HealthWomen Health

Feeling of training fights: what is it?

Shortly before the birth, many future mothers experience a feeling of training. False contractions - a short (30 sec - 2 min.) Contraction of the muscles of the uterus. Most of them are absolutely painless and do not interfere with the normal life of a pregnant woman, but with an increase in the period they become more tangible.

And what do training fights look like ? Almost everyone describes them approximately the same way: for a few moments the stomach strains (stiffens) and contracts, then unpleasant sensations recede.

Training fights: what are they for?

Nature has provided literally everything. That's the feeling of training fights a woman experiences for a reason.

The uterus needs a kind of training. Otherwise, it simply can not cope with the heavy load directly in the process of delivery. The main purpose of false fights is the preparation of the cervix for delivery. In the last weeks of pregnancy such fights promote some softening of the uterus.

When can false struggles begin to manifest?

As it was said before, not all have training fights. From what week they can be felt, no doctor will give an unambiguous answer. But before the 21st week of pregnancy they appear rarely. It would be more accurate to say that before this date the future mother simply does not notice them.

Frequent feeling of training fights: how to live with this?

To reduce the frequency of false bouts, observe some recommendations:

  1. If they occur more often with physical activity, it is recommended to relax, for example, having an easy walk.
  2. On the feet for a long time you can not stand. This is harmful for a baby, and false struggles will be involved. If possible, rest more.
  3. A healthy sleep is now in the first place. It is advisable, of course, to sleep in silence and with the lights off.
  4. In no case can not bear and lift weights! Let the husband take care of such duties. Something heavier than a handbag in your hands should not be.
  5. The diet is not yet to be planted. About the figure you will reflect, when the long-awaited child will be born.
  6. It is necessary to limit the consumption of caffeine. Caffeine, according to many experts, only contributes to the frequent occurrence of false bouts.

Feeling of training fights and the beginning of labor: how to distinguish?

Women who are waiting for a child for the first time are often concerned about the question of how to recognize birth pains. It often happens that the pregnant from the hospital returns home, because the alarm was false.

Doubt? Do not panic or be nervous. First, determine the time interval between contractions. In case they are weak and irregular, there is no need to worry. Training bouts are not periodic and end fairly quickly. The main thing to understand is that they do not do any harm to your baby.

Immediately seek help from a hospital if:

  • The fights became periodic (about 3-5 fights per hour);
  • Fights are accompanied by pain in the lower spine;
  • Fights are accompanied by any discharge (watery or bloody).

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