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How to organize the first lure with artificial feeding

To begin with it is necessary to understand how to understand that the child is ready for feeding. In this case, it's better to be late than to get ahead of the events.

First of all, it is worth consulting with the district pediatrician, but you should not forget about your seventh feeling, because during 9 months you and your baby were one whole. If he started to take an active interest in the food you eat, looks in your mouth and tries to put something into your mouth if the milk formula is not enough and the child does not maintain the planned intervals between meals, then you are on the way to introducing complementary foods. The congenital ejection reflex should also be fading, and if consumed by the mother of food, the contents of the mouth should remain inside, and not be demonstrated to others. If the decision was made to introduce the first complementary feeding with artificial feeding, an obligatory condition for readiness for it should be the ability of the baby to sit, turn away from the unwanted product or tilt the head. The child's age must be at least 4 months.

Why it is better to start the first lure with artificial feeding?

The answer to this question will tell you your baby. There is an opinion that the ideal lure is apple juice in the first months, but, unfortunately, there are limiting factors that negatively affect the still fragile intestinal tract of the baby. Choosing the first lure for artificial feeding for your baby, it is worth giving preference to cereals and vegetable mixes.

Why porridge?

Kashi should be introduced if the child is born small or his weight slowly increases. If the toddler is mobile and active, then for the additional source of energy, the cat will also be suitable. The first porridge, which comes to the minds of many young mothers with regard to the first food is manna. But it's not right. Manna porridge, as well as oatmeal, contains a large amount of gluten, which will negatively affect the digestion of the baby. The optimal lure for the first time will be buckwheat, rice and corn porridge. Many mothers prefer a homemade meal cooked in a double boiler or on a stove. Along with this, the use of ready-made products in the form of instant cereals is gaining more and more supporters. Judge for yourself, who wants to spend time in the kitchen in the preparation process only for the sake of the baby eating 1-2 teaspoons? It is with this dose it is necessary to start the first lure with artificial feeding, daily increasing the amount twice. The child will show you when he is hungry, and when he is full. If you need to choose complementary feeding with mixed feeding, all the above tips will be useful, except for one. If, in addition to the infant formula, the baby receives breast milk, then it is for them to dilute the baby's first mole.

Why vegetable mashed potatoes, not fruit?

Starting the first lure for children with fragrant and sweet fruit purees, parents are faced with the problem of the baby's refusal from more fresh food, which are porridges and vegetables. Fruit acids and a high sugar content, which irritate the mucosa before the end of the ripened stomach, can become a negative factor. This can lead to early onset of gastritis and kidney problems. Choosing vegetable purees as the first lure at artificial feeding, it is necessary to observe the same dosages, as at input of porridges (since 1 teaspoon, with daily increase in volume). If a child suffers from excessive weight, it is vegetables that will help to normalize his weight. In the winter and spring time, pediatricians recommend switching to canned food, since this kind of storage allows you to maximize the vitamins and trace elements necessary for growth and normal development of the child. It is not necessary to use brightly colored vegetables at first, especially if it is cauliflower, broccoli, zucchini.

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