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Fasting on the water 7 days: reviews, results. Therapeutic starvation

When all the known diets have been tried, but the desired result has not been achieved, you can experience the world-famous method that will help lose weight and also purify the body. This method was suggested by the American naturopath, Paul Bregg. Fasting is, in the author's opinion, the key to the health of the body and rapid weight loss. Paul Bregg advocated the use of his own methods for health purposes and successfully applied it on himself. His teaching spread throughout the world.

It has long been proven that a person can live without food for about one month, so do not worry - death from hunger does not threaten you. Already a lot is written about starvation on the water (7 days). Reviews, results, it is worth saying, are impressive. In the same article, information will be considered in more detail for those who are ready to starve for the sake of acquiring a slender figure.

What actually happens in a situation of refusal of food with the human body? How to starve right on the water? How long does such a diet last? How to get out of it right? We will answer your questions.

Fasting on the water (7 days): reviews, results

Do not think that a day or two starvation immediately relieve you of extra pounds. With a short refusal of food, you can only lose some weight. At the same time, they will not leave fat, but excess fluid, which is always in large numbers in the body of fat people.

Two or three days of fasting will not give such an effect as a longer refusal of food (at least a week). Judging by the reviews, the weight goes away more quickly in the first two days, then the body adapts to the new conditions, and the fat stock is already consumed by them more economically. The number of kilograms that you will be able to get rid of will not be determined in advance. Each person is individual, besides everything depends on how long you can sustain a similar diet. Based on the results of people who tested this method on their own, it can be seen that about one kilogram per day is spent.

How much to drink water during fasting

Domestic starvation on the water requires a special drinking regime. The minimum water consumption per day is 1.5-2 liters. Thanks to this amount of incoming fluid, the body can cope with intoxication without problems, and the general well-being will remain at the proper level. But to drink water through strength is not worth it, listen to yourself and to the needs of your body.

What can you drink except water?

Nothing. You can drink only pure water, preferably a spring water. It is strictly forbidden to use juices, herbal infusions, teas and other liquids, since they can interfere with the purification processes that occur in the body during fasting.

In hot weather, you can drink cool water, but in the cold season it is better to eat warm or slightly hot water. The thing is that a couple of days after the start of the hunger strike, the body begins to chill, and the cold water only strengthens the chills.

One day of fasting on the water

One-day starvation on the water almost does not conceal in itself any danger to the body. Practice it can be at least every week. You just need to choose for yourself a certain day, suitable for you, and let your body rest from food.

This practice will relieve the digestive system and contribute to its recovery. Is it possible to lose weight in this mode? Depends on you. If after a hungry day you greedily pounce on the food, without figuring out what is in front of you on a plate, you can hardly lose weight. The observance of moderation in nutrition the day after the hunger strike will gradually lead you to the desired result.

What happens to a person's body during a hunger strike?

The human body is a clever and perfect system. The fasting week launches a multitude of complex processes that are aimed at cleansing and improving all organ systems.

Already on the second day with the refusal of food the secretion of the gastrointestinal tract changes - gastric juice ceases to stand out, and the body itself is filled with proteins and unsaturated fatty acids. They, in turn, activate the neurohormone cholecystokinin, which suppresses the feeling of hunger.

During the refusal of human food, headache, weakness, sleep disturbance, nausea and sometimes even vomiting can be disturbing. There is a splitting of fats, and a week later comes the so-called acidotic crisis, and the body completely switches to internal nutrition.

After the passage of the acidotic crisis, the well-being improves, the headache and dizziness pass, and a surge of strength sets in. Now the daily weight loss is about 500 grams per day. This pace lasts until the end of the hunger strike.

How to prepare for starvation

Fasting on water for 3 days or less does not require any special preparation. The main thing at the same time is will power, firmness of intention and determination. But a longer refusal of food needs a serious approach. About a week before the hunger strike, give up heavy fatty foods: from meat, spicy spices and alcohol. It is best to comply with the milk-vegetable diet.

Before the first day of the hunger strike, the bowel cleansing procedure should be carried out.

Exit from fasting

A very important point of this diet is to know how to get out of starvation correctly. The normal regime should be returned gradually, about the same number of days as the hunger strike itself lasted. That is, if you practiced fasting on the water for 7 days, reviews, the results of other people argue that the restoration of the diet should last exactly one week. Gradually, the way out of starvation can be described as follows.

  1. On the first day after the end of the hunger strike, you can eat only natural juice. It is desirable that it was a fruit-vegetable, diluted in water in a one-to-one ratio.
  2. The second day allowed the use of undiluted juice and vegetable and fruit purees in small quantities.
  3. On the third day, in addition to the wiped fruits and vegetables, you can afford to eat porridge cooked on the water, with a small amount of bread, as well as a little dried fruit.
  4. On the fourth day, vegetarian soups with a small amount of vegetable oil are allowed to be used in addition to all of the above.
  5. On the fifth day, you can already afford some sour-milk products, for example, kefir or ryazhenka.
  6. On the sixth day in your diet you can add sour cream, a little cheese and salt.
  7. On the seventh day, the use of low-fat cottage cheese and eggs is acceptable.

After a week of recovery, you can gradually begin to eat chicken, fish and other products.

As you can see, with such a diet as starvation on the water, the output is no less difficult for a person than the process of a hunger strike itself.

Rules of behavior during fasting

If you are completely healthy, then you will suffer fast enough. But there are a number of conditions that must be fulfilled.

In addition to compliance with the drinking regime, it is also necessary to cleanse enemas every day. This procedure promotes the removal of decay products from the rectum. In case you refuse to do an enema, toxins will be absorbed into the blood, and this can cause self-poisoning of the body. An equally important moment in fasting is a daily shower.

With a refusal to eat it is better to lead an active lifestyle, often spend time on the street, but in no case lie on the couch in a confined space. And, as it was already written above, do not forget that during fasting on the water, the person is chilly, therefore it is necessary to dress a little warmer than usual. Well, as during any other diet, you should avoid stressful situations if you practice fasting on the water.

7 days

Reviews, results and research in the field of curative fasting made it possible to understand how effective seven-day starvation is on the water, and whether it is worth observing the diet more than this time.

When the week of the hunger strike is over, and after the acidotic crisis of forces, more than enough, many think that they can safely continue their hunger strike further. But especially if this is your first fast, it is better to start out of it, despite the fact that you have mastered the theory properly and thoroughly prepared for a change in diet. You have enough time to properly exit hunger and evaluate the effectiveness of this method. How much did you manage to throw off, did you achieve the desired result? Based on your own experience, after some time you can again dare to take this step, if, of course, you still need it.

Wellness effect

The therapeutic starvation on the water increases immunity, promotes the improvement of the intestinal microflora, relieves chronic diseases, rejuvenates. If everything is done according to the rules and in no case do not allow amateur performance, the result will be truly stunning. Improvement of well-being and health, as well as lost kilograms - a prize for patience and willpower, which you showed during the hunger strike.


Important! Self-starving at home is recommended to practice only for absolutely healthy people, regardless of the reasons for which it was decided to resort to this method: to improve well-being or to lose weight.

Therapeutic starvation is absolutely contraindicated for people with such diseases as tuberculosis in active form, with severe pathologies of the heart, blood, malignant tumors, type I diabetes, bronchiectasis, thyrotoxicosis, thrombophlebitis, weight loss, post-infarction period, during pregnancy and During lactation.

Also, relative contraindications are people suffering from type II diabetes, gout, cholelithiasis, hypotension, peptic ulcer, chronic venous insufficiency, and also are in childhood or senile age.

Negative and positive reviews of starvation

Even in ancient times, people knew about the absolute benefits of starvation on the water. Doctors and specialists have studied and continue to study the mechanisms of this method. A lot of experience has been accumulated on the use of this diet for getting rid of certain diseases and for normalizing body weight. Judging by the responses of people who have experienced this method, following the instructions for preparing for a change in diet, and knowing how to get out of starvation, they were more than satisfied with the result.

But there are also negative reviews. This is mainly due to the fact that during the diet there were mistakes, and the way out of starvation was not done correctly. So before you test the effect of this method on yourself, it is better to study the theory, which will help to do everything right in the future.

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