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Characteristics of the characters. Kuprin's "Pomegranate Bracelet"

The hero of the novel "The Garnet Bracelet" is one of the most touching images in the literature. The author himself cried over the manuscript of this work. Kuprin claimed that it was the most chaste of all that he had created. Characteristics of the characters ("Garnet Bracelet") - the topic of this article.


The main characters are the husbands of Sheena. It is noteworthy that the characterization of the characters ("Garnet Bracelet") is given by the author rather unevenly. Kuprin did not consider it necessary to describe the nature of Princess Vera, her habits. Appearance of the heroine, he described, comparing her with her sister Anna.

Vera Nikolaevna has a flexible figure, a gentle, cold and proud face. This is almost all that is said about the main character. Her sister is depicted in more detail, although her presence in the story does not affect the plot in any way.

Each of the images is a kind of means for revealing the main theme of the work, namely, the theme of love. Therefore, the characterization of the characters is rather selective. "Garnet Bracelet" is a story in which the fate and inner world of the characters can be understood from the short phrases they said and various small details.

Princess Vera is a kind, sensitive and honest woman. About her ability to compassion says the ending of the story, when she is in the house of the deceased Zheltkov, to say goodbye to him. Honesty is indicated by reproaches of conscience, which she experiences in one of the scenes. When between Basil and Vera's brother Nikolay a dispute arises about the correspondence, which allegedly compromises all family members, Shein coldly notes that this epistolary phenomenon has an exclusively one-sided character. At the words of her husband the princess blushes thickly. After all, only one single message was received by a man who presented this ill-fated pomegranate bracelet.

The main characters, whose characteristics are finally revealed in the denouement, are secondary throughout the main part of the characters.

Vasily Shein

About this hero is said even less than about Vera Nikolaevna. As already noted, in the work "Pomegranate Bracelet" the main characters, whose characteristics are given by the author at the beginning of the narrative, are laconic and restrained, in the end they show their best qualities. Vasily Shein goes to Zheltkov and, unlike Vera's brother, who accompanies him, behaves tactfully, politely and somewhat perplexed. The prince is able to see in a man who, for eight years, in love with his wife, a huge tragedy. He knows how to feel someone else's pain, even when the other has shown only dislike and acute irritation.

Later, after Zheltkov commits suicide, Basil tells Vera his impressions of what he saw: "This man loved you, and he was not insane," he says, and at the same time treats understanding of the princess's desire to say goodbye to the deceased.

But at the same time, both Vera and Vasily are arrogant people. Which, however, is not surprising, given their position in society. This quality is not negative. This is not arrogance, and not arrogance. This is a kind of indulgence, which manifests itself in their attitude towards people who are not part of their circle. Faith is characterized by coldness and imperious tone. Vasily treats with excessive irony the secret admirer of his wife. And, probably, all this led to the tragedy.

After reading the brief content of the work, it seems that Kuprin "Garnet Bracelet" dedicated to love, which is so little in real life. Characteristics of the characters, which is disclosed in the story, gives, however, the reliability and truthfulness of this story. To understand this, you need to read carefully and thoughtfully.


The author devoted most of the fourth chapter to the depiction of this hero. The image of Anosov plays an important role in revealing the main idea of the story. In one of the fragments he talks with the heroine about true love, which he never experienced in his long life, because such a feeling is born once in a hundred years. And on the story of Faith about Zheltkov he put forward the assumption that this is that rare case.


This man is pale, has a gentle maiden face. On the qualities of his character can not speak, because the meaning of his life is Vera Nikolaevna. In the last letter, he confesses to her that after seeing her for the first time, he stopped feeling interest in anything. The image of Zheltkov is central in the plot, but little is said about him. What is more important is the power of the feeling that he experienced the last eight years of his life, rather than his personality.

With the help of a small scheme it is possible to sum up the analysis of images in the story "Garnet Bracelet"

Characteristics of the characters (table)

Character Appearance Character Properties
Vera Sheina Slender tall lady with a beautiful and cold face Arrogance, kindness, compassion
Vasily Shein Arrogance, inclination in irony, sensitivity
Anosov A fat, elderly man with a big rough face and an astute gaze Courage, justice, wisdom, sensitivity


A tall stooped man of 30-35 years with a pale, gentle face and blue eyes Detachment from everything that does not touch the Faith, the ability for selfless love

This is the characteristic of the heroes. "Pomegranate bracelet" - despite the small volume, is a deep product. The article presents a brief description of the images, and important details and quotes are missing.

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