
Does the ficus blossom at home?

Today, fig trees are actively grown not only in apartments and offices, but also in suburban areas. Everything depends on the specific subspecies of the flower. The most popular is the ficus of Benjamin. He is relatively unpretentious and does not require special care. However, most of the florists are interested in the important question: does the ficus flower? Of course, each person wants to not just grow a plant, but also to see how the petals of his inflorescences are blossoming. Let us consider this vital question in more detail.

Does the ficus flower?

As you know, the closest relative of this plant is fig, which grows exclusively in countries with a hot climate. Most often found in the Crimea. The fig itself actively fructifies and blooms. The same can be said of his brother. However, the ficuses are also accustomed to abundant sunlight and very hot conditions. Since this plant comes from Asia, it needs the same climate. Only in this case, the ficus will please the owner with unusual flowers.

However, do not rejoice ahead of time. Does the ficus blossom in nature? Yes. Does he bloom in an apartment? Rarely. However, it does not matter which species it belongs to, since all these plants appeared in the tropics. Accordingly, in order to make the ficus blossom, it is necessary to create an absolutely identical atmosphere, which is almost impossible in urban conditions.

Does the ficus bloom in the garden? Also under great doubt. If you plant it in the Crimea, then the abundance of sunlight and heat will be enough for its flowering. However, if it is a question of colder regions, it will not be possible to get a flowering plant.

Make sure whether the ficus blossoms (photo below) by looking at the image of this unusual plant.

Nevertheless, some florists, buying special lighting equipment, still achieve fruiting. However, this is not enough, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of plant care. It will also be useful to learn about the diseases of the flower.

Features of ficus

In fact, this is not one plant, but a whole family of different families, which also include creepers, trees and various shrubs. The closest relatives of the fig tree are figs or fig trees. The plant is most active in Asia, India, West Africa and Sri Lanka.

To date, there are more than 2,000 varieties of this flower. At the same time there are trees of impressive sizes. The most popular and unpretentious for growing in the apartment are the rubber and ficus of Benjamin. Are they blossoming? The answer is the same - it all depends on the conditions.

Ficus brings happiness

According to the teachings of Feng Shui, the tree ficus has magical properties. It is believed that it actively absorbs negative energy, making it easier for people to solve complex life problems.

Speaking of astrology, experts believe that the ficus not only absorbs bad energy, but also saturates the atmosphere with pacification.


Those who are interested in whether the ficus blossoms at home, it will be useful to learn some features of care for it. Here are some useful tips:

  • Before buying a plant you need to clearly determine exactly where it will stand. Ficuses do not like very much when they are constantly moved from place to place.
  • For him it is necessary to choose the most illuminated area in the apartment. Also you need to take care of the access of fresh air.
  • In summer, it is better to keep the plant on the balcony so that it receives the maximum amount of sunlight.
  • If the ficus is too cold or insufficiently illuminated, its leaves may change color or fall.
  • In summer, the ambient temperature should be at least 25 degrees. In winter, the thermometer should not fall below 16-20.
  • To have a chance that the ficus will blossom, in winter it is necessary to install additional lighting next to it.
  • In no event should the plant be placed on the floor. Otherwise, its soil in the pot will be supercooled.
  • The humidity of the room should be at least 70%. If the dry summer was issued, then the flower leaves should be sprayed with water from the sprayer.

Also it is worth remembering one important rule - the higher the ambient temperature, the more light this unusual plant needs. Does the rubbery ficus blossom in such conditions? There is a chance. However, you need not only to heat it, but also to water it properly.


To water a flower it is necessary under the following scheme:

  • You can only water with warm water, which must be poured until it flows through the holes in the drainage.
  • All excess fluid pours out after 30 minutes.
  • In winter, ficus requires less water.

You can also feed the flower. The amount of fertilizer is calculated based on the substrate and season. If you use ordinary land, then you need to feed the ficus in the spring-summer period every two weeks. Fertilizers are used organic or mineral.


Like any other plant, the ficus is prone to certain diseases. However, much more trouble is brought by pests:

  • Shield. In this case, brownish spots form on the inner surface of the foliage. To combat this pest, it is necessary to treat the ficus with a soap solution and wipe it with an athlete for several weeks.
  • Mealybug. This parasite is similar to a patch of cotton wool of a brown hue. In this case, the leaves must be washed with soapy water.
  • Thrips. This pest also hides on the inside of the leaves. The parasite actively sucks the juice from the plant, leaving behind it a dark brown stain. To get rid of it, requires multiple processing "Pyrethrum."
  • Aphid. This famous pest can spoil the life not only of the ficus, but all the other plants that are next to it. To get rid of parasites, you need to wash the foliage of the flower with a soap solution until the traces of aphids disappear.
  • Nematodes. In this case, pests affect the root system of the plant. On the roots appear outgrowths resembling small nodules. If the selection of worms penetrate the trunk of the flower, then it will die.

Interesting facts about the flowering of figs

Let's return to fruit bearing of plants. Does the ficus of Benjamin bloom? Photos in the magazines on floriculture demonstrate its flowering.

However, the plant does not appear familiar flowers, and fruits. This inflorescence is sycium. In fact, this is an absolutely unique phenomenon. The fact is that the flower of the ficus is in this berry, to see the petals, you will have to break it. Therefore, contemplating the flowering of plants in the usual sense is very difficult. True, there are some varieties of these flowers that really bloom, but in our conditions they do not survive.

Ficus can have three varieties of flowers: male (stamens), female (pistils) and long pistils. The latter after a while turn into edible fruits.

If the tree grows in the wild, then all three types of inflorescences will be on it.

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