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Biography of Vladimir Mashkov: photos and interesting facts from life

This actor is not afraid to die on the screen, because to the movie refers to as another part of his life. He is not engaged in business, because he is convinced: the real businessmen are people who get pleasure from this. The man believes that now we live in the era of the end of the world, because our civilization is very bad. Yes, the biography of Vladimir Mashkov shows us what an interesting personality this actor is. Let's try to find out more.

Childhood years of the famous actor

November 27, 1963 in a family of creative people who devoted themselves to theatrical art, a boy was born. He was named Volodya.

He was, as they say, a late child. Babe was born when mother was 39 years old, and father - 40. Almost all of his childhood passed behind the scenes of the theater. This was his only difference from the other millions of schoolchildren in the country of the Soviets. From the youngest years, he was the ringleader, the soul of any company. Mashkov was very good at playing the guitar, listening to Susie Quattro and Paul McCartney, wore long hair. He managed everywhere and everywhere, except for the performance of school duties. The future actor Mashkov studied badly. He often had to change schools because of his behavior and the "nuisances" received for him. Transitions from one educational institution to another became a custom for the boy.

Dreams about the future profession

A cheerful and mischievous disposition somehow managed to get on in some incomprehensible way With trembling love and great compassion To our smaller brothers. He did not have enough strength to pass by a sick or wounded animal - the boy immediately brought him home and tried to cure him. Biography of Vladimir Mashkov Reveals a little secret from his childhood: when Volodya was small, he really wanted to become a biologist. The boy even equipped in one of the rooms in his apartment some kind of zoo. He had two dogs, rats, a turtle, a rabbit, a squirrel, a crow, a hamster. This went on until the tenth grade. And then the passion for biology came to naught. Instead, the guy was seriously taken by the theater. At this age, Volodya first came on stage puppet theater. These were small episodes, but the pleasure received from the performance was huge.

Its roots

Biography of Vladimir Mashkov shows us one interesting fact: Grandma Volodya, who came to teach in the vastness of Russia, was Italian in origin. Already here she fell in love, married and gave birth to her daughter Natasha, who many years later became the mother of one of the greatest actors of our time. Natalya Ivanovna was married in a lawful marriage two times in her life. After the conclusion of the first union, her son Vitaly was born.

As for our hero, Mashkov Vladimir Lvovich was born in Tula, when his mother remarried. And also for the actor - Lev Mashkov. Soon after his birth, the family moved to Novokuznetsk. Parents started working in the city puppet theater. Despite his severity, Volodya's mother treated the scene with special trepidation and reverence. Whatever happened, she left all the bad news outside the theater. Lev Petrovich helped her in every possible way. He sewed his beloved wife dresses and skirts, which were a real exclusivity. He always repaired, scratched, sawed. Mashkov Sr. was well versed in electronics, he cooked superbly. He was the soul of the theater, constantly raising the mood of the whole team with his good jokes.

Novosibirsk: from the university to the school

After receiving Volodya's certificate of graduation, the family moves to Novosibirsk. The future actor Mashkov submits documents to the university's biofacq. But his patience there was enough for him to study for exactly one year. His new love - to the theater - exceeded all other hobbies. He leaves the university and enters the Novosibirsk Theater School.

From the very beginning of studies Mashkov Vladimir Georgievich, whose biography is very interesting for his ambiguity, was a hardworking and gifted student. At the same time, he did not cease to amaze those around him with his fervent disposition, daring and some ruffle. All the holidays, both within the walls of the school, and outside them, took place with his direct participation.

First wife

While still a first-year student, Mashkov Vladimir, a biography whose family represents a never-ending interest for his fans of different ages, fell in love with his classmate - Elena Shevchenko. She was only 17 then. They were at the same table at the celebration of the birthday of their mutual friend. Looking at each other, they understood everything. So began a beautiful and turbulent romance, which ended in a marriage.

Everyone who was next to them at that time understood that this marriage was doomed from the very first moment of existence. Vladimir and Elena had violent temperaments and strong, even complex characters. In their young family, serious passions were boiling. They were both too explosive and impulsive.

Elena was already waiting for the child when the next quarrel happened. She complained to the teachers about her husband. He was summoned to the teachers' council to explain the situation. Then the history holds back the reason why he did not appear in the school. Someone says that he was expelled. Someone that the actor Vladimir Mashkov, whose biography contains many "fried" facts, left himself.

"Well hello, beloved capital!"

After this incident, Mashkov did not drop his hands. He left in 1984 in Moscow. Now he was a student of the Moscow Art Theater. Early next year, Elena gave birth to her daughter Masha. Father saw the baby only when his wife after graduation, too, came to Moscow for admission to GITIS. But a strong family did not work even in the new city. Soon the couple dispersed.

Many years later Masha Mashkova will follow in the footsteps of her parents: after the end of "Sliver" she will also become an actress. Vladimir Mashkov, biography, private life Which does not cease to interest ordinary people, tried to help his daughter and maintain friendly relations with his ex-wife.

But then, in the distant eighties, Mashkov's explosive character once again makes itself felt. Not having time to receive the diploma of the Moscow Art Theater, he entered a fight with one of the students, because the latter insulted the woman. The consequence of this case was the suspension from study. Vladimir was transferred to the Moscow Art Theater as a decorator. He finished his studies only a year later and returned home already a real artist.

The Birth of the Actor

After joining the Moscow Art Theater, the biography of Vladimir Mashkov begins to replenish with new, interesting pages. Through a relatively short time, he becomes one of the leading actors. His debut solid role was Abram Schwartz from the play "Matrosskaya Tishina". After watching his game on stage, Oleg Tabakov, who was the head of the Moscow Art Theater, spoke about the fact that the actor was born. The beginning artist had many more interesting roles - the Governor, Don Juan, Platonov ...

In the early nineties Vladimir Mashkov, biography, personal Whose life has constantly undergone changes, began to engage in directing. In the theater of Tabakov, he staged several performances: "Passion for Bumbarash", "Death Room" and others.


In the cinema environment Mashkov became his own in 1989, when he played Nikita in the melodrama of Anatoly Mateshko "Green Goat Fire". Later were "Do it again!" And "Love on the Island of Death." 1994 was for the actor very successful and even happy. Vladimir, starring at young Russian directors - Denis Evstigneev ("Limita") and Valery Todorovsky ("Podmoskovnye evenings") - literally woke up famous. A year later, in his picture - the drama "American daughter" - he invited himself Karen Shakhnazarov.

1997 was not less lucky. On the screen came a picture of Pavel Chukhrai "The Thief." Mashkov here had the main role - he played Tolyan. There was a whole "bouquet" of confessions, the film even was nominated for an Oscar. In the same year Mashkov tries himself as a filmmaker. Remembering the magnificent New Year's Ryazanov's films, he also puts on a New Year comedy - The Orphan of Kazan.

The script for the film was written in just four weeks. The main role of Vladimir offered his ex-wife Elena Shevchenko. The roles of the fathers were created especially for the actors who play them - Lev Durov, Valentin Gaft and Oleg Tabakov.

Perhaps, it is not so easy to "outdo" the talent of Ryazanov, but the film of the young director was a success. He turned out to be very warm, kind, sincere, interesting and funny. The role of the groom was played by Nikolai Fomenko. In some scenes it does not even need to be listened to, you just have to look into his eyes. And everything becomes clear without words. The director himself "lit up" in his debut picture in a small role - the seller of the kiosk.

The whole crew was pleased with this work. "Star Daddies" confessed to Mashkov in love and talked about how correctly he adjusted the entire work process, remaining on the main stage, not raising any of the actors voice. Vladimir himself was simply shocked by the work of the great masters. He knew that they were loved and recognized by all spectators. But at the same time they did not have a hint of arrogance, they did not cease to study at these shootings. And all of them, absolutely "disgusting" actors, with great pleasure agreed to perform a beautiful romance in this comedy and even dance tango with their screen daughter.

The new millennium brought new roles: Platon Makovsky in the "Oligarch", Rogozhin in the "Idiot" and many other interesting and different works. Now he is an acting actor in the Theater of Oleg Tabakov's studio, who, according to rumors, is going to entrust him with his "Tabakerka" in the future.

In search of a single

After the divorce with his first wife, Vladimir Mashkov, personal life Which constantly excites the minds of the fans, entered into marriage three more times: with the actress MKhATA Alena Khovanskaya, fashion designer Ksenia Terentyeva and American actress of Ukrainian origin Oksana Shelest. The last, fourth wife, was younger than Mashkov for 22 years. But none of these relationships lasted long. Now Vladimir Mashkov again tries to find his new happiness.

This is him, Vladimir Mashkov. Biography, photos, personal life - everything is subjected to a careful study of fans, who are interested in any detail related to their idol. We wish him new acting achievements and happiness in his personal life!

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