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Dyslexia is ... Dyslexia in younger schoolchildren. Dyslexia - treatment

In the world there are many different diseases that can develop in both adults and children. It is simply impossible to know about all. That is why in this article I want to talk about a problem such as dyslexia. This is what it is, how it can be identified and what methods exist for its treatment - this is what I want to tell you about.

About the concept

There are such children who read and write with great difficulty. Such babies are often considered lazy, but not everything is so simple. Who knows, maybe a child has dyslexia? This is a special neurological condition, learning disability, which can affect the student's perception of letters, numbers, signs. At the same time, the crumb does not understand and understands reading, writing, mathematics, he has a fairly low academic performance. However, at the same time, studies of scientists prove that IQ in such children is often above average. You can also try to just clarify this disease. In this case, dyslexia is a kind of failure in the child's brain, which closes him access to a certain analyzer (for example, words or numbers). Why this happens - let's try to understand further.

A bit of history

Very interesting is the fact that this term was first used in far 1887 by an ophthalmologist R. Berlin. The doctor first encountered a problem when he examined a comprehensively developed boy. He experienced considerable difficulties in reading and writing, but at the same time in all other fields of knowledge the guy showed just wonderful results. The term, according to Berlin, was meant to indicate a problem when, in the case of universal learning, a child experiences problems with reading and writing. According to modern statistics, this disease is known not by hearsay about 5-10% of all inhabitants of the planet, and it is determined most often at the age of 6-7 years. Thanks to his neurological nature, getting rid of this disease is not so simple, it will take maximum efforts from the child, patience on the part of the parents and, of course, a lot of time.

The main problems of dyslexics

Realizing that dyslexia is the impossibility of correctly perceiving letters or numbers, it is worthwhile to tell a little about what other problems children with this disease may face.

  1. Such children can see certain letters or numbers backwards, automatically turn them on themselves and not be able to read.
  2. Sometimes in children with this disease the text can "jump" on the page, do not add up in a straight line.
  3. Also, there may be problems with the difference between similar figures and letters (for example, "p" and "b", 10 and 01).
  4. If a child can distinguish letters, it happens that he can not pronounce them in one row, that is, in a word.
  5. A common problem is that the child does not remember the words he read. Every time he has to learn anew.
  6. Often, these children do not see the words, for them the letters just mix.
  7. Also children with this problem can change letters in words (instead of "weight" read "all").
  8. Also, it is not uncommon for a child to understand and know all the letters, but when he tries to read a word, he has a severe headache, nausea, possibly dizziness.

It should be said that with all this scientists say that problems with visual perception in such children almost never happens (and if it happens, it is extremely rare). In addition, this list is not all the problems that a dyslexic can have. Children of different ages have different difficulties, and as the baby grows older, difficulties also transform and change.


Classification dyslexia - that's what also needs to be mentioned in this article. So, this disease can be classified by several indicators.

  1. Children with dysphonetic dyslexia can not speak words, read. This is for them as some kind of secret code, which each time needs to be decrypted.
  2. Guys with disadethic dyslexia (which can also be called Gestalt Blind Dyslexia) remember the words with great difficulty, but they may not see the difference between similar letters. After reading the word on one page, they may not read it on the next page.
  3. The third type of this disease is the most complicated, and it is quite difficult for such babies to help: it is a combination of the first two dyslexia.

About views

It is necessary to consider also several types of dyslexia that can develop in schoolchildren.

  1. Phonemic dyslexia. This is an underdevelopment of the function of the phonemic system.
  2. The agrammatical. Replacement or distortion of the morpheme of the word.
  3. Semantic dyslexia. This is a violation of the understanding of what has been read with formally perfect reading and pronunciation of words.
  4. Optical. Dyslexia, which is associated with the underdevelopment of visual function.
  5. Mysterious. This type of dyslexia manifests itself in the difficulties of learning letters and understanding the connection between them.

Causes of the disease

It is also important to consider why dyslexia occurs in younger schoolchildren. So, the reason may be a localized lesion of certain areas of the brain. This can occur as a result of trauma (even a simple head stroke) or underdevelopment of the desired area of the brain. Another no less important reason, according to doctors, which can cause this disease in children, is the health problems of the mother and the baby at the stage of gestation or the birth itself. Important is the following fact: according to the opinion of physicians, about half of cases of this disease were transmitted to children by inheritance from parents (this disease affects both sexes, but according to statistical data, boys are three times more likely than girls). However, such children can not be considered mentally retarded or inferior, they just can not decipher information received from outside. At the same time, problems do not exist in the whole brain, but only in a separate area.


How can you tell if a child has this disease? So, children's speech therapists recommend conducting a special test that will help solve the problem and find out if the child is really dyslexic or just lagging behind in developing and studying subjects. Predisposition can also be identified by genetic analysis when there is a study of the DCDC2 gene responsible for the disease.

About treatment

What if the baby has dyslexia? Treatment with medicines is not a way out of this situation. In addition, this option to get rid of the problem is unlikely to prompt anyone, there is simply no such medication. In this case, correct correctional work is needed. Teachers, children's speech therapists and, of course, specially trained specialists can help in this. So, work with such children can be conducted both in the classroom (the teacher should pay special attention to such a child, which, however, is very difficult), or the kid should be sent to work with special teachers who will be able to correct this problem.

Special programs can include a variety of working methods. This can even be an eye exercise, which is also able to help cope with this disease. However, most often every case of dyslexia is treated individually, a special program is selected and formed for the child, which will help to cope with the problem only to him. If the symptoms of the disease do not immediately disappear and dyslexia does not recede, the treatment should still be continued. Do not give up, and the result will definitely make itself felt.

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