
Angelica officinalis as a medical device

Angelica officinalis (among other names - female ginseng, common angelica) is an umbrella herbaceous plant, whose height can reach 2 meters. It multiplies in several ways - dividing the trunk, roots and layers. It can be found in wet places - on the shores of lakes, rivers, floodplain meadows and so on.

Angelica as a medicine

For the preparation of medicines not all the angelica officinalis is used, but only its rhizomes. They are cleaned and cut, dried outdoors in the shade. From the first year of life of female ginseng, such stocks are made in autumn, and from the second - in spring. Collection and harvesting must be done very carefully, so as not to mix up with other umbellate plants angelica officinalis. The photo below shows well that there is a great similarity between the female ginseng and its relatives. But many of the umbrella (excluding Angelica) are poisonous and dangerous to health.

The shelf life of the rhizomes of this plant is two years. Angelica officinalis contains such bitter substances and essential oils, which can have a curative effect. It includes a number of valuable acids - apple, angelic, valerian. In particular, they disinfect, significantly improve appetite and digestion. Angelica is able to cough and also has diuretic properties. It contains a number of organic acids, so it is a good sweatshop and diuretic. Also Angelica officinalis optimizes the work of the intestines, relieves convulsions. It is used for gout, rheumatism, back pain, toothache, otitis, insomnia, cholelithiasis.

Decoctions of ginseng female

Three tablespoons of angelica put in a container and pour boiling water (0.2 liters). Place the dishes for half an hour on a water bath. Decoction cool, strain. The remedy will help with a strong cough, spasms of the stomach, improve appetite. In addition, it is expectorant and diaphoretic. Therefore, it is often used for laryngitis and bronchitis.

15 grams of dried roots of angelica pour boiling water (one and a half cups) and, after putting on the fire, cook for five minutes. This infusion should be taken with bronchitis, bowel or liver disease. One single dose is 15 ml. Take infusion does not need more than four times a day.

The angelica will also help you with stress. A tablespoon of rhizomes to insist for three hours, before filling a glass of boiling water and covering with a lid. Strain and drink 0.1 liter 30 minutes before eating. This drug tones well, is used to treat neurological diseases.

If the secretion of the pancreas is lowered, the next infusion will help. The rhizomes of Angelica dry and pour into flour. Then 1 gram of the received powder mix with 0,1 ml of water and use no more than three times a day.


Angelica officinalis is undoubtedly a very useful natural remedy that strengthens health. However, as a medicine, it does not suit everyone. In Angelica there is, besides useful, a number of harmful substances. Pregnant women are strongly advised not to use it. In addition, people who take drugs on the basis of this plant, should not during long periods stay in the open sun for a long time.

Use in Cooking

Angelica medicinal is a good remedy. Its use, however, is not limited to medicine. It is often used as a seasoning for many dishes. Fresh chopped roots of female ginseng can be added to soups or salads.

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