
Bioadditive "Mountain calcium D3" with mummies: user reviews

Such a chemical element, like calcium, is very important for the human body. This mineral is responsible for the formation of our skeleton, normalization of the level of carbohydrates, fluid exchange and clotting of blood. It also regulates the secretion of hormones and muscle contraction, has an anti-inflammatory effect and reduces the permeability of the walls of blood vessels. Overabundance or deficiency of the mineral adversely affects the acid-base balance.

Lack of this element is more often observed in people who adhere to a low-calorie diet. Its shortage also occurs in various pathologies. In such cases, the body begins to fill its deficiency from the teeth, bones and hair. And this is fraught with negative consequences for health. To avoid such problems, you should monitor the level of calcium - to fully eat and consume special drugs.

Today, the pharmaceutical market offers a variety of bioadditives, it is difficult for a normal person to choose a particular option. To the mineral is better absorbed, requires the presence of vitamin D3 and a number of trace elements (among them phosphorus, boron, manganese, silicon and others). All these criteria correspond to the homoeopathic preparation "Mountain calcium D3" with mummies. Reviews about the vitamin complex are more than worthy. Let us describe the useful properties and effect of this drug. How effective is Mountain Calcium D3 (Evalar)?


To appreciate two micronutrients, such as calcium and vitamin D3, it will not be difficult. These substances are necessary at any age. But what about the mummy? Why is it contained in tablets, what effect does the body have? This gift of nature has many valuable properties, it contains a whole range of amino acids, vitamins, macro and microelements.

Mumiye is not only the main supplier of calcium, but also has a rejuvenating and health-improving effect on humans. An important point: pills sold in pharmacy chains do not bring the desired effect, because for their production is used extract of mountain tar and chemical additions. The preparation "Mountain calcium D3" with mummy contains only natural components and a number of microelements that help our bone tissue to become firm and strong, which helps prevent osteoporosis. The difference is obvious.


Appointment is prescribed for adults and children over 12 years of age (when an active physiological development of the skeleton is observed). The preparation "Mountain calcium D3" with mumiye reviews from women who are in the postmenopausal and menopausal period, gets positive: the pills help to strengthen the muscle and bone tissue, normalize the condition of the hair, tooth enamel and nails. It is irreplaceable medicine for athletes and individuals adhering to strict diets.

Rules of admission

The product "Mountain calcium D3" with mumiye reviews regularly gets enthusiastic. The result is observed after a month: swelling in the wrists, pain in the joints and bones. To fill the daily requirement, you should take 4 tablets twice a day at the time of food intake for a month. The taste of the drug is specific due to the content of the mountain tar.

Although the additive does not belong to the group of drugs, it is dangerous to take it uncontrollably. Even vitamin complexes can adversely affect the state of health. That's why it is recommended to consult a specialist first. It must be remembered that it is dangerous to take uncontrolled tablets during childbearing and breastfeeding. The considered additive does not suit people with hypersensitivity to its individual components.

Form of issue

The drug is administered in tablets. The blister contains 80 capsules of light beige shade of round shape. The cost of one package varies from 150-200 rubles. Medication "Mountain calcium D3" with mummies (reviews confirm its high effectiveness) is one of the best of its kind.

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