Spiritual developmentMystic

Dispatch at the rival at home. Magic, prayers and conspiracies

When a loved one has another passion, the girl's heart is torn apart. Many people drop their hands, not knowing that magic gives recipes for fixing the problem. There is such a method as a rassortka to rival at home. This is a series of special rituals, suitable for different situations. You just need to pull yourself together, remember that you are a queen, and start acting. Interesting? Let's choose a ritual.

What you need to know about the shuffle

You know, the magic effect has two sides. Usually they divide all the magic into black and white. Disposal of a rival at home can perform in both of these hypostases, however insulting. And black magic, you know, leads to a return. Therefore, it is desirable not to deal with it. Before using prayers and conspiracies, try to determine why the dear one has another. If this is a natural process, he is destined for another woman, your rite will turn out to be black. It always happens when a sorceress goes against the Higher Powers. Disposal of a rival at home is useful when a loved one is bewitched. The described ceremony neutralizes the negative impact, restores the situation to its original state. It is advisable to remember this bright rule, so as not to incur even more trouble on your little head. In addition, it would be good to spoil with love. If you go wrong, the Higher Powers are only slightly scoffed, but they will not give a serious lesson. Sometimes girls and deceived wives deliberately seek a black ritual to punish a traitor. The magic book contains a description of those. But we will not contact them. Why should you ruin your destiny?

What are the rituals?

Disposition of the rival at home is a simple rite. When you choose the method of influence, be guided by the conditions in which you will have to act. Rituals are:

  • Contact;
  • on distance.

The first is practiced when it is possible to transfer to the traitor the bearer of magical influence. It is more effective than the second. But if the communication is interrupted, then there is nothing to be done, it is necessary to roar from a distance. Just choose exactly the method of influence that is real. It is not necessary to wade secretly to the door of a couple to throw a carrier into the house. In this case, prayers and conspiracies are much more useful for the sorceress herself. They affect not only the rival with your loved one, but also the sorceress's own aura, preventing the appearance of karmic knots.

How to prepare for the ritual

By the way, about the pollution of his own aura. Girls often often doubt whether it is worthwhile to carry out the rasborki independently. Nowadays there is a lot of information about magical rituals. Specialists claim that some rituals weigh down karma. This is really true. But there is an easy way to protect yourself. It is necessary to prepare for the rite, to lead it with a pure soul. Then all the forces of the universe will be on your side. It must be understood that the appearance of a rival may be caused by spoilage. If the girl has taken advantage of the love spell, then the loving soul has definitely picked up the negative. So, you should clean the aura. But this is not enough. It is necessary to help yourself to remove the black energy from the field. For this it is recommended to fast. Sit a little on a diet. And work on your thoughts. It is necessary to get rid of hatred, anger, resentment, envy, depression and the like. A small ritual in the church helps a lot. Go to the temple and put the candles for everyone in the triangle. If you can wish good to your opponent, then you are ready to savor.

Disposal for onions

For the ritual, you must buy a pack of salt in advance. Do not take delivery. And when you touch the packet, say to yourself: "Salt is not food, but (names of lovers) for trouble!" Still need a photo of a rival and loved one, a knife with a black handle (you can paint), the same color thread, of course, a bulb . The rite is planned on witch time (from midnight to three in the morning). In advance, dress in all the dark, remove ornaments, dissolve the hair. The windows should be closed tightly. Cut the bulb in half. Well salt both parts, uttering these words: "Onion juice will strike the temple, will bite in the eyes, so that a tear will flow. The souls of the Lord of slaves (names) will be divorced from the sides, love will wrap up in squabbles. How the onion will rot, love will pass. Amen! "Wait until the juice comes out on the halves. Attach to each of the photos face in the salt. Connect the halves so that the images are a jack to each other. Tie the bulbs with a string and place in a plastic bag. And it should be put in the wetest place. Disposition of the onions will act when the contents of the package will rot.

Rite with salt

Now let's talk about the contact ritual. To perform it, you also need salt. Purchase it in the same way as described above. Disposition of salt is good because it acts almost instantly. After midnight on the waning moon, open a pack of salt. Say six words to her: "The devil does not turn into angels, the snake does not fly to the sky, the eagle will not crawl among the stones, but (the name of the rival) from the (beloved) will quit with a quarrel and scandal. Amen! "Pile the pack open in a window sill until the first rays of the sun. Then from it it is necessary to take a pinch-two salts, and the rest densely to cork, that the light has not got. Harvested crystals can be added to the food of one of the lovers. If this is not possible, then throw between them when you meet. The rite will work the same day.

Conspiracy to break up

If there is no photo of the rival, but know her name, then perform a ritual with water. By the way, he is recommended to deceived wives. Just remember that this is not a single rite. To spend it follows twelve days on the waning moon. For the ritual, a pan and ordinary tap water are needed. Pour it into a container and put it on the fire. As the boil begins, say the following words: "As the water seethes, so the trouble comes from the Lord's heart, the slave (name) forever. His soul is torn, with two immediately being tried. The fire burns in it, the heat went dark from the fire. I share my pain for two, I will heal the darling of the Lord the servant (name) with my love. He will forget the witch black, full of malice. The Lord will not be a slave (the name of a mistress) with his beloved happiness, with a moment of this scandal between them, swearing and swearing. Amen! "You need to talk six times. Immediately carry the pot on the street and throw the boiling water on the bare ground (where nothing grows). Repeat twelve days.

Simoron ritual

The magic book is used in gay magic. This is not dangerous, but very effective. You need to pick up the oldest book that is at home, or buy it in the second-hand bookshop. Also prepare a "magic wand". Imagine yourself being a magician. Stay alone. Dress in a magical robe (you can make a coverlet or a sheet from it, climb with a book and a magic wand on the table, open the volume on any page.) Read the magical sentence in your own words, you must order people to quarrel to death, waving a magic wand, confirming your order. Fasten from the table to the slippers standing next to the floor.

Dispensing for red pepper

Everyone knows that this is a very burning seasoning. Sorcerers often use it to influence people. You need to pour a little pepper on the saucer. Read on him such words: "As the pepper red heart burns with fire, so the language (the name of the rival) with evil words on (call your loved one) spits, fingernails scratching and hands beating. The world has been forgotten, the tender feelings between them have cooled! "Speak the formula six times. Saucer and pepper should be kept until morning on the windowsill. The next day, he must get into the food or the skin of the objects of exposure. You can dream up, for example, pour in pockets or shoes. Sometimes they rub the door handles. Just be careful. Do not touch the spicy seasoning with your bare hands. The ritual is very strong, you become angry with your beloved, you will not reconcile yourself for anything.

Classic Disposal

Village witches do not resort to salt with pepper. They are nicer than animals. Try to make such a true ritual. It is necessary to assemble a piece of wool from a cat and a dog of black color. Bring them home and put it away. Just get a hair from the head of your lover. If there is a curl rival - also useful. On the waning moon after midnight, roll all the ingredients into a ball. Speak at this time so: "The cat with the dog does not live the world, they do not chew together the food, they bark and bite, they throw themselves at each other. So the Lord slaves (names) evil and quarreling go, never more together do not converge. Amen! "The resulting roll should be wrapped in a new handkerchief. Carry it with you until the chance to throw a couple. Ideally, she should get to the room where they are engaged in love. Such rolls are thrown, as a rule, under the bed. But you proceed from the situation. It will be enough to put it in the pocket of one of the lovers. These people will become angry and curse. In a short time they will hate each other.


You know, magic at home is normal. Our ancestors believed in magic, trusted their destinies. However, it should be recalled that the Higher Powers have their own plans, which do not always coincide with yours. And it's dangerous to go against them. Therefore, read the material again, paying attention to the recommendations. To be reared is out of love, not out of selfishness. Do not think that only you need happiness. It is necessary for everyone to live a normal life. Dispatches are made against unscrupulous witches who practice privoroty. If the couple is really in love, then it is better to go to the temple to pray. May the Almighty or His angels help to cope with the situation. It is not for nothing that the ancients said that the load was not capable of delivering. If you have such a test, it means that the universe loves such an extraordinary person! You yourself will soon understand this.

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