
Divergent thinking as the basis of creativity of personality

Thinking is the cognitive activity of a person, as a result of which a thought or idea arises. It is believed that this is the main difference between a man and an animal. Ways of thinking are quite diverse: logical, geometric, illumination, clairvoyance, brainstorming, etc. Its main feature is the ability to obtain certain knowledge about the surrounding world, which can not be obtained through ordinary perception. Thinking is inseparably linked with the activity of the brain. This activity is inherent in every person from birth, but we can say that she "sleeps". Its awakening comes in the course of assimilation by man of cultural and linguistic norms, forms of practical life, in other words, in the process of socialization.

So, thinking arises as a result of human brain activity. Specialists distinguish two of its basic forms: convergent and divergent thinking. Also as the forms of human mental activity are indicated: judgment, inference and concept.

Convergent thinking (analytical) is based on the strategy of using previously learned algorithms for solving a particular problem. In other words, a person receives, in the process of assimilation of social norms, a certain instruction on how to act when a particular life situation occurs, and follows this instruction throughout his life. At the same time, a person does not argue about why it is necessary to do this, and not otherwise, the process of his thinking is not connected with creativity.

The opposite of analytical is divergent thinking (non-standard), based on the search for solutions to certain problems using a creative approach. This form of thinking implies finding a set of solutions to the same problem or problem, and then choosing the optimal one from them. For the first time the concept of "divergent thinking" in psychology was introduced by scientist D. Guilford, who described the divergence as "thinking going in different directions". Also Guilford concluded that this form of human brain activity allows varying the main ways of solving a problem, leading to unexpected results and conclusions.

The basis of divergent thinking is imagination. The identification of abilities for creative thinking usually occurs in early childhood. For such purposes, there are special psychological tests, according to the results of which the specialist can reveal, the child thinks creatively or finds a solution based on the rules and norms already learned earlier. As a test, a psychologist can offer the examinee for a limited amount of time to find as many possible ways of using such materials as cardboard, wood, paper, etc.

The main methods of divergent thinking are: drawing up a connection diagram and a method of brainstorming. The first consists in depicting the thinking process in the form of a definite scheme, in which individual words, tasks and ideas are presented, connected by branches or arrows from the central concept. The basis of this technique is the multiplicity of associations, which proves the inexhaustibility of the possibilities of the human brain. The method of brainstorming consists in promptly solving a specific problem by stimulating the creative activity of all participants involved in the process of its discussion and finding a solution. Each participant has to express as many options as possible to solve the task. Further, from the total number of decisions, the most acceptable ones are selected in a particular situation.

To develop divergent thinking follows from early childhood. In this child, various coloring books, puzzles and riddles help. Of course, not everyone is born a creative person to the full extent of this word, but to achieve a creative approach to the cause, the use of creativity in the work of any person. Children with the creative approach of the mind, as a rule, are more successful in their studies, they are easier to learn new material, write essays. It is known that children fantasize a lot, but over time fantasies are forgotten, giving way to the harsh reality. Having a creative approach to everything at an older age, one should be careful not to shift that shaky line between fantasy and insanity. Creativity, of course, is welcome, but in everything you need your own measure.

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