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Director Sergei Arlanov: filmography

Sergei Arlanov is the creator of popular TV series "Kadetstvo", "Molodezhka", "Margosha".

Creative way

Director Sergei Arlanov was born in 1973. His name is not known to many. But the films that appeared on the screens at the beginning of the two thousandths became truly popular. After the release on the screens of the first season of the series about the Cadets, a computer game was created based on the events from the life of the heroes of the multi-series film. And one of the Russian publishing houses published the novel "Kadetstvo" in three volumes.

Photos of Sergei Arlanov are presented in the article. In the late nineties he graduated from the Academy of Arts in Minsk, specializing in "theater director". He worked for several years on Belarusian television. In 2001, Sergei Arlanov made his debut on Russian television with the series "Accelerated Assistance." But the real fame came to him after the premiere of the television movie "Soldiers". It is worthwhile to tell in more detail about the series, after the show of which the popularity of Sergei Arlanov.


  1. "Accelerated help."
  2. "Hero of our tribe" »
  3. "Soldiers".
  4. "Firm Story".
  5. "Kadetstvo."
  6. Ranetki.
  7. "Margosha."
  8. "News".
  9. "Youth".

"Accelerated Assistance"

This television series is a parody of the famous American film about the work of doctors. The script was written by the members of the KVN team. The series, after the premiere of which Sergei Arlanov became known in television circles, was on the screen for two years. What is this film about?

In New York, a wealthy businessman, John Barowski, is passing away. Before his death, he bequeaths his fortune (in the amount of one hundred million dollars) to the ordinary Russian hospital, in which he was once born. But the will includes an important condition: the institution must comply with Western health standards. Heroes of the series in every way trying to reach the appropriate level, in order to obtain the desired inheritance.

"Hero of our tribe"

This television comedy film was released two years after the debut of Arlanov. The project "Hero of our tribe" is a parody of the once popular show "The Last Hero". In the series, one of her last roles was performed by Lyubov Polishchuk. The main character was played by the artist Yefim Shifrin.

Other roles were performed by:

  1. Euclid Kurdzidis.
  2. Alexander Fraskevich-Laye.
  3. Oleg Garbuz.
  4. Alesya the Downy.
  5. Sergey Makarov.


A series about pupils of the Suvorov school fell in love with millions of Russian TV viewers. After the show of the first season, the number of those wishing to enter the cadet corps increased. Shooting the series had a positive impact on the career of beginning artists.

Work on this project, Sergei Arlanov began in 2006. The main characters of the series are teenagers from completely different families financially and socially. Maxim Makarov is the son of the mayor. Stepan Perepechko is a native of the village. Ilya Spitsyn is the son of a hereditary soldier.

About three hundred real cadets took part in the shooting of the film. The series became popular not only in Russia, but also in other Russian-speaking states. However, in Ukraine "Kadetstvo" for mysterious reasons in 2014 fell into the category of banned films.


Shooting of the series began in 2008. The Russian audience, according to the general producer of STS, needs new stories and ideas. That's why such projects as "Kadetstvo", "Father's Daughters" were created. The series, telling about the life of a young member of a musical group, was entrusted to an experienced director. Arlanov made another film about contemporary teenagers, whose heroes were played by members of the Ranetki group.


This series on popularity is inferior to the previous works of Arlanov and "Molodezhke", which was released in 2012. Perhaps the whole point is that the story of "Margosha" has long been known to viewers. The story of a man who suddenly turns out to be a girl and knows all the difficulties of female existence on the screen has been recreated many times by foreign filmmakers.

The hero of this film cynically refers to his beloved, whom he has a lot. But one day he meets a girl who does not want to endure resentment. She goes to the sorceress. And after the main character wakes up in his bed, but in a foreign body - in the body of a young woman.

Sergei Arlanov also acted as creative director in the creation of the series "Margosha" and is the producer of the film "The Last Chord".

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