
Bank Trust: Customer Testimonials

Its existence began in 1995 as a subsidiary of Menatep. Since March 2005, it is an independent institution under a new name: OJSC National Bank Trust.

The main owner of shares is ZAO UK Trust (over 98%). One of the main advantages of this enterprise is the widely developed geography of representative offices and branches throughout Russia. Bank Trust receives feedback from customers in 170 cities and has established itself throughout Russia as a reliable partner. A powerful network is actively engaged in servicing 200 points of sales. More than 28 thousand different organizations have already used the services of the bank.

Main activities

For the main way of activity the bank has chosen such directions as development of small and medium business. Reviews about the bank "Trust" say that it is the main partner for small entrepreneurs. Another well-developed direction in which the company operates is the market of investment services. In this area, the bank has won one of the strongest positions in Russia. For its clients, "Trust" will be able to offer a full range of services in this area. This institution is also the largest producer of international plastic cards in Russia. For private individuals is the system of state deposit insurance.

Bank Trust: reviews

The institution has long won its client due to its undeniable advantages over its competitors. Bank "Trust" reviews regularly in the media and from ordinary consumers of the banking product. For example, the site in 2013 collected a rating of the most profitable deposits, where the bank "Trust" took its rightful place (offer "Trust-Leader"). The popularity of the bank also significantly increased the advertising campaign with the participation of the famous Hollywood actor Bruce Willis. Bank Trust receives feedback from individuals who use its services on the Internet at all thematic forums. Another place where the institution has won a leading position is popular social networks (Odnoklassniki, Twitter, VKontakte, Facebook). Such a high percentage of subscribers shows that the potential and current client of the bank is young and modern. Bank "Trust" problems arising from customers, solves by collecting information and feedback from consumers. Therefore, the management of the institution pays special attention to this issue and actively monitors the appeals and complaints of clients. For acquaintance with the detailed information on bank products it is possible to take advantage of its official Internet site or address in the nearest branch.

Additional service

Bank services can also be used with the help of Internet bank resources. There you will be able to open or close the account, make transfers, open deposits, pay for mobile communications and much more at no cost. Internet Banking is the ability to manage your funds from anywhere in the world and at any time you need. Connection to the Internet bank occurs through the application of a passport to a consultant in the nearest branch of the bank.

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