HealthDiseases and Conditions

Dyspepsia. Symptoms and Causes

Dyspepsia is a complex of disorders that can occur against a background of prolonged malnutrition or inappropriate use of medications.

How is dyspepsia manifested? Symptoms of her worried almost everyone. This bloating, flatulence, nausea, sometimes vomiting. Unfortunately, these symptoms, for various reasons, can occur even in healthy people after the abuse of alcohol, fatty foods, fast food.

Heaviness in the stomach, pain "in the pit of the stomach" give reason to think that dyspepsia has begun. Symptoms indicate functional disorders, which result in a decrease in the number of enzymes responsible for digesting food.

Dyspepsia can be fermented, fatty or putrefactive.

Fermentation dyspepsia often occurs against the background of excessive use of products that cause fermentation. These include kvass, beer, etc. In addition, the abuse of products containing carbohydrates, too, can trigger the emergence of a fermentation reaction. Honey, sugar, fresh pastries, cabbage, beans, grapes, some other products with frequent use can lead to a diagnosis of "fermentation dyspepsia". Symptoms of this type of disease:

  • Constant bloating;
  • flatulence;
  • Rumbling and "bubbling" in the stomach or intestines;
  • Pain in the middle of the abdomen;
  • Liquid light yellow feces, sometimes with slices of undigested food, gas bubbles and foam.

It should be noted that fermentation dyspepsia can also be caused by a violation of the mechanical processing of food in the stomach.

Treatment of fermental dyspepsia, like other types of disease, begins with the fact that for two days the patient is not allowed to eat or drink except for unsweetened tea. On the third day, a diet begins. Carbohydrates are completely excluded from the diet, which are easily digested. Protein products predominate. Patients are advised to have an ear, low-fat soups, cottage cheese, butter, fish.

From medicinal preparations are recommended carminative agents, adsorbents, drugs that have astringent properties.

If a person abuses meat, especially pork or lamb, he may experience putrefactive dyspepsia. Symptoms:

  • Constant liquid dark stool with the smell of rot, not digested particles;
  • Bloating of the intestine;
  • Dizziness, general weakness.

What happens in the body if the diagnosis is "putrefactive dyspepsia"? Symptoms are associated with the fact that in the small intestine food is rotting, for which there are not enough enzymes, because the main processing of foods occurs in the large intestine.

For treatment, they appoint a carbohydrate diet, apples, juices, which accelerate the digestion of food.

Under the influence of a large number of fatty foods, fat or soapy dyspepsia can begin, the symptoms of which are also swelling, nausea, vomiting.

At the first signs of the disease, you should immediately contact a specialist. This is necessary because hydrogen sulphide, acids, other toxic products that are formed in the intestines due to a lack of enzymes, strongly irritate the mucous membranes. This can lead first to a dysbacteriosis, and then to more serious diseases: a gastritis, an ulcer, a cancer of a stomach or an intestine.

A doctor's examination must also be done because nausea, vomiting, flatulence does not always indicate that dyspepsia has started. Symptoms of this kind can indicate the presence of cancer, allergic reaction, and some other diseases.

In the treatment of the disease, in addition to medical preparations, a doctor may prescribe herbal decoctions or infusions. Well eliminates bloating and flatulence from a golden mustache and thyme.

For its preparation, take 15 grams of the one and the other herbs, pour boiling water, warm the hour for a couple. Drink napar is recommended three times a day for half a glass before eating.

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