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First baby skills: how much children start to hold their head

When children start to hold their heads, for mom this is certainly an achievement, however, as for her baby. It seems to adults that babies only eat, sleep and water a diaper. In fact, every movement, every look and gesture of the baby is a serious and conscious work. He lives in a world of sensations, remembers any touch, sound and smell. The new items of a crumb can look without stopping, for several minutes. Of course, this little man desperately tries to understand all the things around him.

Unequivocally, one can not answer the question of how much children start to hold their heads. Most often it occurs in 1,5-2 months, although moms still continue to carefully keep the baby.

Each child develops differently because of his physiological abilities. FROM Some children are also actively involved in gymnastics, water procedures and massage. Careful parents do everything to make their child soon strengthened and confidently felt in a new world for him. Further achievements and development of the baby does not depend on how many months the children begin to hold their heads. So do not worry if you think that your little one is not quite confident in mastering the first skills. On the contrary, one of the signs of intracranial pressure can be identified by learning how much children begin to hold their head. If this event occurred too early (up to 1 month), then it is worth to contact a specialist.

For better development of the cervical department of crumbs, no doubt, such exercises as laying on the tummy will be useful. They can already be done in the second week of your karapuza's life. The instinct of self-preservation begins to work in the child , and he tries to hold his head on his own. There are times when kids do not like this attitude, so try to forget about putting it on your stomach for about 2 weeks, and then try again. Usually by the end of the first month the youngster can calmly hold his head, lying on his stomach.

It is necessary to keep the baby in a column - this is useful not only for his neck, after feeding in this position, he gets air, and he belches less.

Try to exercise with the child dynamic gymnastics. Usually, she is very fond of kids, and they are happy to perform all these acrobatic tricks for the joy of moms. And you can swim in the bathroom with a special circle around your neck, gently supporting the crumbs behind your back.

Of course, parents are tormented by the question of how much children start to hold their heads, because they are afraid not to reveal any deviations in time. To calm your own conscience, as well as following the prescribed standards, you will need to show the child's baby a crumb. He will dispel all your experiences and answer your numerous questions, including how much children start to hold their heads and how to deal with them at the same time.

Try not to force events, but to enjoy every moment spent next to your favorite carapace. You yourself do not have time to notice how quickly it will grow.

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