HealthHealthy Eating

Ayurveda. Natural Hygiene

The question of healthy and proper nutrition begins to rise more often. People with health problems think about how to solve them, and try to find techniques without the use of drugs, because at the moment, drugs are an expensive pleasure.

In the modern world, the proportion of people who have started to play sports and consume healthy food increases every year. In many countries around the world, about 30% of the population suffers from a disease such as obesity. However, many of them took a great interest in sports and changed their diet. People began to watch their health, and sports became quite a fashionable movement. Previously, this topic was not as relevant as it is now. This applies to both young people and older people. Increasingly, questions are discussed among sports, specific exercises, gyms and so on. This topic is becoming more interesting.

Each person receives information from various sources: online articles, books, youtube channels, and everything in this spirit. However, in order to construct information in the head, it is necessary to spend a lot of time and effort in finding the information that is worthwhile.

It should start with where the healthy, proper nutrition came from. Because without a reference to historical facts, it makes no sense to move on. "A people who does not know their history is doomed to destruction."

There are many health sciences, which began their existence for many years or even centuries ago. The most famous is Ayurveda. The origin of this teaching took place in India millennium ago - this teaching is the most ancient. Eastern countries have always differed in their knowledge of health and beauty, both in the past and in the present. The progenitor of the science of a healthy lifestyle is Dhanvantari, mentioned in the Vedas. This Indian teaching is popular in our time, and in 1985 it was even recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO). Ayurveda involves the treatment not only of the affected organ of the body, but treatment in its entirety. The emphasis is also on preventing diseases, offering therapeutic methods for maintaining health and further longevity.

Given the fact that the Indian teaching is the oldest one, it can be concluded that all those who have appeared again rely on Ayurveda. Great influence was exerted on European, Arab, and American countries. Its basic procedures, such as: diagnostics, diets, enemas and baths - have become the basis of medical practice in many world countries. Also, the directions of this exercise went into medicine, they include surgery, therapy, pediatrics, pharmacology and ophthalmology; Massages, acupuncture, physiotherapy and dietology. Over the last millennium, Ayurvedic knowledge has expanded, it does not stand still, but is improved. This doctrine had moments of decline during the XVIII-XIX centuries, when European doctors offered better treatment. But over the past 50 years, the popularity of Ayurveda has started to increase again due to the fact that European doctors began to use only treatment with pills and completely ignore preventive methods of diseases, as well as folk remedies and methods.

In India and other countries, there are many institutions that teach this science. Also in major hospitals and clinics in India there are departments of Ayurveda therapy.

The main thing in Ayurveda is to find harmony of one's own body and soul, because this science is not only about physiology, but also about the soul.

The second most famous teaching was "Natural Hygiene". This science is the heiress of Ayurveda, as mentioned earlier. It has a very great similarity in principles and methods. Its origin was associated with mass epidemics, when drugs did not help. And they began to resort to the complex improvement of man. It used all the improvised means provided by nature: water, sun, rest, proper food.

The origin occurred in 1832 in the USA. And the preacher is Sylvester Graham. Graham was an adherent of the fact that man himself is to blame for his illnesses and misfortunes, because he leads an abominable way of life. He preached vegetarian food, and according to statistics, none of the vegetarians fell ill at that time a terrible disease of cholera.

Initially, the pressure of this theory was felt that there should not be medicines in the treatment of the human body. The main thing in natural hygiene is the self-restoring powers of the organism, which are excitated by means of the complex healing conditions described above. The way to health through health measures.

Like Ayurveda, natural hygiene is built on the following principles:

  1. Health. The English word "health" comes from the Old English word "hǣlþ", which means "healthy, whole, unharmed". From this it follows that health is a state of integrity and unharmedness of the organs of the human body, as well as their growth and adaptation to each other. Each organ interacts and is interdependent from another organ, that is, the integrity principle operates here, and not "every man for himself".
  2. Disease. Each disease involves a complex disease of the body, and not its individual parts. A preventive approach is also used.
  3. Food. "Food is the most important factor supporting life. Only food intake contributes to the correct development of man, the use of the same harmful food is the cause of disease ", - Vedas
  4. Mood. The basis is the mental state of the human body. Here you need to use positive emotions, because the body with negative emotions is prone to overeating.
  5. The rejection of medication-tablets. The use of natural herbs for treatment is more effective than tablets made chemically.

It was an introductory article about the origin of such an urgent topic of health. However, I do not call you to treatment based on the data of theories of pneumonia, erysipelas, appendicitis and other infectious diseases and requiring surgical intervention. Antibiotics and a scalpel work well with them. But in order to help in the chronic diseases that afflict most of the world, Ayurveda is a good choice with minimal side effect.

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