding the permissible dose are to restore and maintain the water-electrolyte equilibrium at the required level. All medical measures should be taken on the basis of a medical institution. If the degree of intoxication is high enough, it may be necessary to carry out activities aimed at maintaining the functions of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. It may also be necessary to administer (intravenously) calcium preparations.

Application: mode, dosing

If the purpose of using the medication is preparation for a colonoscopy, "Fleet Phospho-soda" should be taken the day before the trip to the medical institution. The time of admission to the hospital (the first or second half of the day) is important, as the scheme of taking the drug depends on this.

During the morning reception (the day before the diagnosis) "for breakfast" take any clear liquid in a volume of at least 1 cup (water, juice, tea, coffee).

Next, you must take the first dose of medication (a solution of 45 ml of medicament and 125 ml of water) and drink with cold water (250 ml or more). At lunchtime, not less than 750 ml of clear liquid (3 cups) is drunk, at dinner - 1 or more glasses. At the end of the dinner, a second dose of laxative is drunk (1 bottle of medicine (45 ml) for 125 ml of water), and you need another glass of water to drink it. Until midnight, it is advisable to use liquid additionally. Defecation usually occurs between 0.5 and 6 hours.

If the diagnosis is scheduled in the afternoon, it allows you to take light meals at lunch (except for solid food) the day before the procedure. Instead of supper 250 ml (it is possible more) of a liquid, then it is necessary to accept the first dose and to wash down with one glass of water laxative means "Fleet Fosfo-soda". Preparation lasts in the evening and until midnight and consists of taking at least 750 ml of water.

At 7 am on the day of the diagnosis you should drink 250 ml of water. Next, you need to take 1 bottle of laxative (dilute in 125 ml of water) and drink with a glass or more of cold water. Solid food intake can be resumed after diagnosis or after a certain period after surgery.

What should I look for?

The laxative "Fleet Phospho-soda" instructions for use prohibit taking to solve problems with constipation. With caution the drug is given to weakened patients and elderly people, suffering from various heart diseases, colostomy, patients with reduced renal activity, observing diets with low salt content.

It is not recommended to use this medication during pregnancy, as there is no information on the degree of its toxic effect on the fetus and / or the ability to provoke an abnormal intrauterine development. If the need to resort to the use of the drug "Fleet Phospho-soda" occurs in a breastfeeding woman, breast-feeding should be stopped for the entire period of the laxative remedy and for another 24 hours after the last dose. This is due to the fact that sodium phosphate is excreted in breast milk.

Mistaken opinion of patients that if you drink both vials at once, at one time - the medication will work more effectively. The contents of the intestine will only liquefy, but there will be no purification. If the patient is faced with a choice of "Fortrans" or "Fleet Phospho-soda", then he should know that the last drug does not require a long period of fasting, and its use does not carry a serious water stress on the body for a short period of time (1 liter of fluid For 1 hour).

Interaction with other drugs

"Fleet Phospho-soda" instructions for use (reviews of medical experts confirm the information) recommends very carefully prescribe in parallel with diuretics, NSAIDs, other laxatives and lithium preparations. It is undesirable for the parallel application of "Flit" with drugs that can increase the QT-interval.

In addition, "Flit Phospho-soda" can significantly reduce the effectiveness of some oral contraceptive and hypoglycemic agents, drugs for the treatment of epilepsy, and certain antibiotics.

Medicaments - analogues

Laxatives with osmotic effects are now produced quite a lot. However, more often, when it comes to preparing for a colonoscopy, patients are advised to conduct preparatory procedures with the help of the drug "Fortrans". If you compare it with "Fleet Phospho-soda", the patients' opinions agree that both drugs have a similar effect, which is not surprising, because they are intended for the same purposes. However, in the process of taking Fortrans, you should not take any food, and the amount of fluid that must be taken depends on the weight of the patient. That is, for every 20 kg of body weight, you need to drink 1 liter of solution, and you need to use the maximum amount of liquid for a maximum of 2 times, or even better - for one. If the patient has enough weight, then preparation for diagnostic procedures becomes problematic.

In addition, the preparation itself "Fleet Phospho-soda" is referred to a group of drugs that can provide significant assistance to patients suffering from intestinal atony. It also includes (and can be considered as full-fledged analog medicines) "Belozor marsh", "Kalimin forte", "Glytsirama" - tablets 0.05 g.

Another very common drug for the preparation of the intestine for the procedure of colonoscopy is "Lavakol", which with no less efficiency performs the functions stated by the instruction, and at the same time its cost is several times lower than that of "Fleet Phospho-soda".

Opinion of patients and proctologists

Like any medicine, "Fleet Phospho-soda" has both positive and negative feedback from patients. Most negative replicas are associated with a high price of the drug, someone did not like the taste of the drug. Individual patients had a feeling of nausea and pain in the intestines. The number of positive reviews prevails over the negative. The drug is highly effective, most consumers do not cause any side effects and negative sensations.

Patients who previously used Fortrans evaluate "Fleet Phospho-soda" with the most positive side: after all, not everyone can drink 4-5 liters of fluid at a time.

Proctologists also respond very positively about the drug "Fleet Phospho-soda" (its analogues, by the way, are not always so effective): the intestines are cleaned perfectly, patients very rarely complain about the development of side effects. If a person carried out preparatory measures in strict accordance with the instructions for the use of the drug, then, as a rule, during diagnosis there are no problems. All areas of the intestine are accessible to the attention of the doctor, and the patient "at first hand" can receive reliable information about his state of health.

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