
Feeding of seriously ill patients through a probe, from a spoon and an appetizer. Features of care for seriously ill patients

When a seriously ill person appears in the family, the whole way of domestic life changes dramatically. He is not in a position to serve himself and satisfy elementary needs. Feels physical inferiority and a huge dependence on others.

Every day for such a person you need to look after, psychologically support it, help in maintaining personal hygiene. Proper feeding of seriously ill patients is one of the most important elements in ensuring their vital functions and maintaining a comfortable state. This process is very different from eating a healthy person.

Features of care and feeding

Severe patients almost always suffer from various disorders. This is manifested:

  • Sleep disorder;
  • Malfunctions in breathing;
  • Disorders of motility;
  • Lack of mobility;
  • Uncontrolled allocation of waste products from the body;
  • Problematic organization of the process of food intake;
  • Inadequate hazard assessment.

Partial or complete absence of motion leads to the occurrence of pressure sores, pneumonia and stagnation in the lungs, muscle tissue atrophy, and traumatism. And the wrong feeding of seriously ill patients causes constipation, diarrhea, impaired urine output, leading to infection in the genitals.

In order to minimize the consequences of an abnormal condition of a person and not worsen his state of health with additional problems, you need to ensure proper care and eating. To do this, you must follow certain rules:

  • Maintain a comfortable psychological atmosphere;
  • Not to disturb physical rest;
  • Prevent the occurrence of pressure sores;
  • Ventilate the room so that unpleasant odors do not cause nausea during meals;
  • To keep under control changes in the state of health;
  • Follow the chair and urine;
  • Help maintain personal hygiene (be sure to brush your teeth);
  • Regularly change bed linen;
  • To conduct accessible physical therapy;
  • Regularly do light massage.

Feeding the seriously ill in bed has its own characteristics. If a person is able at least somehow to eat himself, then one should encourage this independence, helping him only as necessary. Let the process of food intake be long, but it is useful for the patient to realize that he is not completely helpless. For such patients, a special table is bought, which is put on the bed. The dishes should not slide and do not beat.

If a person is not able to eat himself, then artificial feeding is performed. Most often, food enters the body through a probe. At certain indications, nutrients are injected with enema or intravenously.

Features of the diet

The feeding of severely ill patients should not contribute to the development of constipation or diarrhea. You can not tolerate overeating. After a sedentary person very quickly gaining weight. And every extra kilogram prevents you from turning and lifting the patient.

Malnutrition also leads to an even greater reduction and so weakened immunity. Vital systems of the body begin to function even worse.

To ensure that the nutrition of a seriously ill person is normal, you should:

  • Feed it 4-5 times a day;
  • Do small portions;
  • Carry out mandatory heat treatment of products;
  • Follow the freshness of food;
  • Serve snacks to enhance appetite;
  • Check the temperature of the dishes (they must be warm);
  • Choose the bones of fish and meat;
  • Give preference to soft, light and lean food;
  • Vegetables and fruits to grate.

The patient should have enough protein and vitamins in his diet. Under the control it is necessary to keep and use of a liquid in the necessary quantity - not less than one and a half liters per day.

An abnormal state of a person can greatly alter his preferences. Food, which used to be liked, starts to disgust. Some people stop feeling the taste of food. Therefore, one should be interested in the patient with what he would like to eat, and respect his choice.

Not allowed

There are a number of products that you should not give. Severely ill patients should not use:

  • Lard and pork;
  • Duck and goose;
  • Mustard;
  • Fish and meat canned food;
  • pepper;
  • Alcoholic beverages.

You can not drink and feed a person by force. In case of refusal of food it is necessary to wet your lips with water and wait until you have an appetite. It is useful to make fasting days, but in case of constant reluctance to eat, you should consult a doctor for advice.

Sequence of food delivery

In addition to meeting the dietary requirements, priority is also given to serving meals. Feeding seriously ill patients has its own rules:

  • First, liquid dishes are served, then solid ones;
  • It is impossible to mix boiled dishes with raw;
  • First of all, it is necessary to give products that are digested more quickly (fruits, vegetables);
  • Then they offer sour-milk, bakery, meat dishes (for their processing the organism spends one, two and a half and five hours, respectively);
  • If after eating any food a person feels uncomfortable, it is worth switching to specialized liquid mixtures.

Meat and milk products or eggs should not be eaten with potatoes or bread. These products are served separately.

Feeding a seriously ill patient: an algorithm

If a person lying down is able to eat naturally, this is wonderful. However, it is necessary to organize this process correctly.

  1. Tell the patient what he will do now.
  2. Ventilate the room.
  3. Bring semi-liquid food, cooled to forty degrees.
  4. Wash hands with water and wipe them.
  5. Put spoons, dishes, drink.
  6. Raise the seriously ill patient so that he takes a sitting position (if possible).
  7. Cover him with a breastplate.
  8. Feed slowly, fill the spoon with food for 2/3. Her tip is first to touch the lower lip so that the patient opens his mouth.
  9. To facilitate swallowing give a drink with water, while maintaining the head.
  10. After serving each serving, you need to pause so that a person can chew food.
  11. If necessary, the mouth should be wiped with a napkin.

Feeding a seriously ill patient from a spoon and a drinker requires a lot of patience. You can not be irritated, you can rush a sick person. People in this state are mentally unstable. A person on nervous soil can begin vomiting, panic attack, involuntary urination occur.

After eating, shake the crumbs from the bed, wipe the patient's hands and rinse the mouth.

Feeding through nasogastric tube

In especially serious cases, a person can not eat naturally. Then the patient is fed by artificial means. To do this, use a thin folding tube - probe. It is introduced into the esophagus through the nasopharynx.

Feeding of seriously ill patients through the probe is carried out only with liquid products. It can be broths, juices, milk.

At first, up to two hundred milliliters of liquid is poured at a time, and meals take place up to six times a day. After a while, the frequency of feeding can be reduced to three times. In this case, the amount is doubled.

Feeding a seriously ill patient (algorithm) through a nasogastric tube consists of sequential actions.

  1. Man needs to explain all the manipulations.
  2. Wash the hands.
  3. Bring food.
  4. Help to take a semi-sitting position.
  5. Press the probe with the clamp.
  6. Draw the liquid into the syringe and guide it into the hole in the tube.
  7. Remove the clamp.
  8. Slowly introduce food.
  9. Rinse the probe with a small amount of water (using a clean syringe) and close it with a stopper.

After the procedure, you should help a person take a comfortable position.

Compliance with the rules of feeding of seriously ill patients helps to maintain their health at the optimal level. During feeding in any way, the patient should not be distracted by conversation, include music, television or very bright light.

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