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Can I get pregnant with thrush? Does candidiasis affect the fetus?

Often women are visited by such a disease as thrush. His scientific name is "candidiasis". It does not cause serious problems, but has a high risk of recurrence. But even such a small trouble can cause a lot of problems during the child's bearing. So, is it possible to become pregnant with thrush, and how can it affect the formation and development of the fetus? Can. But it's better to have a gynecologist's examination before planning pregnancy. It is not superfluous to be checked and partner.

What is Candidiasis? This disease is caused by yeast-like Candida fungi. In a small amount they are present in the microflora of any person. But under adverse circumstances, they begin to multiply rapidly, and unpleasant symptoms appear. Most often this happens because of a decrease in immunity.

Women very rarely attach due importance to candidiasis. Is it possible to get pregnant with thrush? In general, this infection can interfere with the penetration of spermatozoa into the uterus. The thing is that the fungus disrupts the acid-base balance in the vagina. Spermatozoons hard to move through such an environment - most often they die. But in any case, with the question: "Can I get pregnant with thrush?" - the answer is yes. Therefore, do not think that if you have this illness, then you do not need to protect yourself.

Than pregnancy is dangerous at a thrush, after all conception she does not interfere? All sexual infections affect the formation and development of the fetus, and candidiasis is no exception. Moreover, they can directly affect the course of pregnancy and cause a miscarriage. The danger of thrush is that it can be transmitted to the baby. At them the disease is shown by a white touch on a mucous oral cavity.

Another argument against pregnancy with thrush is that hormonal changes increase the acidity of the vagina - this provokes an exacerbation. Taking into account that during the period of gestation the intake of medicinal products is limited, Recovery will be difficult. Therefore, it is not necessary to worry about whether it is possible to become pregnant with thrush, it is worthwhile to think about how the incubation will take place. Therefore, it is better to treat all infections before conception.

What are the symptoms of candidiasis? First of all, these are white cheesy-colored excreta. Most often, an unpleasant odor is felt from the vagina. Sometimes there is burning sensation after urination and itching. But such symptoms can be and at other infections transferred sexual by. Therefore, you do not need to delay the visit to the gynecologist. He will send for tests. Based on their results, a diagnosis will be made and treatment will be prescribed. There are folk methods. So, it is recommended to wash with a weak solution of soda: to do this, take a liter of water and stir in it a tablespoon of soda. You can do syringing: for them use broths of chamomile, juniper, birch buds. Also, even doctors note the benefits of conventional products in the treatment of fungal diseases. So, the onion helps to destroy most kinds of fungus. It is useful to drink carrot juice - beta-carotene strengthens the mucous, they can also do syringing. But it is better to turn to traditional methods of treatment - they are more effective.

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