Food and drinkRecipes

Chicken cutlets with cabbage: simple and delicious dishes!

In the culinary world, there are many recipes for cooking all sorts of cutlets, croissants, meatballs, lub-kebab and other minced meat. And not only meat. But chicken cutlets with cabbage will rightfully take their place in the everyday and festive menu. Purely from a chicken fillet they leave dryish, but in combination with white cabbage (as an option - colored or Peking) cabbage turns delicious, tender. And the taste of this ingredient is almost not felt, it only adds extra juiciness. And another plus: chicken cutlets with cabbage are very easy to prepare and economical: we take both basic ingredients in equal quantities, and the dishes result in a lot. Well, shall we try to cook it?


We need: half a kilo of chicken fillet and the same white cabbage, a pair of onions, garlic, a mixture of peppers and salt, bread crumbs or flour (to roll), lean oil for frying.

Cooking is easy!

  1. Cut the chicken fillet into smaller pieces, pre-rinsing well under the tap. If the product is purchased frozen, then it must be defrosted beforehand naturally (and not in hot water or in a microwave oven) - it will be more delicious.
  2. Cabbage is washed and cut into large strips. And cut the onions into cubes.
  3. Next, we'll deal with the stuffing. Fleshku and bow chase through the meat grinder (holes in the lattice will choose larger).
  4. Cabbage is also scrolled, but in another container, separate. If the leaves are too juicy, after processing in a meat grinder, the resulting mass should be slightly squeezed, so that the final product does not fall apart in the pan when frying. We connect with minced meat.
  5. Add a mixture of peppers and salt (to taste), finely chopped garlic, you can use a few Provencal herbs - chicken cutlets with cabbage will turn out fragrant and fragrant. We mix the whole mass thoroughly. In principle, you can add to the meat of the flour with the egg, but they will make the product more stringent. In general, decide for yourself. In this case we will do without them.
  6. We warmly fry the frying pan with lean oil, so that it almost boils.
  7. At the same time we form cutlets (it's easier and more convenient to do this with wet hands in cool water). Panning workpieces (they should turn out to be round and small in size) in flour.
  8. Fry them on low heat, until a ruddy crust is formed (minutes 5-7 on each side). We bring to the readiness (in the final, the dish can be covered and slightly extinguished).
  9. Another nuance: cabbage can be pre-boiled, but here we used raw, as it has an excellent set of vitamins, which are necessary for the human body. And the leaves, the more missed through the meat grinder, and so perfectly fried, the main thing - to fry in a hurry, on a weak fire. Well, we are in no hurry with you?
  10. Our delicious chicken cutlets with cabbage are ready! Recipe, as you can see, does not differ complexity, and the ingredients can be purchased at any nearby store or market. The table can be served with mashed potatoes, buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad.

Cutlets from chicken mince with cabbage and carrots

This dish can be made even faster and easier, if you take already prepared chicken mince. And also - add a sweet and juicy carrot!

So, we need: half a kilo of chicken meat, 250 grams of white cabbage and the same carrots, egg, onion, a pair of garlic cloves, dill fresh, flour, lean oil, a mixture of peppers and salt.


Ready chicken minced meat (bought in a supermarket or cooked with your own hand) is mixed with the cabbage and carrots passed through the meat grinder (you can add a piece of milk loaf - 200 grams). In the total mass, we also add chopped onions with garlic. There, too, we introduce cut young fennel, chicken egg raw and a mixture of peppers and salt. All components are thoroughly mixed until uniform (you can use a mixer or blender). Frying pan thoroughly warmed, sprinkled with lean oil. From the mass with wet hands we form rounded chicken cutlets with cabbage and carrots. We crumble in flour or breaded, fry from both sides to a ruddy crust. In the finals, who likes softer, can put out minutes 5 under the lid (do not add water to the pan). Ruddy cutlets from minced meat are ready! You can serve to the table with or without garnish. By the way, you can cook chicken cutlets with cauliflower. Then we change the white-colored color, pre-brewed until half-ready. And all the other ingredients and the cooking process are the same! Have a nice appetite!

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