
Consistent or in line: how right?

How to properly write: in accordance or in line? The answer to this question you will find in this article.

general information

About how it is written: in accordance or in correspondence, - not everyone knows. It should be noted that both presented lexical units have a full right to exist. However, their use in writing depends entirely on the context in which they occur and what is the point of getting it. After all, even though these words are very similar to each other, their writing, as well as the meaning, are significantly different. And in order to avoid mistakes in the choice of this or that ending, it is necessary to understand in which speech situations it is appropriate to apply them.

What common?

Before we understand how to write "in accordance", we should tell that the lexical series "corresponding", "conforming" and "matching" has one common meaning that expresses the relationship between something, consistency in certain characteristics, As well as coincidence in place, time or other characteristics.

But before you use this word in the sentence, you should take into account its individual and narrowly focused meaning. Moreover, in order to understand how it is correctly written: in accordance or in correspondence, it is necessary to determine that part of the speech to which these words refer.

Adverb preposition

A word with an end in -i is a preposition that is formed on behalf of the noun "conformity". As a rule, in a sentence such a lexical unit is used as the official part of speech. However, quite often in the text it retains a circumstantial significance.

So how will it be correct: in accordance or in line? If this expression is used when it comes to an action that must completely coincide with some or other requirements for decision-making, behavior, performance of certain functions, then only the first option should be used. Here is an illustrative example:

  • "In society, one should behave in accordance with the established rules of etiquette." In this sentence to the verified word, you can ask the question "how?" - in accordance with the established rules. That is, this is an adverb preposition, in the end of which it is necessary to write the letter "and".
  • "The actions of the military were coordinated from the headquarters in accordance with the previously established order" ("how?" - in accordance with the previously established order).
  • "She acted in accordance with the order that she was given at the headquarters" ("how?" - in accordance with that order).
  • "Living in accordance with accepted norms is quite simple" ("how?" - in accordance with accepted norms).
  • "The decision to travel abroad was taken in accordance with the opinion of all employees of the corporation" ("how?" - in accordance with the opinion).

In accordance or in accordance: how to write? If you are dealing with adverbial pretext, then only the first option should be used.


"If you bring your desires in line with your capabilities, then you will never be in a difficult financial situation." In this example, the word we are testing is a noun that stands in the accusative case. Moreover, such an expression implies the need to bring something to a certain standard, to improve what must fully meet sustainable requirements.

Thus, the writing of the letter "e" at the end of this word is explained by the fact that the noun in the accusative case coincides with the nominative form. It should also be noted that in the sentence such a lexical unit acts as a direct complement.

Let's sum up the results

Consistent or in line? How to write this word correctly in this or that case, we found out. But to fix the material, we propose to repeat, what is the difference between these lexical units:

  • The lexical unit "in correspondence" consists of the noun and a simple preposition. In the sentence, this word serves as a supplement. As for the expression with the ending in -i , this is a preposition that partially retains the circumstantial significance.
  • If it is necessary to bring something "in line" with a certain standard, then it is required to use a noun with a preposition. In turn, the adverbial preposition with the ending in -i indicates the ratio of certain actions.
  • The phrase "in accordance" may include some additional word (in our case, it serves as a definition). Let's give an example: "bring in full compliance." As for the adverbial preposition "in accordance," then this is an indivisible whole. In this service part of speech, it is impossible to enter additional elements.

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