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Field weed: weed with beneficial properties

The field apple, whose photo is below, is a herbaceous perennial plant, reaching 120 centimeters in height. It is a malignant weed and usually grows in crops, in vegetable gardens and in gardens. In addition, the grass is found in ravines and on forest slopes, not far from roads and human habitats, as well as on river banks. The plant has a wide distribution practically on all Russian territory, and also in Central Asia and Crimea.

The field buckwheat has a vertical sturdy root, from which a set of horizontal shoots, deeper as far as the arable layers, departs. On the rhizome is a large number of vegetative buds. Due to the fact that each of them sprouts to a depth of more than one and a half meters, the struggle with the plant often does not yield positive results, and new stems appear again. Thorny leaves have an oblong lanceolate structure. The appearance of a leaf outlet occurs in spring. Fragrant flowers of plants form paniculate inflorescences. As for their color, it is usually lilac-pink or pink-purple. The grass of the tuber blossoms throughout the summer and the beginning of autumn, and its fruits are brown, obovate achenes.

Being a malignant weed and causing a lot of damage to cultural crops, the plant simultaneously benefits. In particular, it is a very good melliferous, in support of which we can cite the fact that from one hectare of buckwheat it is possible to obtain up to 140 kilograms of honey. In addition, the leaves of the grass present vitamin "C", and in the above part of its stem - a large concentration of tartaric acid, alkaloids, sugar, holim and fatty oils. All this makes it possible to make extensive use of the campfire in cooking. His young stems and leaves are often added to soups. The only obstacle in this case is the presence of spines-thorns, which must be pruned beforehand. You can also remove a bitter taste, for which it is necessary to soak the herb in a 10% brine aqueous solution. The field bats are often dried and grinded to be used in the preparation of soups and sauces in the winter. Now the technology of applying the plant in cooking is not developed thoroughly, so there is no opportunity to talk about the nutritional value of the product.

Another area of application of the herb is medicine. The plant belonged to the number of medicinal products still in the ancient healers. In this healing are all its parts - from the roots and ending with leaves. The field bodily must be collected during the flowering period, in other words, from June to September inclusive. As an external agent is usually used herbal water infusion. It is used to combat skin diseases, as well as in the form of poultices when hemorrhoids arise. Decoctions on tubyka effectively improve the process of metabolism, as well as help with headaches and neuroses. In folk medicine, the plant is used to wash the skin with various lesions.

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