
Best Allergy Skin Cream in Adults: Review and Feedback

Allergy is an unusual in the normal body reaction to a certain pathogen, which in this case will be called an allergen. It can manifest itself in several forms. A person can come to sneeze when dealing with an allergen, sometimes there is tearing, a runny nose, redness on the skin, headache and even destabilization of digestion. In the environment there are many factors that can cause allergic reactions in some people. If there is a urticaria, then the cream can be helped by an allergy on the skin in adults.

The main allergens

Allergic reactions can occur when in contact with an allergen, which can be of natural origin or chemical nature. What can be natural allergens?

  1. Pollen of some plants when ingested on mucous membranes is capable of causing an allergic reaction. Among the most famous plants can be called ambrosia in the flowering period, wormwood, conifers, cereals, ficus, fern, azalea and others.
  2. Poplar fluff is one of the most common irritants.
  3. Moldy fungus - the cause may be increased humidity in the room or land from the garden in a flower pot.
  4. Wool of domestic animals, as well as products of their livelihoods. This is not just about gruel and dogs, it also applies to hamsters and other rodents, as well as parrots and so on.
  5. Food - there are people who have an unusual reaction to honey, seafood, some cereals and cereals, eggs, nuts, some spices and even dairy products.
  6. An allergic reaction occurs often with insect bites, such as wasps, bees, ants, mosquitoes and so on.

This is the main list of allergens that are present in kind in the environment. Avoiding contact with them is sometimes incredibly difficult, so in such situations it is often necessary to use various drugs that block the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

The allergy can be manifested immediately after contact with the pathogen or when it accumulates up to a certain amount. From the moment of contact with the allergen can pass from several minutes to several weeks, after which a non-standard reaction will appear.

Allergens of non-natural origin

Allergies can be caused not only by some natural factors or plants, but also by products invented by man as a result of scientific and technological progress. These include:

  • Chemicals - powders, detergents and so on.
  • Tobacco smoke.
  • Dyes in products, including alcoholic beverages.
  • Nutritional supplements.
  • Ornaments from metal.

If the reaction to the allergen occurred instantaneously, then this indicates that contact with this subject is better to cease and do not repeat such mistakes in the future.

Symptoms of pathology

In order to determine that there is an allergy, it is necessary to observe the moment at which the reaction manifests itself and with what it may be related. It is also necessary to know some basic symptoms of an allergy in order to have a clear idea of how the disease can develop. The main symptoms of allergies are the following:

  • Rashes on the skin, hives;
  • If the allergy manifested itself in the food product after its direct ingestion, then there may be numbness of the tongue, as well as loss of taste sensations;
  • Nausea until vomiting;
  • Digestive disorders;
  • rhinitis;
  • dizziness;
  • headache;
  • labored breathing;
  • Changes in blood pressure;
  • Sneezing;
  • nasal congestion;
  • Nerve stress conditions;
  • Lacrimation;
  • suffocation;
  • tachycardia.

To tolerate the presence of such symptoms becomes very difficult to alleviate the condition of the patient, it is necessary to take proven drugs that should be at the allergies at hand.

Skin Allergies

Most allergens appear on the surface of the skin in the form of rashes, which are called urticaria. What is urticaria? It can be accompanied by itching and flaking of the skin, the appearance of rashes and acne. If there is a reaction of the body that manifests itself as external changes, then it is advisable to apply local treatment in such situations. For this, a cream from an allergy on the skin in adults is used. They come in different types depending on the origin of the allergen.

Hormonal preparations for allergies

At non-standard reactions of an organism to an allergen apply a cream from an allergy on a skin at adults, hormonal preparations often thus take place. If the cause of the allergy lies in the hormonal changes in the body, then it is advisable to apply hormone-type creams. They should be appointed exclusively by medical specialists in the field. Independently such means to apply is contraindicated, since it is possible to inflict even greater harm on the body.

What kind of cream for skin allergy is recommended for adults? Among the most famous and effective antiallergic drugs of local action, it is necessary to note the following:

  • Akriderm;
  • "Afloderm";
  • Advantan;
  • Hydrocortisone;
  • "Prednisolone";
  • "Kutiveyt";
  • "Dermovayt" and others.

The cream for skin allergy in adults should be used with extreme caution, before using it is worth studying the side reactions that may occur.

Non-hormonal drugs for allergies

If you need a cream for skin allergy in adults, nonhormonal drugs have plus along with other drugs of a similar action. If the allergy is nonhormonal in nature, then it is rational to take care of improving the condition of the patient with the help of ointments or cream. They can have different effects and side effects, they must be used with caution. Some of these funds can be used for children from the first days of life.

Effective means of allergy

If you choose a cream from an allergy on the skin, reviews about them will not be superfluous. From allergies can be used antihistamines, among those are noted all known "Fenistil" and "Psilo-balm". Their effect is in some way specific, they do not eliminate the cause, but fight the symptoms, that is, they can eliminate redness, rashes, itching, flaking and other external manifestations of an allergic reaction.

If the allergic reaction is manifested as a result of inflammation, it is advisable to pay attention to such drugs that can also be used for children from the first days of life, since they do not have a large list of possible side effects. This is "Protopik" and "Elidel".

Means of combined action

Any cream from skin allergy in adults, photos of some of them can be seen in the article, should be prescribed by a doctor. Non-hormonal drugs from allergies can have a combined effect on the body. What will it consist of? One tool can have several effects. If you choose the optimal cream for skin allergy in adults, the review should start with directional drugs. Combined preparations against allergies can eliminate fungal infections, contain antibiotics in their composition and simultaneously have anti-allergic properties. Among the best preparations of combined action, it is necessary to note the following:

  • "Lorinden";
  • "Triderm";
  • "Belosalik";
  • "Diprosalik";
  • Akriderm GK.

All drugs for allergies should be prescribed only after the allergen has been clarified and only by the attending physician. A huge assortment of various ointments, creams and other antiallergic drugs can not be universal, especially when it comes to allergies. Therefore, it is advisable to visit a specialist in order to determine for himself the best methods of treatment and remedies.

Reviews about nonhormonal preparations

Do you buy a cream from an allergy on the skin of adults? The instruction is one of the most important selection criteria. If you compare drugs against allergy for effectiveness and versatility for different variants of rashes, nonhormonal drugs have more advantages along with hormonal. More benefits are non-hormonal cream from skin allergies in adults, reviews about them are different.

Among the side effects and contraindications to the use of such drugs, usually only the individual intolerance of certain components that are present in the composition is indicated. Patients say that such drugs effectively eliminate external manifestations of allergic reactions of the body to the pathogen. If the skin is damaged, then the healing process with the use of funds occurs at an accelerated rate.

Many testify that the spread of hives and other injuries on the skin slows down and completely stops. It is also gratifying that such drugs can be used for children, as well as pregnant women and women during lactation. They do not cause hormonal changes in the body, which can often lead to a set of extra pounds.

If you choose a cream from an allergy on the skin in adults, the effectiveness of each of them will be different. Despite the universality of non-hormonal drugs, they should still be appointed by specialists and applied under their clear guidance and supervision.


In order to determine the optimal method of treatment and remedy, it is necessary to identify the allergen. It is not always possible to do this by laboratory methods, often ordinary observation comes to the rescue. What is the method of diagnosis? It can also be called trial and error. In order to exclude this or that factor, it is necessary to check the reaction of the organism to contact with it.

If it concerns food, then with the exclusion of a product, the allergy may disappear and not disturb. It is worth paying close attention to household chemistry. In the modern world, this is one of the most common allergens, therefore, when allergic reactions occur on the skin, it is necessary to eliminate and replace the means for washing clothes or washing dishes and at the same time observe the reaction.

Alternative therapies

Even the best allergy cream on the skin of adults can not cope with the task, if not get rid of the allergen or reduce contact with it. In order to reduce the risk of allergic reactions of the body to the pathogen, it is also possible to use alternative methods of action:

  1. Traditional methods of treatment.
  2. Prevention.

If we talk about traditional methods of treating allergies, then it should be said that in various directories of medical direction there are ways, which consist in preparation of decoctions and infusions, solutions for internal or external application. But it is also worth noting that some herbs can not only not have a positive effect, but also aggravate the situation by causing a new allergy, an unconventional reaction of the body.

The most common folk remedies are mummies, tincture of nettle and celandine, celery. For internal use, broth is used.

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