
Fertilizer "Bud" - a popular top dressing for indoor plants.

Indoor plants, as well as grown in the open ground, need constant care and top dressing. Today, there are many ways and methods of using fertilizers for home floriculture.

Types of fertilizers

Most often for fertilizing plants grown in apartments and offices, liquid fertilizers are used - nutrients, which are presented in the form of a homogeneous solution with a high concentration. Before use, liquid fertilizers should be diluted in water in the amount specified in the instructions. Such fertilizers are divided into two types:

  • Mineral;
  • Organic.

The latter are balanced solutions, which act slowly enough, but continuously. Such fertilizers feed the soil with readily soluble substances, improve its physical properties and structure. In addition, they revitalize the necessary microorganisms. Their main advantage is softness, they can not burn roots, since they are made from natural raw materials. The disadvantage is a bad smell and stains, which can remain on clothing and furniture with inaccurate use. Organic fertilizers include bird droppings, sawdust, compost. Mineral fertilizers are chemical compounds that are manufactured by artificial means. They contain the maximum amount of nutrients, so necessary for growth. The main difference is a quick action: plants instantly assimilate them, and the results are visible after a couple of days. Chemical solutions are odorless and colorless. Mineral fertilizers require a clear dosage, if it is exceeded on leaves and roots, whitish salt deposits appear. The disadvantage is the lack of hormones and auxins, which are necessary for balanced feeding. The production of mineral fertilizers is quite advanced today. This type of activity is engaged in a huge number of domestic enterprises, since the use of fertilizers is one of the main methods of intensive farming. To popular means for top dressing of houseplants, besides "Rainbow", "Master", also mineral fertilizer "Buton". They all contain the substances necessary for the effective development of plants.

Fertilizer "Bud" - universal and efficient

Of all the variety of fertilizing for plants in the market there are those tools that are versatile and most effective. Fertilizer "Bud" is a stimulant for increasing growth and flowering. Its advantages include:

  • Stimulating the formation of ovaries and minimizing the appearance of blossoms;
  • Anti-stress action against unwanted short-term frosts;
  • Increase of yield by 40%; Stimulation of growth of the vegetative mass of green plants;
  • Reduction in the maturation of fruits;
  • Increase in crop size;
  • Improvement of quality, flavoring and nutritional properties of grown fruits;
  • Strengthening the plant, increasing resistance to disease and stress;
  • Restoration of productivity.

Fertilizer "Bud" is intended for root and foliar dressings, as well as for soaking seeds before planting, it is also used as a fertilizer for soil and soil.

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