
Five years in the USSR: a table, years, great construction sites. Socialist industrialization

Comparing the past and the present is necessary to improve the future, while it is desirable not to repeat the errors of the ancestors. The USSR is a mighty once-superpower that made a considerable contribution to the development of society in its time. One of the cornerstones of the life of Soviet citizens were five-year plans. Based on their results, historians can judge the industrialization of the country, compare the achievements of the past and the present, learn how far our generation has technologically gone and what else it is worthwhile to strive for. So, the topic of this article is the five-year plan in the USSR. The table presented below will help to structure the received knowledge in a logical order.

The First Five-Year Plan (1928-1932)

So, the first five-year plan began in the name of building socialism. The country after the revolution needed industrialization, so as not to lag behind the leading European powers. Moreover, it was only through the accelerated build-up of industrial potential that it was possible to rally the country and bring the USSR to a new military level, as well as to raise the level of farming throughout the vast territory. According to the government, a strict and impeccable plan was needed.

Thus, the main goal was to build up military power at the fastest pace.

The main tasks of the First Five-Year Plan

At the Fourteenth Congress of the CPSU (B.), At the end of 1925, Stalin expressed the idea that it was necessary to turn the USSR from a country importing imported weapons and equipment into a country that could do all this and produce it to other states. Of course, there were people who expressed an outcry, but the opinion of the majority was suppressed. Stalin himself was interested in bringing the country to the leaders in the first five-year plan, placing first in the production of metallurgy. So, the process of industrialization had to go through 4 stages:

  1. Revival of transport infrastructure.
  2. Expansion of industries related to the extraction of materials and agriculture.
  3. Redistribution of state-owned enterprises across the territory.
  4. Change in the work of the energy complex.

All four processes were not carried out in turn, but intertwined intricately. So began the first five-year industrialization of the country.

All ideas could not be implemented, but the production of heavy industry has grown almost 3 times, and engineering - 20 times. Naturally, such a successful end of the project caused the legitimate joy of the government. Of course, the first five-year plans in the USSR were hard for people. The table with the results of the first of them would contain the following words as a slogan or subhead: "The main thing is to start!"

It was at this time that many draft posters appeared reflecting the main goal and originality of the Soviet people.

The main construction sites at that time were coal mines in the Donbass and Kuzbass, the Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works. Thanks to this, it was possible to achieve the financial independence of the USSR. The most prominent construction is the DneproGES. The year 1932 was marked by the end not only of the first five-year plan, but also the most important for the heavy construction industry.

The new power strengthens its position in Europe with seven-league steps.

Five-Year Plan Two (1933-1937)

The second five-year plan in high circles was called the "five-year collectivization" or "people's education." It was approved by the Seventh Congress of the CPSU (B.). After heavy industry, the country needed the development of the national economy. It was this sphere that became the main goal of the Second Five-Year Plan.

The main directions of the Second Five-Year Plan

The main forces and finances of the government at the beginning of the "five-year collectivization" were directed to the construction of metallurgical plants. Ural-Kuzbass appeared, let the first current of DneproGES. The country did not lag behind in scientific achievements. Thus, the second five-year plan was marked by the first landing at the North Pole of Papanin's expedition, the polar station SP-1 appeared. The metro was actively built.

At that time, great emphasis was placed on socialist competition among the workers. The most famous drummer of the five-year plan is Alexei Stakhanov. In 1935, he set a new record, performing a shift of 14 shifts per shift.

The Third Five-Year Plan (1938-1942)

The beginning of the Third Five-Year Plan was marked by the slogan: "To catch up and overtake production per capita in developed capitalist countries!" The main efforts of the government were aimed at increasing the country's defense capacity, as well as in the first five-year period, which caused the production of public goods to suffer.

Directions of the Third Five-Year Plan

By the beginning of 1941, almost half (43%) of the country's capital investments went to raise the level of heavy industry. On the eve of the war in the USSR, the Urals and Siberia, fuel and energy bases developed at a rapid pace. It was necessary for the government to create a "second Baku" - a new oil production area, which was to appear between the Volga and the Urals.

Special attention was paid to tank, aircraft and other plants of this kind. The level of production of ammunition and artillery guns has significantly increased. However, the armament of the USSR was still lagging behind the West, in particular from the German one, but with the release of new types of weapons, they were not in a hurry even in the first months of the war.

The Fourth Five-Year Plan (1946-1950)

After the war, all countries had to revive their production and economy, the USSR managed to accomplish this almost completely in the late 1940s, when the fourth term began. The five-year plan implied not the build-up of military power, as before, but the revival of the society lost in all spheres of society's life during the war.

The main achievements of the Fourth Five-Year Plan

In just two years, the same level of industrial production was reached as in the pre-war period, even though the plans of the second and third five-year plans put forward harsh labor standards. In 1950, the main production assets returned to the level of 1940. When the 4th Five-Year Plan ended, the industry grew by 41%, and the construction of buildings - by 141%.

The new Dnieper Hydroelectric Power Plant has been put into operation again, all mines in the Donbas have been restored. On this note, the four five-year plan ended.

The Fifth Five-Year Plan (1951-1955)

During the fifth five-year period atomic weapons are widely used, the world's first NPP in Obninsk appears, and in the beginning of 1953 NS Khrushchev took the post of the head of state instead of JV Stalin.

The main achievements of the Fifth Five-Year Plan

As capital investments in the industry doubled, the volume of output also increased (by 71%), in agriculture - by 25%. Soon new metallurgical plants were built-the Caucasus and Cherepovets. The Tsimlyanskaya and Gorkovskaya hydroelectric power stations performed in full or in part on the first lane. At the end of the fifth five-year plan, science heard about atomic and hydrogen bombs.

Finally, the first Volga-Don Canal and the Omsk Refinery were built, the rates of coal mining increased significantly. And 12.5 million hectares of new lands entered into circulation.

The Sixth Five-Year Plan (1956-1960)

More than 2,500 largest enterprises entered service when the Sixth Five-Year Plan began. At the end of it, in 1959, a parallel seven-year plan began. The national income of the country increased by 50%. Investments at this time doubled again, which entailed the broad development of light industry.

The main achievements of the Sixth Five-Year Plan

The gross output of industry and agriculture increased by more than 60%. Gorkovskaya, Volzhskaya, Kuibyshevskaya and Irkutsk hydroelectric power stations were completed . By the end of the five-year plan, the largest worsted mill in Ivanovo was built. In Kazakhstan, active development of virgin land began. The USSR has finally had a nuclear missile shield.

The world's first satellite was launched on October 4, 1957. Heavy efforts developed heavy industry. However, there were more failures, so the government organized a seven-year plan, including the Seventh Five-Year Plan and the last two years of the sixth.

The Seventh Five-Year Plan (1961-1965)

As you know, in April 1961 the first man in the world flew into space. This event marked the beginning of the Seventh Five-Year Plan. The national income of the country continues to grow actively and over the next five years it increases by almost 60%. The level of gross industrial output increased by 83%, agriculture - by 15%.

By the middle of 1965, the USSR took an advanced position in the extraction of coal and iron ore, as well as in the production of cement, and this is not surprising. The country was still actively developing heavy industry and construction industry, cities were growing before our eyes, and for strong buildings we need cement.

The Eighth Five-Year Plan (1966-1970)

The five-year plan implied not the production of materials, but the construction of new buildings and plants. Cities continue to expand. Leonid Brezhnev comes to the post of head of state. During these five years, there are many metro stations, the West Siberian and Karaganda Metallurgical Combines, the first VAZ car plant (output: 600,000 cars per year), Krasnoyarskaya HPP - the world's largest station at that time.

Active housing construction solved the problem of deprivation (the echo of the war was still heard in large cities). At the end of 1969, more than 5 million residents received new apartments. After the flight of Yu. A. Gagarin into space, astronomy made a big leap forward, the first lunar rover was created, the ground was brought from the Moon, the machines reached the surface of Venus.

The Ninth Five-Year Plan (1971-1975)

During the Ninth Five-Year Plan, over a thousand industrial enterprises were built, the gross industrial output grew by 45%, and the rural output by 15%. Automobile industry is actively developing, cars and railways are being repaired. Capital investments exceeded 300 billion rubles a year.

The development of oil and gas wells in Western Siberia led to the construction of many enterprises, the laying of oil pipelines. Since the emergence of a large number of factories, the level of the employed population has also grown, the sign "The Drummer of the Ninth Five-Year Plan" was established (for difference in labor and production).

The Tenth Five-Year Plan (1976-1980)

The active increase of the national income and the volume of industrial output begins to decline. Now the country does not need a huge growth of enterprises, but the stable development of all spheres of industry is always necessary.

Oil production came to the forefront, so over five years, many oil pipelines were built across Western Siberia, where hundreds of stations were deployed. Significantly increased the number of working equipment: tractors, combines, trucks.

Eleventh Five-Year Plan (1981-1985)

For the USSR began a very hectic time. Everyone in the government felt the coming of the crisis, the reasons for which were many: internal, external, political and economic. At one time, it was possible to change the structure of power without giving up socialism, but nothing was produced. Because of the crisis, people occupying the leading posts of the state, were replaced very quickly. Thus, Leonid Brezhnev remained secretary of the CPSU Central Committee until 10.11.1982, Yu. V. Andropov held this post until 13.02.1984, K.U.Chernenko - until 10.03.1985.

Transport of gases from Western Siberia to Western Europe continues to develop. The "Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhhorod" oil pipeline was built with a length of 4,500 km, crossing the Ural Range and hundreds of rivers.

The Twelfth Five-Year Plan (1986-1990)

The last five-year plan for the USSR. For its time it was planned to implement a long-term economic strategy, but the plans were not destined to come true. At that time, many received the sign of the drummer of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan: collective farmers, workers, specialists of enterprises, engineers ... It was planned (and partially executed) to organize the production of light industry.

Five Years of the USSR: A Synthesis Table

So, we have briefly listed all five-year plans in the USSR. The table presented to your attention will help to systematize and generalize the above material. It contains the most important aspects for each plan.

№ (years of five-year plans)

Objectives of the plan

The main buildings of the five-year plans


The first


At any cost, increase military power and raise the level of production of heavy industry.

Magnitogorsk metallurgical combine, DneproGES, coal mines in Donbass and Kuzbass.

The production of heavy industry has grown three-fold, and machine building 20 times, and unemployment has been eliminated.

The second


JV Stalin: "We must catch up with the advanced countries in 5-10 years, otherwise we will be dashed."

The country needed to raise the level of all types of industry, both heavy and light.

Ural-Kuzbass - the second coal-and-metallurgical base of the country, the shipping channel "Moscow-Volga".

The national income and industrial production (by 2 times), the rural income - 1.5 times increased significantly.

The third


Because of the aggressive policy of fascist Germany, the main forces were thrown on the country's defense capability and the production of cars, as well as heavy industry.

The emphasis on educational institutions at the beginning of the five-year plan, after the effort is transferred to the Urals: planes, cars, guns and mortars are manufactured there.

The country suffered heavy losses because of the war, but the defense capability and production of heavy industry advanced significantly.



Restoration of the country after the Great Patriotic War. It is necessary to achieve the same level of production as in the pre-war period.

Again, the Dniepro Hydropower Plant, the power plants of the Donbass and the North Caucasus are entering service.

By 1948, the pre-war level had been reached, the United States had no monopoly on nuclear weapons, and prices for first-demand goods had been significantly reduced.



Increase in national income and industrial output.

The Volga-Don Shipping Canal (1952).

Obninsk Nuclear Power Plant (1954).

Many water reservoirs and hydroelectric power stations were built, and the level of industrial production doubled. Science learns about atomic and hydrogen bombs.



Increased investment not only in heavy industry, but also in light industry, as well as in agriculture.

Gorkovskaya, Kuibyshevskaya, Irkutsk and Volgogradskaya HPP.

Worsted mill (Ivanovo).

The capital investments are almost doubled, the lands of Western Siberia and the Caucasus are being actively developed.



Increase in national income and the development of science.

April 12 - the flight of Yu. A. Gagarin.

The increase in fixed assets by 94%, national income grew by 62%, gross industrial output by 65%.



The increase in all indicators: the gross output of industry, agriculture, national income.

Krasnoyarskaya, Bratskaya, Saratovskaya HPP, West-Siberian Metallurgical Combine, Volzhsky Automobile Plant (VAZ) are under construction.

The first lunar rover was created.

Forward advanced astronomy (brought ground from the moon, reached the surface of Venus), nat. The income grew by 44%, the volume of industry - by 54%.

The ninth


Develop domestic economy and engineering.

Construction of oil refineries in Western Siberia, the beginning of the construction of an oil pipeline.

The chemical industry is developing considerably after the development of the deposits of Western Siberia. 33 thousand km of gas pipelines, 22.5 thousand km of oil pipelines have been laid.



Opening of new enterprises, development of Western Siberia and the Far East.

Kama Plant, Ust-Ilimskaya HPP.

The number of gas and oil pipelines has increased.

There were new industrial enterprises.



Increase the efficiency of the use of production assets.

The oil pipeline "Urengoy - Pomary - Uzhgorod" with a length of 4,500 km.

The length of gas and oil pipelines reached 110 and 56 thousand km, respectively.

The national income has increased, social payments have been increased.

The technical equipment of the factories has been expanded.



Realization of the reform economic strategy.

Mostly built residential buildings.

Partly established production of light industry. Increase of power supply of enterprises.

However difficult these plans may be, the results of the five-year plans show the persistence and courage of the people. Yes, it was not all. The Sixth Five-Year Plan had to be "prolonged" due to the seven-year plan.

Let the five-year plans in the USSR be heavy (the table is a direct confirmation of this), but the Soviet people staunchly coped with all the norms and even overfulfilled their plans. The main slogan of all five-year plans was: "Five years in four years!"

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