HealthDiseases and Conditions

Arthritis of the fingers

Enlargement, creaking and deformity of the joints, tingling and numbness of the fingers, pain in the morning are the first signs of the appearance of a person with a disease called "rheumatoid arthritis of the fingers". This disease is autoimmune in contrast to osteoarthritis, which is caused, most often, by an increased strain on the toe joints. Distinguish these two diseases easily, since arthritis of the fingers of the rheumatoid type is symmetrical. In addition, it can be accompanied by malaise, fatigue, high fever.

If you suspect rheumatoid arthritis of your fingers, the symptoms are as follows: impossibility to perform small movements by hands: fasten the button, hold the cup, take a pinch of salt, etc.

The second type of arthritis - with the prefix "osteo -" is mostly found in older people. This arthritis arises from the deterioration of the cartilage and, more often, affects the joints of large, middle, index fingers. They appear peculiar nodules, tumors, which in fact - bone spurs, grown around the joints.

For any type of arthritis, the surfaces of the joints are damaged. Because of this inflammatory process, a mild and smooth movement occurs in the movements where the cartilage is most likely damaged. The changes that have occurred in the joint capsule and ligaments, the thinness of the cartilage of the joint are arthritis of the fingers.

The most common among arthritis are arthritis of the elbows and knee joints, the feet, the phalanges of the hands. On Earth, this disease affects women more often. There are cases of disease and children. Until the end of the cause of the person in this disease are unknown, but on our planet with the diagnosis of "arthritis" every 7th Earthman.

Why does this disease occur? Among the most common causes is infection in the body. People who have recovered from and become ill with infectious diseases (influenza, ARVI, hepatitis, tuberculosis, venereal, etc.) are already at risk. A cause arthritis streptococci and Staphylococcus aureus. The following causes are injuries, bruises, falls, operations. In third place - heredity. Therefore, if someone has arthritis in the family, more attention should be paid to its prevention. Provoke the development of arthritis can smoking, extra pounds, weakened immunity, hypothermia. Among the varieties of arthritis and gout.

Today we will pay attention to rheumatoid arthritis.

A person can be sick for years with this type of arthritis, but do not even guess about it. But when the joints of the fingers begin to ache, swell, dull, appear weakness, - only then will the question of visiting a doctor arise. But it may be too late, because the joints of the fingers are already chronically inflamed. Unfortunately, the progressing arthritis of the fingers is fast enough and seriously damages the joints. Therefore, as soon as the first symptoms of this disease appear, you need to urgently consult a specialist.

Prevention of this disease is sufficient in the human diet for foods with omega-3 fatty acids, with vitamin D. Among other medical recommendations - regular examination of the doctor, the systematic implementation of exercises that strengthen the finger muscles, frequent rest breaks for the hands.

When the first signs of the disease "arthritis of the fingers" appear, doctors advise you to train your fingers with the help of special devices (foam plastic balls), play the piano, embroider, and also replace Velvets with Velcro, purchase lightweight dishes and kitchen utensils, change the door handles to more comfortable and etc.

If you doctor diagnosed "arthritis of the fingers" after the examination, chondroprotectors, anti-inflammatory drugs and antirheumatic drugs supplemented with cold or thermal compresses are usually included in the course of treatment. The first dilates the vessels, while facilitating the blood flow in the affected areas. Thermal moist compresses have, on the contrary, vasoconstrictive action. With their help, edema decreases, and sensitivity decreases. Each of the types of compresses is effective in its own way. Effective methods of treatment are the use of anti-inflammatory ointments to reduce pain syndrome, wearing knitted mittens and socks made of canine, sheep, goat hair. In the appointments of specialists there can be physiotherapeutic procedures: ultrasound, warming, massage, mud therapy, magnetotherapy, etc., selected strictly individually. Therapeutic exercise, a special diet will also help in the treatment of arthritis and the removal of acute conditions. If you introduce fruits, vegetables, herring and salmon dishes, sunflower seeds and pumpkins, bran, walnuts and other foods rich in vitamin E and antioxidants into your regular diet, it is possible to stop the development of chronic inflammatory processes in the joints.

In extremely neglected cases, doctors recommend surgery with joint replacement.

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