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Classification of roses, characteristics of groups

Groups of roses, their classification and representatives were studied in school. The rose is probably the most divine flower (at least on the territory of our country, and the entire post-Soviet space). This plant is loved by almost all women. The unprecedented beauty and unique aroma made it unique, one might say, a queen among the rest of the flowers. What are the roses, the classification of culture and the characteristics of groups, photos and other useful information - this and many other things are told in this article.

History of occurrence

Rose is truly one of the most elegant colors. Having smooth lines, saturated, deep shades and pleasant aroma, it has won itself the main place in the hearts of all gardeners.

The history of the appearance of a rose on Earth is very interesting. It is believed that in ancient times, the goddess Flora lived, who was very fond of the god Amur. It is thanks to her love that the flower, which is magical in its beauty and enveloping its fragrance, appeared. Rose symbolized for Flora joy and sadness from love at the same time.

Even in ancient Greece, the rose was considered a plant of dignity, which can not only calm the excitement of the heart, help the soul to be refreshed, but also to give happiness and long years of life. In ancient Rome, the streets were decorated with roses during various celebrations. Roses were brought to Russia for the first time by Peter I, and later they were greatly loved by Catherine II.

Description of the rose

The rose grows on all continents, it is rich in different varieties and forms. It refers to the family of Rosaceae, this is a collective concept of flowers, which originate from the genus of dog-rose flowers. Even in the polar circle there is this beautiful flower, here it is represented by a kind of needley rose, and in the tropics a very delicate yellow rose blossoms.

The height of a rose can vary from twenty centimeters in a miniature variety and up to six meters in roses that have a long weaving and are most often grown in hot regions. The stems of roses can be covered with small but prickly thorns or remain completely naked. This flower has a dense, bright foliage, its colors vary depending on the variety: from light-green to maroon.

Buds of roses can have a diameter from one and a half to twenty centimeters, and the number of petals in them also varies - from seven in small flowers to seventy in dichromatic varieties. The color of the buds is so diverse that it is difficult even to list all the shades that roses can have: red, apricot, and even blue colors, as well as their shades.

Not all roses have a bright scent, some may not smell at all. Others spread around themselves such a smell, which can only be compared with oriental incense.

Classification of the plant "rose" in biology now has more than fifteen thousand different kinds of roses. Some of the most common groups should be considered.

Description of the group Rugosa

This group of roses is a direct descendant of common dogrose. Roses of this group have buds of different types - from simple to terry. Some varieties have more than a hundred petals in one bud. The main advantage of the group Rugoza in frost resistance. Most often these roses are planted in parks, they do not require any shelter for the winter, which makes them universal for decorating large areas of the earth. Most often, roses of this group bloom once a season, but long enough (about one month). This group has the following classification: garden rose.

The most popular are the varieties of the Rugosa group:

  • The queen of the North is represented by a bush of medium height (just over a meter), her leaves are pointed upwards, have a light green color. The buds themselves are painted in bright pink, with an admixture of purple, about seven centimeters in diameter.
  • Perfume de Lei - has a very dense bush, a height of one and a half meters. The stems of such roses have sharp spines, and the buds are most often painted in a richly scarlet color and have a diameter of about ten centimeters.

Description of the tea-hybrid group of roses

The classification of roses into groups includes such a group as is clear from the name, a hybrid of a tea rose. Such roses are quite resistant to disease and pest attack, but they do not tolerate winter well, therefore they need reliable shelter. They blossom approximately from the middle of June and to the first frosts (two or three times per season).

The size of tea-hybrid roses varies depending on the specific species: from half a meter to a meter. The leaves of this group are very large, dense and dark. The flowers themselves have a color from gently pink to a rich burgundy. The diameter of the bud can be up to 14 centimeters, besides it can be either single or collected in inflorescences.

Classification of varieties of roses in the named and considered group is as follows:

  • Julias Rose - stems of this sort stand vertically upwards and have a height of about 80 centimeters, because of what they are often cut for bouquets. These are very beautiful flowers, with buds from five to seven centimeters, they have a slightly elongated shape. The color of the buds has a coffee tint.
  • Gloria Dei - this sort of roses is represented by shrubs, it is great for landing in vast areas. The bush has a property to be spread over a space of about two meters, it is quite unpretentious and splendidly bred. Buds of Gloria have a diameter of up to fifteen centimeters and a color of gold.

Description of the Floribund group

This group of roses was obtained after crossing tea roses and polyanthus. As a rule, they are planted on curbs and in flower gardens. The height of plants varies from forty centimeters to one meter. This group of roses is distinguished by semi-double buds, which are collected in lush brushes. Buds have orange or bright red shades, most often two- or three-color. The scientific classification of the rose of the named group also exists in the same name.

The Floribund group is very demanding on the soil, on which it is planted. In this regard, the soil must be periodically fed with useful substances. Winter such roses are well tolerated provided that they are reliably sheltered from the weather.

Very popular are Floribundy varieties:

  • Margaret Merrill - the main feature of this variety is a very pleasant, spicy smell. The bush grows to a height of half a meter. Buds have the shape of a bowl, are semi-double.
  • Angela - this shrub very quickly grows to a decent height (about four meters), it blooms continuously throughout the season. Angela has pink buds, which spread around themselves a delicate floral fragrance.

Description of the group Grandiflora

Grandiflora very much resembles vat roses, but it also took a lot from the Floribund group. The stems of the flowers of this group stand vertically upward, in height they reach about two meters.

This group of roses perfectly resists frost, blossoms quite a long time. The color of the buds is very diverse, but there is almost no smell of this group of roses. This group is great for creating beautiful garden compositions, and it is grown for cutting into bouquets. The leaves of this variety are very beautiful, shiny and large.

Grandiflora is beautifully grown not only on its own, but also on other people's roots. This group tolerates the winter well and is resistant to diseases.

There are such kinds of roses of this group:

  • Tchaikovsky - this variety grows well (it can be from half a meter to two meters) and blooms all summer long. Buds have a diameter of about ten centimeters and a gentle pink color.
  • Love - such a variety grows to a height of not more than eighty centimeters. The beauty of its petals is striking - they have a rich red color inside, with a silvery outer side.

Description of group Shrabs

Shrubs are a group of roses that are represented by shrubs, they are semi-lobed, perfectly used in any kind of landscaping (both horizontal and vertical).

Classification of the plant "rose" of this group is divided into three classes:

  1. Nostalgic: this includes roses brands in England, in part France and Germany. Especially popular is the rose of William Shakespeare 2000, it is considered one of the best red roses in the UK. The bush of this rose has a height of a little more than a meter, it is all strewn with small double-combed inflorescences of red color with a slight shade of purple.
  2. Canadian selection: roses of this variety are quite resistant to frost (even to forty-degree). The most popular is the rose of the Cuthbert Grant variety - it is a small bush (a little more than a meter in height and about eighty centimeters in width). Flowers of this variety have a purple hue, they grow not individually, but are collected in a single brush, approximately 7-9 pieces.
  3. Groundcover: this classification of varieties of roses, in turn, is divided into high and low grades, which perfectly spread, as well as very small and larger ones drooping. Very interesting is the rose Sommermorgen - with its help you can very beautifully decorate the borders. Its bush reaches a height of just over half a meter, it is all strewn with small (up to five centimeters in diameter) terry buds that have a pale pink hue.

Description of the polyanthus group of roses

The polyanthic group is distinguished due to the crossing of two species: Chinese rose and multicolor. This group is characterized by small buds, which are united in the inflorescence of the shape of the shield. Buds can be either ordinary or terry. Their shades are varied: from a white-to-white to a bright saturated red. Roses of a polyanthus group can be with a pleasant aroma and without it.

Blossom roses of this group long enough, until late autumn. The height of the middle bush is small - about half a meter. Very low shrubs of this group (about thirty centimeters) are grown only at home. This group of roses is easily affected by fungal bacteria. You can propagate them both by grafting and by means of cuttings. The classification of roses from the photo of this group is presented in this article. Moreover, below are examples of specific names of these colors for the group under consideration.

The classification of the ordinary rose includes a polyanthic group that hibernates well even with minimal cover. These roses are well decorated curbs, pastures and rabatki.

Such sorts of polyanthus roses are widely known:

  • Orange Triumph is a very lush and beautiful bush, on which blossom red flower buds, about five centimeters in diameter. The disadvantage of the variety is its weakness in fungal diseases.
  • Fairy - has buds of pale pink color, the bush reaches a height of just over half a meter. Each of his brush is able to give forty buds, thanks to which such a rose looks very chic.

Description of a miniature group of roses

As is clear from the title, the bushes of this group are compact enough, this is a low plant (about ten centimeters to half a meter). Buds are located on the stems one by one or are collected in inflorescences. Classification of roses (with a photo can be found below) of this group has in its composition very beloved in Russia flowers. These roses are popular, above all, a pleasant aroma, besides it amazes the imagination of the richness of the shades of the flower.

Miniature roses bloom for a very long time and abundantly, almost before the onset of winter. They grow well both on the open ground and on the home window sill.

Very attractive look such varieties:

  • Little Sunset is a very small rose (no more than forty centimeters), having small double-colored inflorescences of golden color, with red edges.
  • Lavender Meilandina - this sort of miniature rose reaches a height of half a meter, it differs with buds of tender lilac color and a small (about five centimeters) in size.

Description of the climbing group of roses

Climbing roses are bred by breeders as a result of crossing Chinese, Bengal and Indian roses. This type of roses is characterized by fairly long and flexible stems, which sometimes reach six meters. They are great for placing on a support. Scrofulous roses are extremely diverse, they are both mahrovotcnnye and ordinary. Shades and shapes of buds are also very diverse. Classification of the rose (biology, Grade 7) was studied in the school years, but the above group in the school program was not.

Many gardeners recognize this group as the queen of the garden, because these flowers most miraculously fit into any landscape, they can be placed both horizontally and vertically. Climbing roses perfectly braid curbs, fences, they will well crawl along the walls, the roofs of low buildings.

This type of roses does not require any special care, most importantly - in time to cut and water them. They bloom almost continuously, from the end of May and until the first frosts on the street. And in the conditions of the room, in the warmth they delight the eye with beautiful buds all year round.

Such sorts of climbing roses are popular:

  • Sympathy - the stems of this variety stretch to a length of up to five meters and have fairly large purple buds (about ten centimeters) with double flowering. They tolerate frosts quite well.
  • Hamburger Phoenix - this sort of climbing roses has a bright crimson shade of buds, with small white impregnations. The stems extend up to three and a half meters. This plant tolerates well even a very severe winter, besides it well resists different diseases.

Description of the group of roses Patio (Miniflora)

Roses Patios appeared about thirty years ago, before they were included in the grades of the low growth of the Floribunda group. This group of roses also differs comparatively low growth (up to half a meter), they are abundantly blooming and often planted in their own gardens and on urban lawns. Patio bushes have very dense foliage, besides they are represented not by solitary buds, but by lush inflorescences.

Roses of the Patio group have different shades: from soft white to bright scarlet. Especially popular is a variety of this group, such as Heidi Klum - a comparatively small shrub on which are located small (about eight centimeters in diameter) buds with bright violet petals. Blooms for a long time and abundantly.

These roses look great both on a small curb and in flower pots. For the decoration of the flower beds the variety with a pleasant fragrant aroma of Baby Bakkara is excellent, for the room, the sort of Baby Bakker is perfect. On the street, the Cornzoda variety is excellent, and they do not require additional warming for the winter and resist the diseases well.

Repair group of roses

This group (the classification of roses, biology, Grade 7) was withdrawn back in 1634. This variety of roses brought breeders in France, by crossing several species: Bengali, Asian, tea and local French. From its predecessors, this group of roses received frost resistance, multiple flowering, a fairly powerful stem and buds.

Repaired roses have shrubs up to one and a half meters high, and sometimes even higher. The buds of this rose are quite large (about ten centimeters), they have a beautiful thick aroma. Shades of roses are represented by pink and red flowers.

Blossom rose roses from the middle of summer, as a rule, in autumn, their repeated, somewhat weaker flowering is noted.

Especially popular are the following varieties:

  • Paul Neuron - represented by very large buds in the form of a bowl. The stems of such roses are very strong and high (about one and a half meters). Rose has a pleasant aroma, blooms twice a season quite abundantly.
  • Frau Karl Drushki - this rose is characterized by an interesting pointed shape of the bud, its petals are terry, most often of a snow-white color, slightly pinkish to the top. The bush of this variety is very high, it blooms in early summer and late autumn.
  • Georg Dixon is a sort of roses with a thick aroma, very fragrant and attractive. The bush is straight, tall, but the buds are very bright red.

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