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Estimation of accounts receivable is a necessary procedure for any enterprise

The work of any enterprise is associated with various kinds of risks and negative situations, creating serious problems for normal work. One of these risks is receivables. It does not allow the company to make full use of its working capital. In simple terms, this is the same amount of debt that is held by individuals or legal entities and has not yet been returned to the creditor. Enterprises constantly struggle with debtors, making every effort to recover and return existing receivables.

In order to have a full understanding of the scope of the problem, it is necessary to thoroughly study and evaluate it. Only then will it be possible to work out a strategy and tactics for combating negligent companions. To do this, the company assesses accounts receivable. Experts review and compare a lot of documents, then using tables and graphs clearly illustrate the actual state of things. The estimation of a debt receivable is the full analysis of the created situation. In the process of work should be identified:

  • Culprits;
  • Reasons and circumstances of the formation of debts;
  • Amount of debt;
  • The limitation period for each customer's credit;
  • Documents confirming the existence of debt;
  • Measures taken to repay the debt, and evaluation of their effectiveness.

Sometimes an estimation of a debt receivable is carried out with attraction of the foreign organizations. This is done in the case when the issue has not been studied for a long time, and the enterprise is not able to cope with the situation itself.

It is worth noting that in modern conditions any firm or organization can not completely exclude, for one reason or another, the very fact of debt formation. There are many such reasons. We can distinguish only the main ones: the absence of a prepayment for the shipment of the supplied products or the services provided; Step-by-step payment by the partners of services on the basis of concluded contracts; Mistakes in the preparation of documents accompanying the transaction; Inaccuracies in settlements with customers.

Every reason must be carefully analyzed. The estimation of a debt receivable should reveal all facts of discrepancy. To this end, every debtor raises and collates all available documents. Verification acts are compulsorily compiled to confirm the calculations.

Work can be performed much faster if the enterprise constantly keeps accounts of receivables. Daily reports on hard copies are stored in the computer's memory in order to be able to make the right decision at the right time. In this case, each amount of debt will be documented and officially recognized by the debtor. This will facilitate the recovery process and will allow to resolve the situation in the shortest possible time. Here, the accounting department, the marketing department and the legal service should work together. Debtors are sent letters of claim with return requirements, which are drawn up on the basis of concluded contracts, as well as signed reconciliation and acceptance-transfer acts. In case of refusal of justified claims, the creditor has the opportunity to apply to the court to resolve the dispute. Therefore, accounting for primary data is of paramount importance.

The constant analysis of the company's accounts receivable allows timely reacting to the negative situation that has developed. Each service in its parameters compiles a consolidated report and provides it to the person responsible for controlling the debt of the debtors.

At first glance, such meticulousness seems unnecessary, but it is only at first glance. A company that has a full picture of its debts before its eyes can remind itself about itself in time and put forth reasonable demands. This makes it possible to demand debt and direct its own funds for the further development of the company's activities. Otherwise, the limitation period may expire , and the enterprise will not see its money any more. In addition, such an assessment allows identifying unfair partners and subsequently limiting their business contacts to such "undesirable" customers.

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