
Fishfinder "Minutka": reviews and photos

In recent years, many have revised their attitude towards food. First of all, people began to pay more attention to the quality of products, try to eat balanced, diverse. Nutrition is the key to health, an active lifestyle, attractiveness and longevity. No pill will help as food will help. An important role in maintaining the body in proper order is assigned to fish.

Universal dietary product

On nutritional and taste qualities fish is in the same row with meat, but for ease of assimilation in many respects it surpasses, which is an indisputable advantage of this product. The fish contains between 13 and 23% protein, even more fat, the value of which is especially high, since they are easily digested and enriched with vitamins A and D.

The most important indicator of the nutritional value of fish is the presence in it of fat and protein substances. Typically, the amount of fat in the fish depends on the taste of its meat and culinary qualities. Sturgeon, salmon, eel, lamprey are recognized as the most delicious fish, and they are the most caloric. However, a lower fat content does not detract from the value of the fish. Benign and easy assimilation of fish meat makes it an indispensable product for the nutrition of children and people requiring a diet.

Which fish to choose

Fish on the shelves in our stores can be seen in several ways:

  • Fresh,
  • Cooled,
  • Frozen.

Fresh fish is the most preferred product, but do not despair if it is not sold in your neighborhood. Fresh fish enters stores in a refrigerated state, usually in ice. Chilled is a product that has been cold treated to protect against spoilage, and its temperature is approaching the point of solidification, but the freezing of juices has not yet occurred in it. Fishermen try to cool the fish immediately after the catch, thus preserving the freshness and usefulness of the product.

Frozen fish is the most common product in the store. It is preferable to store in the refrigerator or freezer from -8 to -18 ° C. Frozen fish are hard as ice, because all the liquid in it freezes. But, despite this, this fish is not inferior to the chilled or steam according to its taste and nutritional qualities, if it is properly thawed.

From scraper to electrical apparatus

Before the fish gets to us on the table, it is pre-cleaned from the scales. For many centuries people used a sharp object like a scraper for this. Initially, such a fishworm was made by hand from a sharp stone. Metamorphoses with a scraper occurred in the following order:

  • scraper,
  • knife,
  • Mechanical apparatus for cleaning fish,
  • Electric scaling machine.

As soon as people learned to receive iron, the knife took the leading position not only on hunting, but also in everyday life.

The process of cleaning fish from scales was quite simple: they moved the knife between the layer of scales and the skin in the direction from the tail to the head, removing the plates. The main task was to clean the fish as best as possible, trying not to cut the skin. I must say that the scraping knife remained in our kitchens for a long time, until special fish cleaners appeared manual.

They were an object consisting of a handle on one side and a scraping blade on the other. Around the scraping blade, the walls were made, into which the scales were collected. However, this modernization did not save it from scattering it in different directions.

A unique device for cleaning fish

With the aim of facilitating the cleaning of fish, Russian inventors invented and released on the market a completely unique, simple, but extremely convenient item called the "Minutka" electric fishing fish. "The minute you need to remove all scales from the fish. Minute. "The photo shows that the instrument is made in two colors.

The advantage of this device

An electric fish chopper "Minutka" is distinguished by such qualities as:

  • security,
  • Compactness,
  • Ease of maintenance,
  • mobility,
  • reliability.

The model is made of impact-resistant plastic. Rubber coating of the handle makes the device more convenient in operation, since the top coating prevents it from slipping and falling out of the hands. Also, the rubber here performs a protective function - protects the internal mechanism from damage.

Accumulator fishwash "Minutka" uses a lithium battery - it's a kind of electric battery, which is widely used in complex technical devices, such as cell phones, smartphones. To maintain the device in proper condition , the battery charge controller is built into it . It is this mechanism that protects the battery from exceeding the voltage of the charge, not allowing it to overheat.

Professional fishing net consists of:

  • Nozzles for cleaning,
  • Protective cover,
  • Battery,
  • Handles with built-in mechanism.

Universal use of fish cleaning

You can use an electric appliance both at home and outdoors. When fully charged, the device can work for two hours. This is enough to clean the fish for a full dinner for a large and friendly family. Even if you have run out of charge, you can use it to recharge the battery with the car's cigarette lighter. In addition, the fishing enthusiasts "Minutka" have only positive reviews, as it gives an opportunity to do not very clean work in nature and bring home a ready-made product. Agree, for the wife of a fisherman - it's just a miracle! The imported catch will only be washed and put in a frying pan. While the husband takes things apart, the wife will have time to submit to the table the most exciting product. As a result, we get harmony and mutual understanding in the family.

Characteristics of fish cleaners

The device, despite its apparent large size, allows you to cope with both large and small fish.

Its length is 27 cm, width - 8. Only 690 grams of fish weighs an electric fish. User reviews note that the ergonomic grip fits comfortably in the palm of your hand, does not cause inconvenience, easily holds in your hand. In addition, the range of temperatures at which the device can work is quite wide: from -10 ° C to + 50 ° C. In the regions of the Far East and the Far North in the winter, you will not work on a street with a fishwort, but most of our country's expanses are quite suitable for using an electric device on the street all year round. Another advantage of the fish-cleaner "Minutka" is its ability to work under the stream of water, that is, you can not be afraid that the device will immediately fail if it accidentally gets wet.

Electro cleaning in operation

Let's see how to work consistently with this device. Professional fishing fish compactly fits in the case, which allows to keep the device clean.

For better cushioning, the set is placed in a protective foam layer. Before you start, you need to get the device out of the case. Further, since the fish-cleaner with the container, we put on and fasten the casing, which prevents spreading of scales in the room. We put the device into the socket if we work at home. Push the button and apply the device to the fish. Calmly we start to move from tail to head. The scales are easily removed and compactly packed inside the casing. If there is a lot of fish and the casing is filled, it is necessary to stop the device, remove the casing, release it from the accumulated scales and re-mount it on the apparatus. After the end of work, it must be disconnected from the outlet, remove the protective container, rinse with water, cut it, dry it and put it in the case. It is advisable not to leave water on the appliances, this is a guarantee of long-term trouble-free operation. Never use the appliance if you do not have a casing. Be careful not to put it in the hands of children, since the electrical device is equipped with a sharp cutter, and if the cover is removed, there may be trouble.

Easy operation

If you have an electric fishwinner in your hands, the reviews say that you are the lucky owner of the device, which will make the cleaning of the fish from a tedious occupation a pleasure.

It will not be necessary to collect scales throughout the apartment, much less time is spent on active work.

Housewives noted with admiration that with the appearance of an electric version in the house, fish dishes were much more often prepared. After all, even hand-washing fish can not boast such ease of use.

Men claim that there is no better gift to fishermen friends than a fish-cleaner "Minutka". The responses of the same experts recommend everyone to observe simple safety rules:

  • It is not recommended to switch on / off the device in an electric network with wet hands;
  • It is forbidden to leave the machine switched on unattended;
  • It is forbidden to include the disassembled device in the network;
  • It is better to avoid the fall of the fish catcher, and also to hit heavy objects on it.

There are a number of reasons that arise when operating the device, which the owners are able to identify and eliminate themselves. If the plug or cable is faulty, you can replace it yourself if you are an expert in this work. If you prefer to have the repair done by specialists, take the device to the workshop. The manufacturer has established a warranty service period of one year.

Universal gift

Fishweeper "Minute" user reviews are only positive.

Good housewives will help the device to clean fish from scales instantly and not damage tender meat. At work, the table, walls, sink remain clean, there is no need to spend extra time on putting the kitchen space in order. In addition, because of its compactness, the fishwinner does not take up much space, it can always be at hand. There is one more positive moment: the device works quietly, does not irritate at all. This is a wonderful find for housewives.

Fishermen and tourists without this device can not do. The device works from the cigarette lighter car in 12 V, has a long cord, which makes it possible to clean the fish in nature and bring home almost finished product.

The practice of using the device shows that fishwort "Minutka" reviews from professional chefs working in cafes or restaurants, is encouraging. Culinary experts say that speed and cleanliness of work are that amazing means, allowing to surprise visitors with fast cooking of fish dishes.

Bon Appetit

In conclusion of this article I would like to offer a unique recipe for cooking dishes from fish scales. With the help of an electric fish-cleaner "Minutka" we collect scales of pike, carp or crucian carp. Add it to the gauze pouch, add the onion, carrots, celery, bell pepper, bay leaves. Let's drop the bag into the pan. We will pour water so that the whole set of products will remain in the water and from the top there will be a couple of centimeters. We cook for three hours. Then turn off and let us brew our broth for the next three hours. Next, it is necessary to press the pouch with scales and remove it. In preformed molds, put the boiled fish and pour the resulting broth. This broth does not require gelatin, the jellied fish will be the most delicious.

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