
Calcium for children

Every mother wants to see her baby happy and healthy. Attention and care we give to our kids since their birth. But is it enough for them? Of course not! One of your love for the full development of a growing body is not enough. He also needs a balanced diet.

A vital mineral

One of the most necessary elements for the normal development of the body is calcium. The lack of this mineral has a detrimental effect on the processes of protein synthesis and cell division. Together with phosphorus, calcium is the basis of bone tissue. Also, this mineral is an important component that enters the blood coagulation system. If in the body this substance is not enough, then it is possible to develop hypocalcemia, which is characterized by the following phenomena:

- slowing down the exchange processes,

- increased neuromuscular excitability,

- convulsions,

- the delay in the growth of the child,

- a violation in the formation of bones and teeth,

- malfunctions in the work of the heart muscle,

- Friability of nails,

- hair loss,

- loss of transparency of the lens,

- the appearance of cracks on the enamel of the teeth.

There is calcium in the composition of bread, various cereals, meat, vegetables and fruits, but especially they are rich in milk and dairy products. When preventing the shortage of this and many other minerals in children, it is necessary to adhere to a balanced diet for pregnant women already during the intrauterine development of the child.

Calcium for infants comes with milk from the mother. But along with the growth of the child, the need for it also increases. It is during this period that calcium for children is of the utmost importance. He takes an active part in the formation of bone tissue and enamel erupting teeth. If at this age, the intake of calcium in the body is not enough, then it is possible to disrupt not only these processes, but also disruptions in the work of the cardiovascular and nervous system, as well as the development of muscular dystrophy .

Calcium for children is of great importance and with their further growth. Therefore it is extremely important to fill the daily diet of your baby with products containing this mineral. If the child does not like milk, then good sources of calcium for it will serve as nuts, oatmeal, dried fruits, eggs and fish.

Necessity of taking medications

If the baby suffers from food allergy, then to maintain a sufficient level of calcium in the body as a vital mineral, you should give him drugs containing this element. There are dietary supplements and combined medicines that contain calcium for children, adapted to better perceive it.

These drugs include "Kaltsinova." The action of this drug is due to the vitamins and minerals that make up its composition. "Kaltsinova" for children is available in the form of tablets, which must be resorbed. Assign this drug to prevent hypovitaminosis, strengthen bones and teeth. It is important to receive this remedy for children who refuse to consume dairy products. This drug is prescribed by the attending physician to patients with osteoporosis and fractures. The components of this medicine take an active part in metabolic processes of bone and dental tissue and promote their rapid mineralization.

Calcium preparation "Pantokaltsin" is prescribed for children to improve brain function. Especially it is claimed by teenage pediatricians, who prefer the choice of a safe medication. This drug improves thinking, the perception of the material, increases the ability to learn. In the modern world, its importance increases, especially for children and adolescents who are experiencing great information loads.

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