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Characteristics and meaning of the name Neonil

The meaning of the name Neonil will be interesting to know its owners, as well as parents who plan to give it to their daughter. It is not included in the category of common, rarely found not only in Russia, but also in other countries of the world. What does this melodic name mean, does it influence the fate and character of its bearer?

Origin and meaning of the name Neonil

First of all it is necessary to understand the issues of meaning and origin. The meaning of the name Neonil is "young," "young," "fresh." Linguists attribute to him the ancient Greek roots. The most popular version says that the name came from the male version of Neon, based on the Greek word "neos".

A common name can not be named, as well as fashionable, in our days so-called daughters are rare mothers and fathers. Nevertheless, he has his own patron, in this role stands the martyr of Neonil. Many centuries ago, this woman died, defending her unshakable faith in God, along with her death was betrayed by her whole family.

The meaning of the name Neonil is indicated above, what are the abbreviations? The possessor of the name is often called Nelei and Niloy, less popular versions - Novella, Nenya.

In childhood

What kind of child is Neonil? The origin of the name from the male version of Neon already hints at the fact that its owner is endowed with a solid character. Even in her early childhood, she learns to achieve her own, defend her point of view. Those who know little of it, little Neonila may seem wayward and stubborn, but behind all of this hides a sensitive nature. The girl does not tolerate family conflicts, but she always provokes them, insisting on her.

What else is the meaning of the name Neonil? For the girl the important role is played by study, she aspires to receive good estimations. Analytical mindset allows her to succeed in studying any subjects - technical and humanitarian. However, Neonila often argues with teachers, conflicts with classmates. This is because it is important for her to insist on her own.

In adulthood

The meaning of the name Neonil ("young", "fresh") can create an erroneous opinion about her character. Growing up, the girl, who was so named, becomes tougher, more assertive, more egoistic. Nevertheless, with people who do not try to encroach on her freedom, to impose her own opinion on her, she gets on well, becomes kind and sympathetic. Over the years, the owner of the name learns to achieve its cunning, succeeds in the art of diplomacy.

Neonila is a woman who appreciates comfort, but she is extremely reluctant to create it. She also has an excellent taste, she loves luxurious things, she accepts expensive gifts with pleasure.


What profession suits a fair sex who received the rare name of Neonil? Interpretation of the name allows to assert that a successful career is extremely important for its owner. A girl who is so called will certainly try to get a higher education. When choosing a profession, it focuses primarily on the amount of wages, and also takes into account the stability.

From Neonila, a successful business woman can turn out, especially if her business is connected with the world of fashion and beauty. The holder of the name can also be the top manager of a large company. Suitable for her and activities related to creativity, for example, Neonila can become a photographer, designer, writer. It is not excluded that more "mundane" professions will seem attractive to her: she can become an excellent economist, a lawyer, a doctor. Purposefulness and perseverance are the qualities by which she will succeed in almost any field.

With colleagues Neonila behaves affably and friendly, but does not go on rapproachement, preferring to look for friends elsewhere.

Love, relationships

Characteristics of the name of Neonil says that its owner likes to stand out from the crowd. She is always impeccably dressed, tries to develop her own unique style, watches her appearance. Of course, Neonila rarely remains without fans.

The first love of a girl, who was so called, is often unhappy. This makes her get rid of illusions, pragmatically approach the search for a life partner. We can say that in marriage, Neonila enters into the calculation. Her attention can attract a smart and respectable man who is ready to provide her with a comfortable life and accept the characteristics of her character.

Before Neonila meets the man of her dreams, she easily agrees to fleeting intrigues, but does not allow casual lovers to penetrate into their hearts. The possessor of the name will hardly connect life with a man whom he considers unworthy of himself.

Family life

How is the family life of a woman who received the beautiful name of Neonil? The nature and the fate of its possessor are interrelated, as can be proved by her role in the family. To the households of Neonil is quite demanding, does not tolerate ignoring his needs. Because of this, her first marriage is often ended in divorce, since not every man is ready to tolerate such categorical.

After the birth of children, Neonila can leave a career, no matter how successful it may be. However, this happens only if the spouse is able to provide her with the opportunity to lead a luxurious lifestyle. Even turning into a housewife, Neonila is unlikely to become engaged in life, rather, she would prefer to instruct this housekeeper.


The possessor of the name becomes an excellent mother, she pays much attention to the care of raising children. However, she also has conflicts with her heirs from time to time, as they get tired of her increased exactingness.


The meaning of the name Neonil ("young") alludes to the fact that its bearer retains energy for many years. Good immunity, which is noted in her early childhood, remains her advantage almost to the end of life. Unfortunately, rare diseases lead to the fact that she does not develop a habit of taking care of her own health.

A woman should not forget about observing the regime of the day, eat and sleep in a timely manner. It is the disrespectful attitude of Neonila to these simple rules and can become a source of malfunctioning in the body.

In her youth, the bearer of the name seeks to make a brilliant career, which often causes her to work for wear and tear. The result can be stresses, which have a negative impact on the nervous system. Neonil is well acquainted with such problems as skin irritations, rashes, becoming the result of overwork.

Hobbies, hobbies

Neonila is the owner of an unusual name. It is possible that this is why it attracts very original hobbies. She can be interested in paranormal phenomena, mysticism, palmistry. Also attractive to her are music, literature. Neonil in childhood - a permanent participant of school amateur performance, the bearer of the name can try a lot of circles until she finds those in which she likes to study. The passion of Neonily can also be horoscopes, including their independent compilation.

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