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Why in pregnancy there is not enough air and it's hard to breathe

Lack of air, as well as shortness of breath, can occur in almost any person. There are many reasons for this phenomenon. Usually this happens with obesity, heavy physical exertion, and so on. However, often lack of air causes disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system. In addition, dyspnea is often complained of by pregnant women. What is it?

What do future moms complain about?

Pregnancy is a difficult period for a woman's body. In this state, he experiences enormous loads. Many people do not have enough air during pregnancy. Women complain that they find it difficult to breathe. They are saved only by frequent airing.

Many can sleep only in cool rooms. Otherwise, they just can not fall asleep. Women feel shortness of breath, they find it difficult to walk, they just choke. So why is there not enough air during pregnancy? What is it connected with and is this condition dangerous?

The most common shortage of air occurs with fast walking, physical activity, after climbing the ladder, while performing certain work. If the trouble with breathing bothers the pregnant woman even during the rest period, then you should seek help from specialists.

Why there is not enough air during pregnancy

Shortness of breath during pregnancy affects many. But do not worry. This phenomenon is temporary and can not harm a child or a future mother. This is due to the special state of the body. The main reasons are:

  1. Low hemoglobin. Anemia in pregnancy is a frequent occurrence. As a result of the development of this disease, the amount of oxygen entering the blood is significantly reduced. As a result, the woman simply does not have enough air during pregnancy.
  2. Failures in the work of the cardiovascular system. The body of a pregnant woman is under extreme stress. Even minor physical exertion can cause shortness of breath. If a woman before pregnancy was noted violations in the work of the cardiovascular system, then she may lack air at rest. Often, this phenomenon is accompanied by fainting or dizziness.
  3. Lack of vitamins and minerals. The most common shortage of air occurs when magnesium is deficient. In this case, a pregnant woman may experience tachycardia.
  4. Neuroses and constant stresses.

How to solve a problem

If it is difficult to breathe during pregnancy, then it is worth to consult specialists for advice. Usually shortness of breath in this state of the body - this is normal. But if the lack of oxygen is felt even during rest, then there is a risk of developing a serious disease.

To begin with, the doctor must conduct a complete examination. A pregnant woman should give a general blood test, which will determine the level of hemoglobin. If this indicator is low, then it can appoint an iron preparation or a complex of vitamins and minerals, which contains iron and magnesium.

If a pregnant woman feels a shortage of air, as well as a sharp, sharp pain in the chest, which gives into the arm or left shoulder, then you need to immediately go to the medical facility for help. In this condition, the patient may become blue-lipped. It is worth noting that a similar phenomenon in pregnancy is extremely rare.

Early pregnancy

Lack of air can be felt in the early stages of pregnancy. This phenomenon occurs at 6-8 weeks. It is during this period in the body of women that hormonal changes are noted.

Most often in pregnancy, there is not enough air for toxicosis. Many believe that this phenomenon is accompanied only by nausea and vomiting. In fact, toxicosis has other associated symptoms. This is heartburn, pain and heaviness in the stomach, a feeling of belly distension from the inside. Similar signs can occur in women at a later date. These symptoms appear with gestosis.

In early pregnancy, a woman may feel a shortage of air after eating. This is noted during the first trimester. Women in such cases try to eat less. However, this does not solve the problem. After eating, unpleasant belching, pain in the area of the stomach and heartburn may also appear. This is primarily associated with the production of growth hormone. This substance is intensively synthesized by the female body during pregnancy.

The last trimester

When pregnancy is not enough air to almost all women. This condition is observed in later periods, when the load on the body increases significantly. This can be explained by physiological changes:

  1. The increase in the uterus in size due to the growth of the fetus.
  2. Pressure on other organs located in the abdominal cavity.
  3. Pulverizing of the lungs. Because of this, the respiratory system is unable to fully expand.
  4. Oppression of the diaphragm.

In some cases, a pregnant woman may feel dyspnea and even suffocate. Most often, such signs occur in expectant mothers of low growth, as well as those who are waiting for the birth of a large baby.

If there is not enough air during pregnancy at a later date, then you will have to wait a little. This is normal. About a few weeks before the birth, the fruit falls down, it makes it easier to breathe. After all, the uterus is located below.

What to do in case of dyspnea

To relieve the condition with dyspnea, it is necessary:

  1. Rest if the problem arose after physical exertion.
  2. At the first signs of shortness of breath, doctors recommend to stand on all fours, completely relax and take a slow breath, and then exhale. You need to repeat this exercise several times.
  3. If there is not enough air during pregnancy, then you should rest with an open window or a window. In this case, there should be no drafts in the room.
  4. Rest is worth half sitting. You can use small cushions and rollers for this. At the same time, sleeping on your back during the last periods of pregnancy is not recommended.
  5. Breakfast should be required. His absence can also cause a shortage of air.
  6. Consult a doctor. Perhaps you will be prescribed calming and relaxing collections of medicinal herbs or prescribe aromatherapy using natural essential oils.
  7. Do not overeat, and also watch for weight gain. Extra pounds also cause shortness of breath.

It is worth the gain

If there is not enough air for breathing during pregnancy, the expectant mother can work out a little. It will not be possible to alleviate this condition completely. However, if you want, you can benefit. Specialists recommend that breathing exercises be performed during shortness of breath. This will allow a woman to learn how to breathe properly during childbirth.

It is worth noting that this practice will allow you to immediately perform several actions. A woman, thanks to dyspnea, can learn to breathe correctly in childbirth. In addition, breathing exercises can improve your well-being with a lack of air.

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