
Biochemical blood test: normal parameters

Very often when you visit a doctor, we are forced to do a biochemical blood test. What lies behind the results, fractional inscribed in a special form, only medical workers know. It is also important for us to have an idea of what indicators are normal and which ones make us look for the cause of the malfunctions in the body.

The blood of a person is a container of shaped elements that perform certain functions in the body. If a patient has been assigned a biochemical blood test, normal values should be taken into account depending on the age. In addition, some indicators in women and men are different even in the norm - this should also be taken into account when doing a biochemical blood test, the normal parameters of which, as already mentioned above, are individual.

Consider the blood "in parts". Plasma, which is a component of blood, mostly consists of water, proteins, inorganic and organic substances. In addition, oxygen and carbon dioxide are present here. Biochemistry of blood, the parameters of the system largely depend on the quality of the plasma, because it performs a significant part of the work to maintain homeostasis, participates in the metabolism, the removal of waste from the body.

Significant role belongs to proteins - albumins and globulins. The first transport blood bilirubin, fatty acids, metal salts, medicinal substances. Albumins are produced by the liver and determine blood pressure, provide tissue and cells with food.

The second category of proteins - globulins - carries fats, hormones, and participates in the formation of antibodies. Such a variety as immunoglobulins protect the body from diseases. Analysis of blood biochemistry, deciphering the results in the presence of disease always show an increased amount of immunoglobulins. This means that in the body pathological processes occur, to which the organism responds by increasing the production of this particular protein variant. Usually, with this result, the doctor will pay special attention to the kidneys, liver, intestines, gynecology. This kind of protein, like C-reactive, with its increased index indicates a protracted inflammatory process.

If the patient has made a biochemical blood test, normal indications tell the doctor about the calcium, sodium, cholesterol, iron, bilirubin content. Of course, each person's level of these substances will be different and this is normal, but the lack of certain populations of calcium and phosphorus can lead to serious consequences, which should be warned as soon as possible.

Another component of blood is lipids. They are also divided into groups. I will note that the norm of lipid indices depends on age - the older the person, the higher his level. If lipids are increased, then a consultation of a gastroenterologist, cardiologist or endocrinologist may be necessary, since this situation may indicate the presence of liver diseases, atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus.

Carrying out a biochemical blood test, normal indices should also be in glucose - this is very important, since glucose as a whole reflects the level of "energy" in the body. If the glucose level is low, then the body is exhausted and suffers from a lack of energy. Typically, such patients experience fatigue, lack of sleep, lethargy and weakness

Blood carries along the body also hormones, which are responsible for many processes. These are growth hormones, sex hormones, thyroid hormones and others. Thanks to the well-coordinated work of the organs and the circulatory system, a hormonal balance is established in the body, the violation of which leads to serious consequences. And the treatment of the hormonal sphere is one of the most difficult.

Even though the patient is guided by the basic blood indicators, the final diagnosis is set by the doctor, taking into account all the features.

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