Sports and FitnessFishing

Fishing with echo sounder from the boat. Echoes for fishing from a boat: reviews

No wonder many anglers buy a fishfinder called spontaneous. You can fish for ten years, but once you see firsthand what is fishing with the echo sounder from the boat, as soon as there is a desire to purchase this miracle device. It remains only to determine the model and make a purchase. But not everything is so simple! Before buying the echo sounder, you need to understand the purpose for which it will be used, which directly affects the price of the device.

A wide range of possibilities

The fisherman is unlikely to be interested in the device and the principle of the echo sounder. But the functional should be interesting.

  1. Study of the relief of the bottom of the reservoir. The finding of pits and depressions gives more chances to catch a predator, who prefers to live at maximum depth. Most devices can see the density of the soil. With these features, correcting the rigging, you can be sure that the bait does not hide in the deep mud.
  2. Detection of a school of fish or a large inhabitant of a reservoir. Such echo sounders for fishing from the boat are especially popular, because the probability of catch increases many times.
  3. Ability to save terrain maps with reference to the location. Let the cost of such devices and beats records, however, only one scan will save from subsequent studies of the bottom of the reservoir.

The right approach to buying

Before considering the functionality of the device, professionals recommend paying attention to three important components.

  1. The size of the screen and its resolution. The more these parameters, the more accurate the information will be. With a small screen, on which nothing is impossible to disassemble, fishing with the echosounder from the boat will be uninteresting. All reasoning will be built only by imagination.
  2. Mounting and protection against moisture. In almost 100 percent of cases, as practice shows, the cause of the failure of the new echosounder is the human factor. In the repair bring either a broken or drowned device. Accordingly, before going to the water you need to decide for yourself how the echo sounder will be fixed on the boat so that it is not afraid of falls and moisture.
  3. Signal power and viewing angle. The more powerful the signal, the more accurate the data from the bottom of the reservoir, the larger the scan angle, the greater the visibility area. These two indicators strongly affect the price of the device.

About manufacturers

There are a lot of manufacturers of specialized devices for fishing in the market. In the post-Soviet space, the best echosounders for fishing from the boat are Humminbird, Garmin and Lowrance. These manufacturers are on the market for several decades, they know exactly the sense in this narrow and specific direction. No fisher will be left without a purchase, because the list of models is very large, in different price categories, you can always find the sounder for your needs.

Separately, it should be said about inexpensive devices from unknown manufacturers and fakes. All of them are bribed first of all by a low price. However, partial inoperability and the provision of false data can spoil the mood on fishing.

The power of simplicity

Let the store advise to fork out and purchase the most expensive device, but it is worthwhile to think about whether the entire functionality of the device will be used. Judging by the reviews of many avid fishermen, for whom fishing with the echo sounder from the boat is not a novelty, the first device should be chosen the easiest. Large screen, the presence of a strong attachment to the boat or belt, a protective cover from moisture and a powerful signal with a narrow viewing angle - all the necessary functionality for a beginner. Not one year will go into the study of the device. Someone has the first device for decades. Some users claim that by making a list of requirements for the functionality of the echosounder, after a few years they decided on a second purchase of a device with greater capabilities, but they are very happy that they did not buy the most expensive device on the market, since there are many functions that would never be Were useful.

Cheap echo sounder and cartography

It is clear that with an expensive device, once having scanned the topography of the bottom of the reservoir, it is enough to establish geographical marks with reference to GPS, and in the future it will be possible to not spend a lot of time searching for greater depths when catching huge predators. That's how expensive echosounders for fishing from a boat are advertised to beginners by owners of cheap devices. There is only one question: why are geography lessons taught in cartography and orientation in the school? But it is thanks to the school course you can save a considerable amount when buying a device. It is enough to download and print from the Internet a map of the reservoir with a view from the satellite at an acceptable scale, to find landmarks and mark it. For clarity in the ideal, you need to draw a grid on the map. And that's it! Compass in hand, and you can safely proceed to scan and plot depths on your own map of the reservoir.

Quick scan

With frequent water changes, fishermen again and again have to spend a lot of time looking for a better place to throw gear. In such cases, a good bottom scanning speed will not interfere. This characteristic, judging by the responses of the owners, is not given much attention, but in vain. After the higher the speed of scanning and signal processing, the faster it is possible to obtain data on the bottom of the reservoir, having passed at high speed along the water's surface, and start fishing. This is not about front-scan echosounders, which are installed on fishing boats and yachts. They are too expensive and are unlikely to interest amateurs. It is enough to pay attention to the echo sounders for fishing from the boat Humminbird Piranha MAX, which have several scanning beams and excellent power. In addition, the buyer receives a shock-resistant and moisture-proof housing.

Fishing from the shore

Some echo sounders for fishing from a boat, reviews about which are rare enough to be found on the pages of printed publications and on the Internet, have one interesting function that allows using the device to scan the bottom of the pond from the shore. Any fisherman can easily attach a wireless sensor to the float and make several casts to the desired distance. Pulling the float to the shore, the angler can get full information about the relief of the reservoir in the place of casting gear. Such functionality can boast echo sounders for fishing from the boat "Garmin", the series "ECHO". Such a solution will allow even to be in bad weather with a catch.

Fans of winter fishing

Naturally, fishing with the echosounder from the boat is different from searching and catching fish in the winter. When buying in the first place, you need to pay attention to the temperature range in which the device can operate. Important is the stability and efficiency of the sensor in the frozen water. Naturally, the battery capacity will also decrease in the frost, so it's worthwhile to think about a spare battery. It is better to purchase the device, focusing on the signal power, rather than the scanning angle. After all, it's easier to first find the right place for fishing and start drilling, than to do a search, making holes one by one.

Miracle of domestic production

In the markets of the CIS countries, you can find the "Practic" echosounder manufactured in Russia. Many owners of this device, judging by the numerous reviews, at the first acquaintance with the device embarrassed the name and appearance. But if you only read the tactical and technical characteristics of the echosounder, and interest grew rapidly. Among its advantages - high power and accuracy of measurement, complete protection from moisture and shock, excellent frost resistance, the ability to work from batteries. The small weight, small size and informative screen made many buyers prefer the Russian manufacturer.

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