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Castration of the cat: all the pros and cons

So, your kitten has grown and reveals a sexual attraction. The owners of "boys" and "girls" have similar problems: their pets publish heart-rending cries, cats urinate on all vertical surfaces, cats can also urinate in the wrong place. Until then playful playful animals turn into furies: aggressive, vindictive, they lose their appetite, they get hair on. Therefore, the owners after a few sleepless nights begin to think about the question of what gives the castration of a cat or the sterilization of a cat. Is it humane act? Is it worth it to help your pet find your "half" or try to give him a pill that suppresses sexual attraction?

There are people who specifically breed a certain breed. They do not need this question: the money they will receive from the sale of elite kittens will be compensation for the suffering suffered. But if you do not intend to start offspring from your pets, then why should you go four times a year (if you have a girl, and if the boy is much more likely) through these suffering? Many believe that castration of a cat will deprive him of the joys of life. However, these animals do not have the joys of sex, but the instinct of procreation. From this instinct the animal rather suffers, than rejoices. The cat does not have the joy of paternity, because these animals do not breed the offspring together.

There is also the opinion that castration of a cat leads to obesity, lethargy and, worse, to urolithiasis. In fact, this is a myth. If the pet is fed a balanced diet, it will not gain excess weight. Namely obesity is the cause of the wrong metabolism and, as a consequence, urolithiasis. On the contrary, castrated cats and cats remain playful for the rest of their lives, as they are not distracted from entertainment by natural instincts. If you do not want your pet killed in a fight with other applicants for a street beauty, so that your cat died during childbirth or from breast cancer - it is better to deprive them of these "charms of parental life."

Some people believe that the operation to remove the testes is very dangerous and expensive. In fact, the whole operation lasts about 10 minutes. The doctor makes two small incisions on the scrotum of an animal and removes the testes. Even postoperative sutures do not impose. The animal is under general anesthesia at this time. How much does it cost to castrate a cat? Approximately 800 to 2 thousand rubles - depending on the clinic and the region. It is important to take care of the animal in the postoperative period: not to let it jump, lick the wound. Feed the pet only after complete withdrawal from the anesthesia.

The operation for sterilization of the cat is more complicated, and therefore more expensive. Stitches are applied, the animal walks for a while with the bandage. When can I sterilize a cat? And in the case of males, and in the case of females, one rule applies: not earlier than seven months and not later than seven years. An early operation can lead to the fact that the ureters will not be sufficiently formed and this will cause a blockage of the urethra and other diseases of the urinary system. If the cat belongs to a rare breed, in whose representatives sexual adulthood is delayed, then you can wait up to 9 months. And the second seven - 7 years - is dangerous for the elderly animal organism, because the heart and kidneys can not withstand the burden of anesthesia. In general, it is recommended to carry out this intervention in the life of pets before the first mating, because after it in the pituitary gland hormones are produced, and in this case even the operated cat can mark the territory.

Another myth stating that the castration of a cat will lead to the fall of his self-esteem is completely devoid of foundation. In a human society, there are gender stereotypes. This in the society of people has developed a disdainful attitude towards individuals without genitals. In the society of animals, all this is not present. The cat is not forced to believe that he should be macho, this instinct is pushing him to look for a cat. Many of them die in fights, others are mutilated. Sexual hunger affects the body negatively - the animal loses weight, is exhausted, its immunity decreases. Torn in the fight, an ear or a scratch can lead to a serious infection, and even death. It is noticed that castrated males and sterilized females live much longer and happier than their "full" brethren.

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