
Drops "Uronefron": instructions for use, description, indications and reviews

Do you know how the drug "Uroenefron" is used? Instructions for use, price, reviews and indications of this medication will be presented in this article. It also contains information on the form in which this drug is manufactured, what is included in its composition, whether it has adverse reactions and contraindications.

Form, description, packaging and composition

You can buy the drug in the following forms:

  • Transparent syrup "Uronefron". Instruction for use informs that this medication is intended for oral administration. It is sold in dark glass bottles, enclosed in a cardboard box. The active ingredient of this remedy is phytoextract, which is obtained from the husks of onions, parsley root, field horsetail, birch leaves, goldenrod, rootgrass, fenugreek, birdgrass and lover. Also, the syrup contains additional elements in the form of potassium sorbate, sorbitol, xanthan gum and purified water.
  • Oral preparation "Uronefron" (gel). Instruction for use says that the composition of this product also includes an active substance in the form of a phytoextract. As for the auxiliary components, vanillin, ethyl parahydroxybenzoate, hypromellose, mint oil, purified water, orange oil, sage and mountain pine are used as such. To get a viscous and sufficiently thick gel it is possible in tubes, enclosed in a cardboard box.
  • Oral medicine "Uroenefron" (drops). Instructions for use (the price of this medication is not very high) reports that this medication consists of a phytoextract, as well as an additional substance such as ethyl parahydroxybenzoate. Drops for ingestion are sold in glass dark bottles, enclosed in a cardboard box.

Some patients claim that there is a fourth form of the drug "Uroenefron" (tablets). Instructions for use asserts that this medication is only available in three forms.

Pharmacology of medicine

What is the drug "Uroenefron"? Instruction for use says that this means prevents the formation of urinary stones, and also promotes their excretion along with urine.

The medicament under consideration is a combined preparation based on only natural components. It acts as an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, diuretic and antispasmodic drug.

The diuretic properties of this agent are due to silicates, flavone derivatives, inositol and saponins. Excretion of uric acid from the body is enhanced by the presence of urate deposits in the kidneys.

This medication prevents the process of crystallization of minerals in the urinary tract, and also has a beneficial effect on the storage of the balance between urine colloids and crystalloids.

Properties of the medicinal product

What are the properties of the oral drug "Uronefron"? Instruction for use reports that the therapeutic effect of this medication is due to the properties of its components.

  • Saponins reduce surface tension, wash out sand and small concretions, prevent their increase and appearance, and also emulsify pathogenic substances of urine, prevent the formation of stones and sand, form protective colloids.
  • Birch leaves have spasmolytic, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and choleretic properties.
  • Onion husks are an excellent anti-inflammatory agent.
  • The root of parsley can have anti-inflammatory, litholytic and diuretic effects.
  • The mountaineer's herb is aimed at a diuretic and hemostatic effect.
  • The herb of the goldenrod is an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and diuretic agent.
  • The puffy creeper actively participates in the regulation of metabolism. It also has a diuretic effect.
  • The horsetail has detoxification, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and litholytic properties.
  • Seeds of fenugreek are very effective restorative, wound-healing and anti-inflammatory agents.
  • Root lyubistok has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effect.


What is the purpose of the medication "Uroenefron" (drops)? Instruction for use says that this medicine is used in the complex treatment of infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary system, accompanied by the formation of stones. Also, this medicine is prescribed for the prevention of urolithiasis.


Under what conditions do not prescribe the drug "Uroenefrain"? Instructions for use, reviews suggest that this remedy should not be used for hypersensitivity to its substances, phosphate lithiasis, acute interstitial nephritis, pregnancy, acute glomerulonephritis, lactation, renal or heart failure and nephrosis. Also, the drug in question should never be used before the age of 15.

The drug "Uronefron": instructions for use

Medication in the form of drops should be taken orally after eating. The drug is taken with 100 ml of ordinary drinking water.

The dose of medication and the duration of therapy are determined by the doctor individually. The recommended dosage of this drug (according to the instructions) is 27-30 drops, which is divided into 4 divided doses.

Syrup "Uronefron" is also taken after a meal. The required dose of the suspension is measured with a measuring spoon. The medicine is washed down with a small amount of ordinary water.

The dose of the drug and the duration of treatment is determined only by a specialist. According to the instructions, a single dose of syrup is 5 ml, and daily - 17-20 ml.

As for the gel "Uronefron", it is also intended for oral administration. The drug is dissolved in 100 ml of normal water and used before meals.

The recommended dose (single) of this remedy is 1 dessert spoon, and the daily dose is 3-4 spoons. Duration of use is 3-6 weeks. If necessary, the course can be repeated.

Adverse events

When taking any form of the drug "Uronefron" in patients, there may be isolated cases of photosensitization, changes in taste and nausea. Allergic manifestations are also possible.

Drug Interactions

This medication can significantly reduce the half-life of funds that are excreted by the kidneys.

Complex application of this drug with hypoglycemic drugs, anticoagulants, monoamine oxidase inhibitors and non-narcotic analgesics potentiates their effect.

The combination of "Uronefron" with "Pentabarbital" and "Paracetamol" can prolong the therapeutic effect of the latter.

This drug reduces the absorption of cholesterol, beta-carotene and alpha-tocopherol in the small intestine.

Price of medicinal product

How much is the drug "Uroenefron" (drops)? Instructions for use do not contain this information. You can specify it only in the pharmacy. As a rule, the cost of the means in question depends on its form of output. A bottle with drops can be purchased for 220-230 rubles, a gel - for 250-260 rubles, and a syrup - for 100-120 rubles.

Reviews about the drug

In the overwhelming majority of reviews about the drug "Uronefron" are positive. Patients report that this medication is able to exert an analgesic effect, and also to remove inflammation.

Those people who have completed the full course of treatment, indicate the undoubted effectiveness of this remedy. They also note that all forms of the drug "Uronefron" are very convenient to use.

As for specialists, they do not recommend using this drug at their own discretion. Its dosage should be determined by an experienced physician.

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