HealthDiseases and Conditions

Exercises from osteochondrosis, therapeutic gymnastics

Osteochondrosis is a disease that affects not only the elderly, but also the young. Most often occurs in those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. This disease affects the spine, and more specifically its different departments. Occurs as a result of improper metabolism and is dystrophic for intervertebral discs. They undergo degeneration, lose their elasticity and plasticity. The disks can be interconnected, and there is insufficient depreciation.

Features of the disease

The disease affects various areas of the human skeleton. Initially, it does not manifest itself in any way, but over time pain syndrome arises. It is accompanied by an inflammation of the area that is affected.

Osteochondrosis manifests itself in such areas of the spine as:

  • Cervical department;
  • Thoracic department;
  • The lumbar department;
  • shoulder girdle;
  • Lower and upper limbs.

Sometimes the pain syndrome is localized in the heart area. These may be false symptoms of heart disease. In fact, such a pain can be indicative of osteochondrosis. Also, this disease is today considered a disease of the century. Treatment of it is difficult due to late manifestations of pain symptoms. Prevention of the disease is a constant exercise from osteochondrosis.

Signs of osteochondrosis of the spine

As mentioned earlier, the disease affects not only old people, but also young people. From this it follows that correct diagnosis and diagnosis can help avoid a lot of problems. But it is very important to monitor your body yourself and listen to the various signals that it gives. The disease is fraught with many dangers. At first glance, it seems that only the intervertebral discs and cartilages are deformed, but this is not so. With the development of the disease, vertebrae undergo very strong changes, thereby completely depriving the affected area of mobility. Intervertebral discs fuse, change and pinch the nerve endings that lead to the brain.

Osteochondrosis brings not only discomfort and pain, but also affects the overall well-being of the patient. The main signs of the disease include:

  • Frequent dizziness;
  • back pain;
  • Fatigue and pain in the muscles of the back;
  • Vertebrae crunch when the body moves;
  • Numbness of the lower and upper extremities;
  • Creeps that arise without any apparent cause;
  • Severe headaches;
  • Feeling cold in the hands and feet;
  • Muscle spasms.

All these signs are only a small part of the disease. If you do not start doing exercises from osteochondrosis in time, the disease can worsen, and the symptoms will become much brighter.

Causes of the disease

To date, there are several main causes of this disease. People who constantly face stress and stress, already automatically fall into the "risk group" of the disease. Also susceptible to this disease are people who:

  1. There are various injuries of the spine.
  2. Incorrect posture.
  3. Exposed to heavy physical stress.
  4. Smokers.
  5. Sedentary lifestyle.
  6. Load on the spine due to constant vibration (drivers).
  7. Strong emotional turmoil and stress.
  8. Diseases associated with the endocrine system, as well as somatic.
  9. Hormonal disorders in the body.
  10. Wrong and irrational nutrition, in which the body does not receive enough vitamins, minerals and trace elements.

And this is only a small part of those factors that can contribute to the onset of osteochondrosis.

Treatment and prevention of spine disease

Treatment consists of several stages. At the first signs of discomfort in the back, it is recommended to urgently consult a specialist. He will help to establish the cause and give recommendations on how to proceed and get rid of the disease.

The first stage is medical. The doctor will prescribe special medications that will help to remove the inflammation and restore the cartilaginous tissue. Next is a complex exercise exercise therapy, restoring the mobility of the spine. Massages and manual therapy are also prescribed. In particularly difficult cases, specialists recommend surgical intervention.

One of the main factors in the prevention of spine disease is a properly equipped sleeping place. The mattress on which the patient rests must be rigid, preferably with an orthopedic base. Also, there are important preventive exercises from osteochondrosis. If you engage in a complex, the disease will not only stop progressing, but also the functionality of the vertebrae will improve.

Osteochondrosis of cervical vertebrae

Specialists distinguish several dangerous parts of the spine, which affects osteochondrosis. And they include the cervical department. The reasons for this are obvious, since in this area there are the largest arteries providing nutrition to all internal organs. Vessels and nerve fibers are also very closely located, feeding and supplying nerve impulses to the brain. And this can lead to very serious problems and, in turn, to complications. Sometimes, against the background of cervical osteochondrosis, mental illness and a variety of depressive conditions can develop. Also, frequent symptoms that a person has osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are:

  • Headaches in the occipital region;
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • Increased blood pressure.

How to perform gymnastics?

The disease affects young people aged between twenty-five years. It all depends on whether the person is at risk. Experts note that the best prevention of osteochondrosis of the cervical department will be a complex of therapeutic gymnastics. It is perfectly suitable for preventive procedures and restores the mobility of the neck. But it is important to follow the rules when doing gymnastics:

  1. Exercises from osteochondrosis are performed only during remission.
  2. Pain sensations when performing physical exercises should be absent.
  3. All actions are done very smoothly and without sharpness.
  4. You should always keep your posture and remember that the correctness of the exercises depends only on it.
  5. Gymnastics is performed strictly on time, it is recommended to allocate fifteen minutes for a group of exercises.

Considering all these rules, it is recommended to realize that before giving the body a physical load, it is required to consult a specialist.

Exercises for the cervical department

The disease has several forms: acute and chronic. In acute form, in order to remove the pain symptom, you need to perform everything slowly and consistently. Sharp movements are not allowed. Complex of exercises:

  1. Standing or sitting. Hands are located along the body. It is necessary to produce neck movements alternately in different directions. The chin is on the same line as the shoulders.
  2. The position of the body is original. The head moves forward, touching the chin with his chest. The neck is slightly springy.
  3. The next exercise, pose the same. The chin slowly retracts, provided that the head remains flat.

This entire charge for the neck is repeated ten times. When the form of exercise is somewhat modified.

Exercises for the chronic form of cervical osteochondrosis

Exercise should be done very slowly and carefully. On the contrary, additional loads will cause even greater damage.


  1. Position of the body while sitting or standing. With a palm with a gradual load, press on the forehead. In this case, the hand must resist the head.
  2. The continuation of this exercise is that the hand moves to the temporal zone and presses on the head toward the shoulder.
  3. The last exercise is a slow and symmetrical lifting and relaxing of the shoulders. Shoulders raise up and down. At the top they are tense, when lowering down you need to slowly relax them.

Such charging for the neck helps relieve pain and stimulates blood flow in the intervertebral discs.

LFK in chest osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic region is one of the most problematic in the treatment and prevention. Since the chest with ribs creates a very tight corset and is practically motionless, it is difficult to reach such vertebrae. There are a number of exercises recommended by the doctor of exercise therapy for the prevention of disease in the thoracic department:

  1. The starting position is standing. It is required to slowly bend forward, while the back should be flat. When the body remains at the level of the floor, the head should be thrown back and the scapulae removed. Lock the position for a few minutes.
  2. Standing and straightening his posture, one must take turns to lift his shoulders. The exercise is performed ten times per shoulder.
  3. In the sitting position with an even back, one arm is wound over the shoulder behind the back, the other through the lower back. Hold your hands in the lock and slowly bend over. After the position of the hands changes. Exercise to perform fifteen times on one side.

Gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine

The lumbosacral spine also suffers from a disease such as osteochondrosis. In general, the onset of the disease can provoke heavy physical activity. Usually a person does not control when lifting heavy objects. And so the whole load falls on the lower back. Therapeutic gymnastics of the lumbar spine will improve the efficiency of the back and help avoid complications. Exercise is recommended to perform slowly and smoothly, without sudden movements.

  1. From the standing position, it is required to make slow inclinations forward and backward. 15 approaches in two directions.
  2. The starting position on all fours. One by one, and very slowly, you should bend and bend your back.
  3. Remaining in the same position, one hand is wound behind the back and slowly turns the body sideways. After changing your hand and doing the same.
  4. Lie on your back, the surface should be firm. Hand over your head and slowly stretch your spine.


Gymnastics for osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine, cervical and thoracic has its contraindications. First of all, you can not perform exercises in case of exacerbation of the disease. It is also worth abandoning exercise therapy if you are concerned about acute pain and are accompanied by other complications.

It is not recommended to engage in gymnastics and with ARI, inflammatory processes or recently transferred diseases. The body at such moments is still very weak, and the physical load will not allow it to fully recover. And this has a very strong effect on the immune system. It should be remembered that before any physical exercises, the physician of the exercise therapy should make a full inspection and give recommendations.

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