Food and drinkWines and spirits

Chacha is the drink of the gods!

Chacha is a drink that will not leave anyone indifferent. For some reason, many try it for the first time, being abroad, traveling, although it is quite easy to do at home. It should be noted immediately that chacha is a very strong, so to speak, masculine drink. The percentage of alcohol sometimes reaches sixty, which significantly exceeds the alcohol content of ordinary vodka. Of the merits we will say that Chacha is a drink, the price of which is unlikely to hit your pocket.

Let's turn to history

Chacha came to us from the Caucasus. In general, in fact, it's just grape vodka. However, alcohol professionals and tasters often classify it as a brandy, which greatly enhances its elitism, and at the same time, its popularity. As for Georgia, there is a chacha - a drink made from figs, persimmons, grapes, mandarins, in general, everything that gets under the arm. Such chacha to taste more like moonshine. Arachia and apricots are also used for its preparation. There are a lot of recipes for this drink. We suggest using one of the most adapted for our region and for the Russian people.

Chachi's recipe. Necessary ingredients

You will need a lot of water. About a hundred gram of yeast is taken about thirty liters of water. You also need five kilograms of granulated sugar. The main ingredient is, of course, grape vyshimka. It should be at least ten liters.

Cooking method

Chacha - the drink is pretty capricious and, in order to make it right, you must strictly follow the recipe instructions. However, even the most experienced winemaker S rarely achieve the ideal result. For example, it is almost impossible to calculate exactly which fortress Chacha will turn out to be. Perhaps, it is quite weak, and perhaps it will exceed sixty degrees. The basic rule is - you can never dilute a ready-made drink with water! It will completely ruin the taste.


Ideally, if after cooking the house wine you have a grape cake. So, first lay the cake or squeezes of grapes in a three-dimensional barrel or a large bottle, where you are going to cook chacha. Accurately pour the sugar in small portions, and then yeast. Fill it with water (it should be cold and boiled). Close the barrel tightly with a lid (or bottle) and place the container in a dark place. Someone says that a barrel can be opened in a week, while others insist that it is better to wait a week or two. In any case, do not forget to stir the contents of the barrel sometimes!

Some subtleties

To obtain a greater fortress, some use a moonshine. In doing so, you need to put down a bit of straw, so you avoid burning the cake. In the prepared device it is necessary to pour out the liquid together with the oil cake, and then to overtake. It is worth noting that the chacha prepared such an ob Az, differs quite a specific smell. Most people do not recognize such chachu.


To make the chacha even more delicious, it is necessary to add membranes from walnuts in the cake. The time of infusion of the drink should be increased to two months, then the chacha will please you with a particularly rich taste and aroma.

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